After Mao Jin skillfully introduced himself, he frowned and glanced at the students below.

"I'm Mao Jin, I can tell you with certainty."

"As long as you study hard during this time, your grades will definitely be improved to a higher level."

"If you continue like this, you may not even be able to pass the university entrance exam."

"Even if you pass the exam, you will be restricted by your academic qualifications everywhere in your work and life,"

"You can ask the older people around you, most of them regret that they didn't study hard at the beginning."

"If you don't work hard now, you will regret later?"

【Hey, that's right. I didn't study hard before, but I only took a junior college exam. Now I regret it to death!】

[I also regret that I didn't work hard. I didn't even pass the university entrance exam. Now I'm working as a coolie. 】

【Teacher Mao Jin made a lot of sense. 】

[Basically, I regret that I didn't listen to the teacher at the beginning, and passed it in a daze. 】

[I regret it now when I think about it. 】

[Unfortunately, I remember that every teacher basically talked about it at the beginning, but they didn't listen to it. 】


Talked for a while.

The students below also sat on the chairs in a well-behaved manner, listening quietly.

Mao Jin nodded and opened the textbook.

The lecture started.

And Zhou Mu.

At this moment, I am still looking at the list of students, not in a hurry.

There was anxiety in the live broadcast room.

【Zhou Mu, why don't you say a few words!】

【That is, everyone next door said it very well. You have said it, haven’t you heard it yet?】

【You don't know how to teach, don't you talk about "Four Nine Three", are you waiting to be a mascot?】

[Head teacher, you have to reach the sunrise point first to be dignified. 】

[It's over, it's over, this issue of Zhou Mu is completely over. 】

[It has been expected that this teacher and his party are the ones who really need professional experience. 】

【Zhou Mu is a complete stranger, no matter how thoughtful he is, it won't help. 】

[This is teaching, but it is different from others. 】


At this time, the originally quiet classroom began to whisper again.

They are actually not surprised by the camera.

Because the school has already notified.

"Mr. Zhou, don't you want to say a few words?"

Suddenly, a voice sounded.

Zhou Mu looked up, and the eyes of the students were all on a student sitting in the last row.

With a cropped head, he looked a little proud.

"say what?"

Zhou Mu was not angry, but instead asked the other party.

The student with the inch cut touched his head, obviously he didn't expect Zhou Mu to say that, after thinking about it, he still said it bravely.

"It's good to talk about some reason like other teachers!"

Zhou Mu checked the information.

Wang Wei is poor in study and likes to talk.

For this kind of students, there are always a few in each class, which is very common.

"I think many teachers have said it more than once, and this time is not bad for me."

"Besides, can you understand me?"


This made the following students unconvinced.

"I'm sure you can understand it. Such a simple truth can be understood by everyone."

"You look down on us too much!"

"Bright discrimination!"

From time to time, some of the students answered the phone.

Zhou Mu put down the list and stood up.

"Okay, let me ask you guys, is it hot now?

The sun had already shone in through the window, and the students next to the window had already felt stuffy, so they returned immediately.

"Of course it's hot!"

Zhou Mu nodded, then continued.

"There will be a physical education class later, and I will definitely run a few laps of the playground against the sun."

Many students have bitter faces.

It's sweltering hot now, and after the physical education class, the sun will be even worse, and I have to run a few laps, so it won't be too hot.

"Do you think it's winter now?"

Zhou Mu's voice continued to sound.

The students didn't know what it meant, but they felt the hot and dry air, which made people feel a little upset, so they basically nodded.


Zhou Mu clapped his hands and spread them out.

"That's the end of it. You all know that winter is cold, but now you still want to live in winter."

"But it's really winter, and everyone shrank their necks from the cold, rubbing their hands and stomping their feet, thinking of summer."

"Don't you know that summer is hot and winter is cold?"

"This is not the same as the truth. I know and understand, is it useful? I still think about this and that.

【Holy shit, what kind of nonsense Zhou Mu is talking about again. 】

[But it’s true, I understand the truth, but only when moving bricks on the construction site can I feel the burning head. 】

[When playing games, even if you know it’s not good to continue playing like this, you will still play! One game after another, don’t tell me how you know. 】

[Don't say it, it really makes sense!]

【Then is the truth still wrong? Obviously not right!】

[Really, it is right no matter how you look at it. It almost brought us tea on the weekend. 】

[That is, otherwise, when I was studying, why would the teacher take the trouble to talk about it. 】


Facing Zhou Mu's answer.

The live broadcast room is dumbfounded, can this be unreasonable?

Although it makes sense to think about it, it is a bit wrong when you think about it deeper.

The students were not easy to be fooled, and one of them stood up in a blink of an eye.

"Then why does the teacher take so much trouble to talk about it?"

Zhou Mu replied helplessly.

"I didn't say it's bad to be reasonable!"

"When the weather is cold, your family will take the trouble to ask you to add more clothes. Although it is not very useful, it will always let you know the concept of wearing ten more clothes when it is cold."

"So many people have talked about it, and I'm not one behind."

The students also sat down, looked at each other, and had no words to refute.

I just feel that this teacher is a little different.

in the background of the show.

Zhong Min looked at Zhou Mu in the live broadcast, with a disdainful smile on the corner of his mouth.

"What's the use of talking about it?"

"The program depends on the real grades at the end. The progress and changes of the whole class can be seen from the completion of the task.

"It's not just a little lip service, just fooling the servants."

"The popularity of the show has reached a peak now, as long as you overturn this episode, then my show will truly take the number one spot."

This is the third installment of the collaboration between the two programs.

It was also because he spent a lot of money to make the other party's program have to cooperate in this third episode through the relationship.

And this issue was carefully planned by him.

The program task that I am not only looking for is a teacher that Zhou Mu can never be good at.

I also found Mao Jin, a very professional teacher.

It can be said that there is no suspense.

Zhou Mu is very popular now, and this time he can completely and slowly crush the opponent, as a stepping stone.

Let his show become the number one show.

Boom boom boom!

The classroom door opened.

A teacher walked in, wearing the same professional suit as Teacher Chen who brought Zhou Mu here.

It's just the same clothes, but the style of wearing them is completely different from that of Teacher Chen.

Mr. Chen is old-fashioned and old-fashioned.

This one is wearing black stockings showing perfect leg shape, and the white acrylic lining is round and round.

More importantly, it looks sweet.

Only twenty-five or six years old.

"You are tutor Zhou Mu, right? Hello, I'm Lin Yue, and I'm in charge of the Chinese class of this class."

[Damn, this teacher is so beautiful. 】

[If I had this kind of teacher in high school, I wouldn't be single now. 】

【? What kind of theory is this upstairs!】

[With this kind of teacher, I must study hard. Now that I have achieved great success and have many wives and concubines, I am still working alone. 】

[It makes sense, it turns out that I am only one beautiful teacher away from success. 】


"Hi, my name is Zhou Tian.

Zhou Mu also responded politely.

But it was found that the other party's attitude was cold.

Of course Lin Yue was dissatisfied. She had just become the head teacher of this class, and she was determined to lead the class well and rectify it.

Not to mention being number one in age, at least lead this class out of the bottom ranking.

As a result, I received the notice after only one day in office.

It is said that there is a program to be broadcast live.

The head teacher will also be a mentor in the program to act for a period of time.

For this situation, she didn't reject it too much, thinking that the show must be very good, and she can learn something along with it.


Only then did I realize that he was a person who could not even teach, and was not a teacher at all.

Can such a person be a head teacher?

Of course Lin Yue was dissatisfied, but she had nothing to do with the academy's order......

So of course I was dissatisfied to see Zhou Mu.

The most hateful thing is that the two classes that also participate in the program, the next class is a high school teacher who is famous all over the country, and my class...

For Lin Yue who wanted to be a good teacher, she was even more angry.

Being able to maintain basic politeness is already a great way to save face.

After saying hello, Lin Yue walked up to the podium, took out her books, and prepared to start the lecture.

Zhou Mu was a little confused.

But he had no choice but to leave and returned to the teacher's office, where some teachers were still preparing lessons.

At most, Zhou Mu took a few glances at most, but they all lowered their heads and busy themselves.

And Zhou Mu took out the information about the students in his hand, and continued to read it carefully.

It seems that this is the only thing he can do at present.

at this time.

In Class 1, Grade 2.

Lin Yue picked up the Chinese textbook and wanted to start a lecture, but put it down immediately.

He said to the people below with a solemn face.

"You are already in the second year of high school, the most critical grade."

"Now that you work hard, you can still improve your grades. The college entrance examination is the most important thing. If you score higher, you will surpass countless people. y

"Reading is not the only way out, but it is the best way out."

"Where did we have such good conditions before?"


at this time.

A student raised his hand.

Lin Yue paused.

"Wang Wei, what's the matter with you?"

Wang Wei rubbed his chest.

"Mr. Lin, j has said it countless times, and we all know it!"

"And it doesn't do much to talk about it!"

Lin Yue was taken aback.

This was the first time that a student dared to refute her like this, and his face immediately turned serious, his sweet appearance was not so hideous.

But these students are still a little nervous.

Everyone knows that Teacher Lin Yue is not a fuel-efficient lamp.

Wang Wei was also a little scared, and said quickly.

"I didn't say that!"

"It was the new head teacher, Teacher Zhou, who just arrived.

"Teacher Zhou?"

"Yes, what he said just now...!"

After a long time, Lin Yue's complexion changed again and again, and finally she could only shake her head helplessly,

"Okay, I'll talk less about reason in the future."

"Now take out the textbook and copy the text twice!"

Originally, the joy on Wang Wei's face that could refute the teacher

color, suddenly froze.

Turn around and look around.

The students all looked at him with resentment.

Zhou Mu also read the student materials of all classes and some school-related documents. 2.5

I also have a deeper understanding of this school.

Shanghai No. 9 Middle School.

The integration of middle school and high school, for some reasons, it is possible to directly enter a higher school internally.

So it also caused good learning and poor learning, all mixed together.

Interacting with each other is confusing.

The two classes of 1.2 in the second year of high school are more serious.

Just when Zhou Mu was still thinking.

Lin Yue walked in.

"A student was bullied, you are the class teacher, you have to deal with it."

She didn't want to call Zhou Mu at first, but the other party is the current homeroom teacher, there is no other way, she has to notify him no matter what.

Zhou Mu immediately followed Lin Yue to the King of the Playground.

The last class is over.

This class is a physical education class. During free activities, some students reported that some students in the class were fighting in the toilet.

Although Zhou Mu was a little surprised by this kind of thing.

But it was also expected.

Even in other schools, this kind of thing is unavoidable, not to mention that it is one of the worst classes in Shanghai No. 9 Middle School.

It's just too normal.

Sure enough, several people have already been fined to stand on the playground.

One of the students lowered his head and could see some bruises on his face, while the other three students raised their heads and glanced around, their faces full of indifference.

Ps: Can everyone express their opinions, this story is a little less interesting, and the foreshadowing is a little longer, and it has been shortened as much as possible.

If everyone thinks it’s not enough, I’d better finish writing it as soon as possible and continue to write jokes, there are more jokes [Don’t worry.

I can't see the growth of customization and gifts, and I feel flustered when I write. .

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