Zhou Mu's words sounded.

Everyone felt confused.

What's the meaning?

what to consider

They all looked at the guest Wang Zhihua.

Because Zhou Mu was obviously speaking to him.

Unexpectedly, Wang Zhihua, who was still indifferent to the Wu family just now, had an expression on his face when he heard this.

Some shy.

I'm a little embarrassed.

This change is so big that people are dumbfounded.

【Guest Wang Zhihua, what's wrong? This expression is not right!】

[If you are excited, sad, or indifferent, everyone can understand. 】

【After all, you just fell out of love, but what's the matter with this shyness?】

【It's so strange! What kind of operation is Zhou Mu doing?】

[It looks like Zhou Mu is doing things later. 】

[Can you stop playing charades. 】

【There is definitely something going on here!】


At this time, even the neighbors watching the excitement all looked at the guest Wang Zhihua.

Although these people of aunt's age have only come here not long ago.

But the respective messages have been exchanged, coupled with speculation, about the situation on the spot.

Restoring the whole incident is almost inseparable.

After all, the people who know your family best are really the neighbors you have seen all year round.


The news that the children of the Wu family were about to get married had already been spread by Wu Yan's mother.

Now she is extremely regretful.

Why would you take it out and say it.

It made her feel very embarrassed and angry now.

But Zhou Mu didn't care about these at all, and continued to talk to the guest Wang Zhihua.

"Don't be shy, it's not the first time you've fallen in love!"

"You just want to find someone to live a good life."

"You have also seen what she said just now. It is well-founded. She is a good girl, and she just wants to live a good life."

"Isn't this the perfect fit for your requirements?"

Everyone listened.

Is this introducing the subject to the guests?

This is too fast, the introduction started within a minute after we broke up.

【Holy shit, is Zhou Mu introducing someone to the guest?】

【It sounds like the words are true, and it seems to have been introduced a long time ago. 】

[Then it was introduced before the points were made. 】

[This Zhou Mu is too cunning, actually prepared for the guests to retreat a long time ago. 】

[True Nima talent. 】

[However, Zhou Mu also met the guest for the first time in this program, where can I find the introduction of the girl?]

[I have been under the camera of the show all the time, I never saw Zhou Mu say it,]

[Only when the camera followed Yuan Hong, Zhou Mu brought the guests on the road outside. There is no camera for such a short time,]

【Could it be at this time?】


There were speculations in the live broadcast room.

Where did Zhou Mu find the time to introduce objects to the guests?

After all the calculations, it seems that there is only such a little free time.

The rest of the people are also looking at each other,

Especially Wu Yan and his parents.

They all showed expressions of disbelief. .

Zhou Mu continued.

"The situation in the other party's family is also simple, and you understand that there is no such situation as Wu Yan's family.

"The other party must have a good life with you."

"The dowry is more, 300,000, but you have prepared so much in the first place, so you can afford it.

"If you think about it further, the 300,000 yuan is for her parents to build a house. She is an only child, and it will be yours in the future.

"Usually enough to stay at home, you can also live in the other party's house, her parents are definitely very kind to you.

With the words spoken.

Everyone felt something was wrong.

A gift of 300,000 yuan.

The one I introduced also needs a bride price of 300,000 yuan.

Why is it so familiar.

Involuntarily, they all moved their eyes towards the corner of the road.

There was a figure standing there with his head bowed, and the roots of his exposed ears were bright red.

Facing the eyes of the crowd, he was a little overwhelmed.

Gu Linlin?

This person who is always on the sidelines, no one pays attention, no one cares.

It is now the center of sight.

Everyone in the live broadcast room frantically swiped the barrage.

【Fuck, fuck, fuck!】

【This mud horse can do it?】

[The labor and management are all stupid, what kind of operation is this. 】

【It's actually Gu Linlin, how could it be Gu Linlin!】

[No wonder there is always a feeling of familiarity, and he said that the guest has seen it before and heard it from the other party. 】

【Just now in the yard, when Zhou Mu was asking questions, Jiabao was present the whole time. 】

[When I mentioned the 300,000 dowry gift, I felt wrong. 】

【You can tell by Gu Linlin's expression. 】

【Made, just as soon as he left the camera, Zhou Mu not only gave up on the guests, but even introduced new ones. 】

[This operation is really coquettish. 】


Obviously, Zhou Mu's words.

Combined with Gu Linlin's expression.

Everyone can see it.

The person Zhou Mu introduced to Wang Zhihua was her.

for a while.

Everyone present was dumbfounded.

No one expected Zhou Mu to have such an idea.

It takes someone with something in their head to figure it out.

But Zhou Mu didn't notice it.

Instead, he turned his gaze to Gu Linlin.

"How are you thinking?"

"This Wang Zhihua is really a person who perfectly meets your requirements."

"You have also seen that, honestly, he has a good temper and everything, and he is also a life.

"The gift of 300,000 yuan is easy to get out, and the family conditions are not bad."

"Everything is stable at work, and you are very filial. I will accompany you back to see your parents in the future, and there will be absolutely no complaints."

While speaking, Zhou Mu had already pushed Wang Zhihua to Gu Linlin's side.

"You are a man, take the initiative!"

"Gu Linlin is a girl anyway, a few years younger than you, why are you so cautious."

"The other party is so young and beautiful, more than enough to match you, it's rare that he still wants to live a down-to-earth life.

"Don't you still feel disgusted?"

When Wang Zhihua heard this, he quickly waved his hands.

"How could it be possible to dislike her? She is young and a director, but I am a little older."

At the very beginning, when Zhou Mu brought him out, he caught up with Gu Linlin.

Said a bit.

At that time, he was still a little hesitant. After all, we hadn't broken up yet, and the distance was very bad.

But then the Wu family really did what Zhou Mu said.

It was completely exposed that he wanted to rely on him to help the opponent's son Wu Bing in the future.

Even Wu Yan has the same idea, and there is no way to change it.

Not at all.

It is also very sad.

Now that Zhou Mu suddenly mentioned it again, he couldn't help thinking about it, and it seemed to be really good.

Just too many people around.

It feels very blunt and a little shy.

Although Gu Linlin is a little younger, the child of a poor family has already taken charge of the family.

I also understood these principles early.

Zhou Mu also talked about this matter just now.

She kept thinking about it.

The more I think about it, the more I feel that Wang Zhihua is very good.

A little older, but also steady and down-to-earth.

The rest of the bride price, family, and her world view are very consistent.

Hearing this moment, he also hurriedly said.

"Don't dislike it, brother Wang is a person who lives a life."

It's all here.

Zhou Mu also stopped talking about these related matters.

Just exhorted.

"You two, let's take a stroll towards the village first, and when we leave, we will take you back with the show's car.

Looking at the two people walking slowly on the road and gradually turning around the intersection as they chatted.

At this time, the live broadcast room has already covered up the screen with bullet screens.

It can only be seen in transparent mode.

【Is this okay too?】

【It’s actually possible to match a couple like this, I’m so stupid!】

【Not to mention, what Zhou Mu said is very reasonable, these two people are really a good match!】

[They all want to live a good life, the bride price can accept anything, and the three views are similar, the down-to-earth kind. 】

【Why only Zhou Mu noticed it. 】

【Ahem, in this case, only Zhou Mu can think of it. 】

【Zhou Mu is really a god! Submit, there is only one word, subdue!】

[This is really called perfection. 】

[The result of this episode of the show is really perfect, even the only inexplicable sadness that broke up the two couples is gone. 】

[Because this pair is so suitable. 】

【Why doesn't Zhou Mu become a matchmaker? I will definitely go find him. 】


Everyone is amazed.

After thinking about it carefully, let's look at the information we know so far.

The guests Wang Zhihua and Gu Linlin really felt like a match made in heaven.

Of course, some people are happy and some are chosen.

Wu Yan people are all stupid.

Looking at the two figures going away, she felt that she was a clown.

Wu Yan's parents even trembled with anger.

Her original daughter-in-law and son-in-law are gone.

Also made a pair.

"How about it, I rescued two people who were almost trapped in your house today, is it a good thing?"

"In the end, it was a really suitable pair again."

"Is it infinite merit?"

Zhou Mu said lightly with a faint smile.

Responding to what the other party said just now, he will have retribution.

Everyone present was silent.


It's just that the joys and sorrows of human beings are not interlinked. Wu Yan's parents were so angry that they could not stand still.

Hear Zhou Mu's words.

He almost spat out a mouthful of blood.

His body was paralyzed, he was so angry that he was going to faint,

"Don't tell me, those two really sound like a good match, much better than the old Wu family."

"That's right, he was spoiled by his son since he was a child. When that girl marries in, she can only be a nanny, and she has to suffer."

"The daughter of his family is also a nice person, but she is dragged down by her younger brother, and she can't get married at this age."

"When the young man got married, he also had to worry about Wu Yan's younger brother, the wedding car, the house, the old Wu's family had no choice but his sister to take care of it, which was also troublesome.

The surrounding neighbors still know the situation of his home very well.

Couldn't help but chat right now.

Hear this.

Wu Yan's mother, who was already dizzy with anger, even fainted completely.


Zhou Mu didn't expect the other party to be so unbearable.

Some speechless.

The live broadcast room is full of gloating.

【Haha, Zhou Mu really must get revenge. The other party said that he broke up the marriage, and there will be retribution. 】

【In a blink of an eye, Zhou Mu snapped back. 】

【What Zhou Mu did really echoed the words I said at the beginning, and it was really a good deed. 】

[Even the great merit he said corresponds to it. 】

【Yes, matching a truly suitable pair is a great merit,】

[You can be stunned by anger, it's really self-inflicted, [

【Well, you curse Zhou Mu even though you have problems in your own family. 】

But someone fainted.

It is impossible for the program group to ignore it.

Immediately, two staff members helped each other towards the house.

A medical staff who accompanied the program also checked and said that nothing happened, just short of breath, just take a rest and rest.

Wu Yan walked up to Zhou Mu with hatred in her eyes.

Hate Zhou Mu for ruining her marriage with her brother.

I want to say something, but I feel unable to say it, so I can only stare at the weekend bitterly.

Zhou Mu thought that the other party was going to scold her, but there was nothing.

Looking at Wu Yan in front of her, she sighed.

After thinking about it, he still said.

"You, it's sad and pitiful.

"I have such patriarchal parents since I was a child, and I have been indoctrinated to take care of my younger brother, and the younger brother is everything.

"You can be regarded as a victim. Look at you. You are not bad in other respects. You are doing your best."

"That's the only bad thing,"

"You are the tool your parents were born to help them take care of your younger brother."

"Your brother is also ruined, and you are also ruined."

"If you continue like this, you and your brother will really have only one lifetime to be ruined by your parents."

Zhou Mu is not a holy mother, so he just casually said that he really felt sorry for her.

Born in such a family.

Zhou Mu actually hates the other party's parents the most. People with that kind of thinking really harm others and themselves, and the other party curses herself.

Just fainting is not enough.

Leave a thorn in her daughter's heart, in case it works.

That picture is wonderful to think about.

Definitely have to faint again.

It can be counted as a good deed.

Zhou Mu was fine here, and walked unsteadily towards the program team's car.

This program may have deviated from the confusion of the original guests, but overall it was a success.

The guests are not confused now, maybe they are having a good chat.

It's easy to change a family, younger and more beautiful, and a girlfriend who fits the three views, no matter how you think about it, it's not a loss, it's all a profit.


How can I be so kind?

Zhou Mu counted, this program has done too many good things.

The guests are gone.

Of course, there is no need to continue here.

Several people got into the car of the program group.

Danglingly drove towards the outside of the village.

Yuan Hong was still in a daze at this moment, her eyes were wandering, and she was a little uneasy.

Zhou Mu's series of operations opened her eyes and even made her a little skeptical about life.

She felt that her perception had changed.

She is friends with Zhang Cheng from the previous episode.

After the task was over, she talked with Zhang Cheng about her views on Zhou Mu's performance in the show.

What Zhang Cheng said was to doubt life.

I didn't understand it at the time.

Now I finally feel it, this is an operation that completely stunned you in terms of your profession, an unexpected operation.

So shocking!

It's not some subtle professional knowledge, but a thorough concept (of) crushing.

Can't even find a way to refute.

At this moment, the vehicle stopped.

"Sit, sit down!"

Zhou Mu greeted the two people who got into the car.

It was the guests Wang Zhihua and Gu Linlin who were wandering along the road in advance.

“Thank you Zhou Mu, tutor!”

Zhou Mu nodded, looking at the eyes between the two, it was already a good thing.

The show also ended at this time.

The confusion of the guests can be seen from their faces that they have completely disappeared.

After the show.

in the background.

There were really a lot of people at this time.

Li Zheng's face was full of smiles, the corners of his mouth were barely grinning up to his ears.

Zhou Mu's performance is impeccable.

In contrast, Yuan Hong is useless and seems to follow the crowd.

Zhong Min who was sitting opposite was silent.

After watching the whole live broadcast, he also understood that Zhou Mu's thoughts were really beyond the reach of ordinary people.

Yuan Hong was not wronged at all for losing.

The directors of the two program groups gathered together, feeling happy and sad, one for each.

Zhong Min said suddenly.

"I've already talked to your leaders,"

"One more chance to show together.

Li Zheng, who was smiling, was taken aback.

The phone just rang.

Reaching out to pick it up, the leader's voice came.

After a while, the phone hung up.

Li Zheng could only nod helplessly.

The leader has spoken, and he can't help it.

"I will choose the guests for the next program.

"The show starts in three days and I've already made arrangements."

"I have already sent you the relevant information!"

After Zhong Min finished speaking, he was already walking outside.

Li Zheng was helpless, this was agreed by the leader, and he had no choice.

I can only look at the computer, and a piece of information sent to me is zero.

It is the information related to the next program,

Click on it immediately.

The more you look at it, the more you frown.

"Teacher at school?"

Ps: The next story is much easier and more interesting, please make your own decision.

The author is not water, but every important character in every story, who wants to have a beginning and an end. .

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