She shocked the world after marrying a repairman

Chapter 104: Chapter 104: Self-inflicted

Although Lu Ye tried very hard to restrain his emotions.

But his face was still getting redder.

Red from cheeks to neck.

The heartbeat speed is also getting faster and faster.

It was as if it was about to jump out of the chest cavity.

The phone is almost unsteady.

What does this mean, kid?

like him?


The old lady Lu saw that Lu Ye's face was getting more and more strange, and then said: "What's going on? Are you in a relationship?"

Bai Lu who came down from the second floor just heard this sentence, "Who is in love?"

Lu Lingli also went home at this time.

She wore curly hair that had just been permed at the barbershop, a pink silk suspender dress, and small high heels on her feet, and she walked into the house step by step.

Enchanting figure.

Bai Lu's eyes fell directly on Lu Lingli, "Die, Lu Lingli! Have you changed boyfriends again?"

Her daughter is good at everything.

Just not a positive type.

Game world every day.

I am almost thirty years old, and I don't know when I will be able to settle down.

Lu Lingli, who was innocently lying on the gun: "."

"Mom, don't talk nonsense, okay? I haven't been in a relationship for a month."

Only then did Bai Lu heave a sigh of relief, and looked at Old Madam Lu, "Then who were you talking about just now?"

The old lady Lu raised her chin and looked at Lu Ye.

Lu Ye's current appearance is really suspicious.

The face is very red.

Hands are shaking.

He didn't know how to reply to Lin Wu's WeChat.

Good reply?

You're welcome?

It doesn't seem to work.

Bai Lu narrowed her eyes.

Which girl is so magical?

Actually let Lu Ye become like this!

at the same time.


When Lin Wu was about to reply to Lu Ye's message, she realized that she had sent it to the wrong person!

A little embarrassing.

It's fine if it's ordinary WeChat.

But with ambiguous words.

The important thing is that the time has exceeded two minutes, and it is too late to withdraw.

Lin Wu edited the text: [Sorry, old iron, I replied to the wrong person. 】


Lu Ye's cell phone rang again.

Lu Ye swallowed.

Did it come from Lin Wu?

Open the phone and have a look.

Sure enough, it was from Lin Wu.

Click on WeChat.


His heart stopped beating, his hands stopped shaking, and his face didn't turn red.

It turns out that the kid was not confessing.

It was sent to the wrong person!

Seeing the message sent by Lin Wu, Lu Ye had a complex expression on his face, and quickly edited the text: [It's okay. 】

After replying to the message, Lu Ye suddenly realized that if Lin Wu sent the wrong message, who was she going to send it to?


Love you?

Who was the kid tricked by?

Thinking that Lin Wu was probably chatting with a man at this moment, Lu Ye was in a panic.

feeling bad.

It's like being out of breath.

Lu Ye had never had such an experience before.

This is the first time.

After thinking about it, Lu Ye edited the text again and sent it over, [Children, no puppy love! 】

Then he added a sentence: [The boy chasing you doesn't have a good thing. 】

After sending the last sentence, Lu Ye's mood improved a lot.

But still a little stuffy.

Bai Lu smiled and sat beside Lu Ye, "San'er? Are you in love?"

Lu Lingli sat on the other side of Lu Ye, and said meanly: "Lu Dayou, didn't you say that whoever made you cry, you let him die?"

What if you don't believe in love?

Tut tut tut!

Lu Ye put away his phone, "I'm not in love, so don't think about it."

How could he be in love?

He is just educating children not to fall in love early.

Lu Lingli squinted her eyes, "Your face was so red just now without love?"

"It was a little hot just now." As he said that, Lu Ye loosened his neckline in a serious manner.

Lu Lingli smiled, "Lu Dahuyou, you'd better not be caught by me."

Bai Lu looked at Lu Ye, very curious, "San'er, tell auntie honestly, is there any?"

"No!" Lu Ye turned his head and met Bai Lu's eyes, "Nothing really."

Bai Lu knew that Lu Ye would definitely not lie to her, so she immediately acted like a discouraged ball, "But that's fine."

After all, the daughter-in-law she identified was Zhang Xianxian.

She was still a little worried that Lu Ye had found it by herself.

There was no expression on Lu Ye's stern face. After a while, he stood up from the sofa, "Grandma, aunt, I'm going upstairs to exercise first."


Bai Lu looked at Lu Ye's back, a little lost in thought.

If she remembers correctly, Lu Ye has persisted in this fitness habit for more than two months

I've never seen him so passionate about spirits before.

The old lady Lu turned her head to look at Lu Lingli, "Why did you perm your hair?"

Her great granddaughter.

When you think about it, you get it.

Not only did he perm his hair, but his dressing style also changed.

When she first entered the door, she almost didn't recognize it.

"Because I want to be a scumbag!" Lu Lingli threw her bag on the table casually, "Grandma, don't you know the big waves of scumbags?"

Lu Lingli is good at everything.

It's just that the road of feelings is not going well.

As long as you fall in love, you will meet scumbags.

Every time I was cheated physically and mentally haggard.


Starting today, Lu Lingli is determined to be a scumbag!

Play with men in the palm of your hand.

Thinking of this, Lu Lingli's eyes were full of determination.

After a while, Lu Lingli looked at the old lady Lu, and said, "Grandma, what do you think of me like this? Do you look good?"

Xu Shi knew that her grandma couldn't spit out any ivory, so Lu Lingli added: "You can only use two words to describe it, and you can't use ugly words."

Hearing this, Mrs. Lu touched her chin, "Let me think about it."

Just as Lu Lingli was waiting for the old lady Lu to tell her she was really beautiful, the old lady Lu spoke slowly and said seriously: "Read the newspaper."


Not good looking?

There is still such a coquettish operation? !

After realizing it, Lu Lingli was about to cry, "Grandma! You foul! How could you do this to me!"

The old lady Lu ate up the last spicy stick, "Is it wrong to tell the truth?"

Lu Lingli: "." She hugged her fat self in distress.

At the end of the sentence, the old lady Lu glanced at Lu Lingli, and said with disgust: "It's not good to be a good person, I have to be a scumbag."

Is the child sick?

"Grandma, am I your granddaughter? Those stinky men let me down first, so can't I get revenge?"

The old lady Lu just looked at Lu Lingli like this, "I don't think you are a fuel-efficient lamp."

Lu Lingli: "." This is really a grandma.

After a while, Old Madam Lu looked at Bai Lu, and continued, "Have the guest rooms been cleaned up?"

Clean up the room?

Catching this word, Lu Lingli immediately became interested, "Do you want to have guests?"

Bai Lu nodded, "Your Grandma Fang is coming."

Grandma Fang?

Although the old lady Lu and Fang Youling are friends, she is not very familiar with Fang Youling because Lu Lingli has been studying abroad before and the two families are too far apart.

"Is that Grandma Fang in the capital? The one who lost her daughter?" Lu Lingli continued to ask.

Bai Lu hummed.

Lu Lingli frowned slightly, "Now that technology is so advanced, Grandma Fang hasn't found her daughter yet?"

hear this.

The old lady Lu sighed.


Now that technology is so advanced, why hasn't Fang Youling found her daughter yet?

Blood collection stations are everywhere.

The public welfare website of Baby Home.

Although Bai Lu didn't speak, she knew from the old lady Lu's reaction that Fang Youling still couldn't find her daughter.

Lu Lingli looked at Mrs. Lu, "Grandma, is Grandma Fang coming to Qingshi to stay with us for a while?"

"Yeah." Mrs. Lu nodded slightly, and then instructed: "Your grandma Fang is coming, you have to restrain your temper in front of people, and you have to know what to say and what not to say."

Lu Lingli straightened her expression very rarely, "Grandma, I can tell the difference."

"That's good."

Lu Lingli asked curiously: "When will Grandma Fang arrive? Is she coming to Qingshi this time to find her daughter?"

In my impression, Fang Youling is on the go all year round.

Not looking for a daughter.

He was on his way to find his daughter.

Fang Youling has been to every city in Huaguo, and some cities have even been there more than once or twice, but she rarely comes to Qingshi.

The old lady Lu said: "She came to Dongcheng to collect blood, and she came to Qingshi by the way. We are all at this age, and we will lose each other when we see each other."

They also want to get together more in the few lives they have.

Hearing this, Lu Lingli immediately said: "Grandma, what are you talking about? You and Grandma Fang are both in such good health, they will definitely live to be two hundred years old."

Hearing this, the old lady Lu smiled and said, "I don't want to live two hundred years! If I live two hundred years, wouldn't I become an old monster?"

She just needs to live long enough to see Lu Ye get married and have children.

Lu Lingli held Mrs. Lu's hand, and said seriously: "No matter how old you are, you are our grandma."

Although Lu Lingli usually likes to talk to Mrs. Lu, she is definitely a filial and good granddaughter.

When she was young, her parents were busy with work, so she, Lu Ye and Lu Manshan were almost all brought up by Mrs. Lu.

Her affection for Mrs. Lu is even deeper than that for her parents.

The old lady Lu's mouth was full of smiles.

At the end of the sentence, Lu Lingli continued: "By the way, Grandma, have the results of Grandma Lu's blood comparison in Dongcheng come out?"

"It's already out." Mrs. Lu said.

The firm result is that the parent-child relationship is not established.

Knowing this result, Mrs. Lu was not surprised at all, but for some reason, when she received Fang Youling's call, she and Fang Youling cried together.

Lu Lingli sighed.

It's been so many years.

Seeing that the old man of the Tang family and Fang Youling are both getting old, they don't know.

Can you still find Tang Qiushui?

Lu Lingli asked suspiciously: "Grandma, why do you think Grandma Fang and Grandpa Tang haven't wanted another one for so many years?"

Tang Qiushui lost it at the age of three.

Both were young at that time.

Bai Lu had asked Mrs. Lu this question before.

At this time, old lady Lu didn't need to answer, she said: "The second child is not Qiushui. What they want is not a substitute, but their daughter."

Daughter of blood.

When the words fell, Bai Lu said again: "Forget it, you don't know how much you say now, but you will know when you become a parent in the future."

Lu Lingli nodded half-understanding, and then said: "Grandma, Grandma Lu, why are you here? I'll go pick up the plane with you."

"Come over the day after tomorrow, then we will all go to the airport together." Mrs. Lu said.



After dinner, Lin Wu took Shaliwa downstairs for a run as usual.

Shaliwa followed Lin Wu obediently, and if he was tired, he would jump on Lin Wu's shoulder spiritually.

Just went downstairs.

I saw Qin Fengyang chatting with Grandma Zhou in the same building.

Xu Shi heard Lin Wu's footsteps, Qin Fengyang smiled and said: "Thank you Grandma Zhou for remembering that tomorrow is my birthday."

Grandma Zhou said: "Thank you, we have lived in the same yard for such a long time, we have long been a family. Come to Grandma Zhou's house for dinner tomorrow night!"

Qin Fengyang continued: "Grandma Zhou, my parents have bought all the food, why don't you come to my house to eat? Anyway, you are alone."


Grandma Zhou is an elderly person living alone.

Her sons and daughters are all working hard in other places, and they haven't come back for several years.

Hearing this, Grandma Zhou's expression darkened, and she immediately smiled and said, "No, no, it's fine for me to eat alone at home."

Lin Wu passed by the two of them and greeted Grandma Zhou politely.

Seeing Lin Wu, Grandma Zhou smiled even more intensely, "Xiao Wu is going for a run again?"

"En." Lin Wu nodded slightly.

After the words fell, she walked outside the small courtyard and began to warm up.

Grandma Zhou looked at Lin Wu's back and couldn't help sighing, "This kid has a really good personality, every time he sees us he always smiles."

Hearing this, Qin Fengyang turned to look at Lin Wu.

Lin Wu today

Why didn't you say hello to yourself?

It stands to reason.

She liked herself so much, she would be ecstatic to see herself.

Playing hard to get?

Thinking of this word, Qin Fengyang couldn't help frowning slightly.

How long has it been?

Lin Wu is not tired of playing.

He wanted to see how Lin Wu would give him tomorrow's birthday present.

Grandma Zhou continued: "If anyone can marry Xiaowu back, they will be blessed in the future!"

Such a good girl, definitely Vanves!

Wang's entire in-law's family.

After saying a word, Grandma Zhou saw that Qin Fengyang's gaze was still on Lin Wu's back, and couldn't help but said: "Feng Yang, don't look at it. It's not Grandma Zhou who hit you, we people are not the same as Xiao Wu The world. Let's not even think about climbing high."

Although what Grandma Zhou said was ugly, it was an indisputable fact.

She had heard that Lin Wu was going to move to Tang Dynasty Yipin soon.

Tang Dynasty Yipin is the most expensive house in Qingshi.

It is also the most famous rich area.

Not to mention Lin Wu's good looks, good academic performance, and foresight, is this kind of girl that the Qin family can climb up to?

Although Qin Fengyang is really not ugly, he can only be called not ugly.

Although her studies are not bad, compared with Lin Wu, she is not even a little bit worse.

Grandma Zhou also has two grandchildren.

They all go to university in Beijing.

But she never thought of matching Lin Wu and her eldest grandson.

Because she knows what kind of family she is.

Not good enough.

It doesn't fit at all.

Hearing this, Qin Fengyang frowned indistinctly.

Gao Pan?

He and Lin Wu, who is advocating whom?

It is obvious that Lin Wu is secretly in love with him.

How could he be out of reach when he came to Grandma Zhou's place?

He just didn't like Lin Wu.

If he has a crush on Lin Wu, just casually say "Be my girlfriend" in front of Lin Wu, and Lin Wu will be so happy that she can't find Bei!

People will be confused when they are old!

He was very confused when he saw Grandma Zhou.

Seeing that Qin Fengyang didn't speak for a long time, Grandma Zhou knew that what she said might be a bit serious, "Feng Yang, you are the child I watched and grew up, and I treat you like my own grandson. You get into things you shouldn't get into."

"At your age, the most important thing is to study."

hear this.

Qin Fengyang instinctively felt a little familiar, and then realized that it wasn't.

Isn't this what he told Lin Wu before?

Will grandma Zhou speak?

He said it as if he really had a crush on Lin Wu.

Qin Fengyang turned his head to look at Grandma Zhou, and continued: "Grandma Zhou, I think you have misunderstood something. I don't have any feelings for Lin Wu, and the girlfriend I'm looking for is not her type."

After saying this, he turned and left.

Grandma Zhou looked at Qin Fengyang's back and didn't react for a long time.

What does he mean?

Look down on Lin Wu?

Isn't this ridiculous?

He doesn't even like Lin Wu like this?

This kid is too angry.

Because Miao Yajing said that she would bring breakfast for herself, Lin Wu also prepared a gift for her.

It's a beautifully packaged beauty set.

Lin Wu walked to the campus with Shen Lijun.

"Lijun, you can tell me anytime if you run out of beauty songs."

Shen Lijun nodded, "Okay Xiaowu."

She really wanted to share with Lin Wu that because of Beauty Yin, her mother, Lu Xiyue, successfully got involved with Wen's line, and because of Beauty Yin, Lu Xiyue's smooth class father won several orders.

Lu Xiyue has told her more than once that she should take Lin Wu back as a guest.

But Shen Lijun dared not say it.

The Shen family is so rich, she was afraid that after Lin Wu knew the truth, she would be under pressure when she was with her.

The two walked side by side.

Qin Fengyang and Xue Qi walked behind them.

Lin Wu is easy to recognize.

Even if it's just a back view.

Soon, Qin Fengyang's eyes were fixed on Lin Wu.

To be precise, it landed on the gift box that Lin Wu was carrying.

No need to think about it, the gift in Lin Wu's hand must be a birthday present for him.


Every girl will never miss the birthday of the male god she has a crush on.

But Xue Qi didn't pay attention to Lin Wu in front of her.

She took out a beautifully wrapped box from her bag, "This is a gift for you, happy birthday."

"Thank you." Qin Fengyang took the gift.

Xue Qi has always regarded Qin Fengyang as a buddy. Hearing this, she smiled and said, "You're welcome, Lao Qin. Although you are usually a little weird, you are generally a very qualified tablemate."

The two are at the same table.

Moreover, Qin Fengyang was still the one who would copy homework for Xue Qi and take notes for her.

Just as she raised her head, Xue Qi's eyes suddenly fell on the figure in front of her.

"That's Miss Lin, right?" Xue Qi said.

Qin Fengyang shook his head, "I don't know either, it doesn't look like it."

The reason why he said the opposite was to let Xue Qi see that he had always dismissed Lin Wu.

Lin Wu is not even a passerby with him.

Xue Qi narrowed her eyes, "It's her! It must be her! What kind of eyes do you have!"

Qin Fengyang's tone was light, "I don't usually pay much attention to her, so I can't be sure."

Xue Qi grabbed Qin Fengyang's sleeve, "Let's chase after him and have a look."

Of course, Qin Fengyang followed Xue Qi's movements and trotted after her.

He was looking forward to Xue Qi's expression when Lin Wu handed him a gift.

Not only Xue Qi.

I'm afraid that even the boys in the youth middle school are shocked, right?

Because girls only give birthday gifts to boys they like.

The two ran very fast.

It took less than a minute to catch up with Lin Wu and Shen Lijun.

Seeing Lin Wu, Xue Qi smiled and said, "Goddess Lin, good morning, it's really you!"

At the end of the sentence, Xue Qi took a breath, and continued: "I just said that I was not wrong, but this guy has to say that I was wrong."

Lin Wu looked at Xue Qi and smiled, "Good morning."

Qin Fengyang touched his nose and greeted Lin Wu and Miao Yajing.


He is waiting.

Wait for Lin Wu to give him the gift.

Xue Qi said again: "You two came to school quite early."

I haven't started my morning reading yet.

She and Qin Fengyang were on duty, that's why they came so early.

Lin Wu's tone was light, "My deskmate brought us breakfast. We are going to eat in the classroom, so we came early."

Xue Qi nodded.

Several people chatted while walking.

Seeing that they were about to enter the classroom, Lin Wu still had no intention of giving him the gift.

Qin Fengyang was a little anxious.

What's happening here?

Lin Wu's gift was obviously prepared for herself.

Why have you kept silent?

She is shy?

Or is there too many people, she is a little embarrassed? Want to give it to him in private?

at this moment.

Xue Qi's eyes fell on the bag Lin Wu was carrying, and she asked curiously, "Goddess Lin, what is that you are holding?"



Xue Qi finally asked!

Hearing this, Qin Fengyang heaved a sigh of relief.


Just wait for Lin Wu's answer.

Xue Qi has asked the question to this point, Lin Wu will definitely walk down the steps of him and give him the gift.

By the time.

All the boys in the school will know that their goddess has given them something.

The more Qin Fengyang thought about it, the more excited he became.

Lin Wu continued: "This is the acne-removing skin care product I brought to my tablemate."

Acne skin care products!

Qin Fengyang was immediately stunned.

Lin Wu's gift was obviously prepared for him.

Why is it called a skin care product?

This excuse is too clumsy!

Why did she bring skin care products to school?

What does Lin Wu mean?

"Acne-removing skin care products?" Speaking of this, Xue Qi was instantly offended, "I recommend you a particularly useful acne-removing skin care product. Although the brand is a bit small, the effect is really good! I used to have acne all over my face. Acne, but now I can't see it at all!"

"This brand is called Beauty Yin."

Hearing this, Lin Wu said with a smile, "I am the lotus dew chanted by the beauty."

Hearing this, Qin Fengyang was even more sure that Lin Wu was lying.

How could it be that Xue Qi casually mentioned a brand, which was bought by Lin Wu.

Xue Qi's eyes widened, "Really?"

"En." Lin Wu nodded slightly.

Xue Qi continued: "But the packaging of Beauty Yin is not like this."

Qin Fengyang narrowed his eyes.

He knew that Lin Wu was lying.

Obviously the packaging is different.

She is still pretending.

Lin Wu continued: "This is the packaging of the gift box version."

Gift box version?

Xue Qi's mother is a loyal user of Beauty Yin, but she has never heard of the gift box version of Beauty Yin, so she smiled and said, "Can I have a look?"

hear this.

Qin Fengyang glanced at Lin Wu.

No need to think about it, Lin Wu would definitely reject Xue Qi's request.

Because what Lin Wu took was not skin care products at all.

If you show Xue Qi the things, wouldn't it be revealing?

It can be next second.

Things were beyond Qin Fengyang's imagination.

I saw that Lin Wu nodded slightly, and directly handed the things in her hand to Xue Qi, "Here you are."

Qin Fengyang's eyes widened.

How could he have thought that Lin Wu would actually give it.

Is she not guilty at all?


Xue Qi will find out immediately.

Xue Qi took the gift box, only then did she see the three big characters "Beauty Yin" on the front.

Qin Fengyang was dumbfounded.

How could this happen?

It’s actually a skin care product!

Today is his birthday, why didn't Lin Wu prepare a birthday present for him?

Doesn't she like herself?

Could it be that Lin Wu wanted to give this to his mother?

Is she courting her future mother-in-law?


It must be so.

Lin Wu, what kind of brain circuit is this?

Obviously today is his birthday, but she wanted to please Feng Qiaoqiao.

She just wants to marry herself so much?

Thinking of this, Qin Fengyang narrowed his eyes.

Xue Qi said a little excitedly: "It turns out that there is a gift box version of Beauty Song. Next time, if my mother buys it as a gift, I will suggest her to buy this one."

Lin Wu nodded slightly, "The gift box version is always available, but you need to make an appointment on the official account in advance, and you may not be able to buy it if you go directly to the queue."

Upon hearing this, Xue Qi widened her eyes and asked in surprise, "Does Meirenyin have a WeChat official account now?"

She remembers not having it a month ago!

"It's just been opened." Lin Wu said.

Xue Qi immediately took out her mobile phone, opened WeChat, and searched for Meirenyin's official account.

Sure enough, the official account of Meirenyin was quickly found.

There are also new product gift packs available for newcomers to follow.

Xue Qi immediately clicked to follow, and then filled in the information to register as a member.

This is a regular silver card member.

Seeing the membership information, Xue Qi said with some regret: "My mother almost registered as a gold card member of Meirenyin, but at that time our relatives felt that Meirenyin would have side effects, so they persuaded my mother to return the money. "

Gold card members have exclusive new products for members every month.

And also enjoy discounts.

Every time she thinks about it, Mother Xue regrets it very much.

She shouldn't be provoked.

The gold card should not be returned.

Now it is impossible to register as a Gold Card member for ten times the price of a set.

Hearing this, Shen Lijun also felt a little pity.

Lin Wu looked at Xue Qi, "Auntie, have you registered with the Beauty Yin store before?"

"En." Xue Qi nodded.

Lin Wu continued: "It's simple, you ask her to go to the Meiren Yinnan Street main store tomorrow afternoon, explain the situation to the clerk, and she can apply for the restoration of the membership card."

"Really?" Xue Qi was very surprised.


Xue Qi frowned slightly, "But my mother also went to ask the clerk of Meirenyin before, and they said no."

Most importantly, Mother Xue has been there more than once!

Meirenyin gave the same reply.

Lin Wu frowned, "It's okay, I'll say hello to the manager of the main store at night, they will definitely help auntie recover."

"Beauty Lin, do you know the store manager of Beauty Yin?"

"That's right." Lin Wu's tone was light.

Is it right?

That must be recognition.

Hearing this answer, Xue Qi was ecstatic, "Beauty Lin, thank you!"

"It's easy to do." Lin Wu's tone was light.

Qin Fengyang just followed behind them.

For no reason.

Why did Lin Wu help Xue Qi?

Xue Qi has nothing to do with Lin Wu.

Lin Wu wanted to get closer to him through Xue Qi, right?

after all.

Xue Qi and him are best friends.

The girl's world is so complicated.

Winding around.

Lin Wu obviously liked herself, but she turned one corner after another.

Is this interesting?

Qin Fengyang originally thought that Lin Wu would give him skin care products when they arrived in front of their respective classes.

But no.

When they arrived at the fork in the road, Lin Wu and Shen Lijun just said goodbye to Xue Qi lightly.

from beginning to end.

Lin Wu didn't even take a second look at herself.

How is this going?

Qin Fengyang panicked.

For some reason, he thought of Grandma Zhou's words

Could it be?

Could it be that Lin Wu really doesn't like herself?



If Lin Wu didn't like herself, she wouldn't run every morning and night.

Not to mention cheating to get into the Youth High School.

Isn't everything she does for herself?

Think here.

Qin Fengyang calmed down a bit.

Although Lin Wu didn't give herself a gift now, she would definitely give it to herself quietly before school in the afternoon.

Otherwise, she wouldn't have brought the gift to school.

Lin Wu and Shen Lijun came to class ten together.

Miao Yajing was already waiting for them at the seat.

Seeing the two of them approaching, Miao Yajing immediately stood up, "At the same table, Li Jun! Come here!"

Miao Yajing brought two very exquisite breakfasts. ,

There are fried buns.

There are also nicely presented cold noodles and rice balls.

Shen Lijun tasted the water fried buns, bit them lightly, and the juice overflowed, "Wow! It's delicious! Did your mother make these by herself?"

Miao Yajing nodded.

Shen Lijun immediately extended her thumb, "Your mother is amazing, unlike my mother who can't even cook instant noodles well."

Miao Yajing continued: "My mother hasn't gone to school since she gave birth to my younger brother. Every day at home, besides taking my younger brother to study food, she is more skillful with her hands. Even my father said that the things she makes are better than the ones she made. It's delicious outside!"

Shen Lijun smiled and said: "If Auntie opened a breakfast restaurant with this skill, she would definitely have to queue up every day."

Miao Yajing was certainly happy that her mother's cooking skills were recognized by her classmates.

"If you like it, I will ask my mother to make one every morning from now on."

Shen Lijun quickly waved her hand, "No, no, it's too troublesome."

She is not the kind of ignorant person.

It seems simple to have two extra breakfasts every morning, but only those who cook know that two extra breakfasts will waste a lot of time.

Lin Wu nodded slightly, "Li Jun is right, this is too troublesome."

After eating, Lin Wu handed the gift to Miao Yajing, "At the same table, this is for you. Thank you for bringing me breakfast and copying notes for me these days."

To have such a good tablemate as Miao Yajing is simply a blessing in her life.

Miao Yajing took the gift box with both hands, and then opened her mouth wide in surprise, "This, this is the song of a beauty!"

Many relatives in Miao Yajing's family are using beauty chant.

It is said to work great!

Miao Yajing's mother also went to Meirenyin's shop to take pictures several times.

But sorry.

Not once.

Unexpectedly, as soon as Lin Wu made a move, it was the Beauty Song gift box.

Miao Yajing had followed Meirenyin's official account, and heard that the gift boxes were all limited edition, so she also took the account to apply for purchase, but had to wait in line for two months.

"Yeah." Lin Wu nodded slightly, "It's the song of a beauty."

Miao Yajing hugged Lin Wu excitedly, "Ahhh! Thank you from my deskmate!"

After hugging Lin Wu, Miao Yajing felt something was wrong.

What if Lin Wu doesn't like others hugging her like this?

This move seems presumptuous.

Thinking of this, Miao Yajing raised her head to look at Lin Wu, and she was relieved when she saw that Lin Wu didn't have any unhappy expression on her face.

Miao Yajing continued: "You are my idol at the same table, my mother said that this beauty is hard to buy!"

If my mother saw Lin Wu giving her beauty a chant, she would definitely be very happy.

After the morning reading class, there is exercise between classes.

Although it's already November.

But Qingshi is a tropical city, and the ultraviolet rays are particularly strong. After the 30-minute break exercise, everyone took off their school uniforms.

Shen Lijun fanned her hands while looking at Miao Yajing, "Jingjingzi, aren't you hot?"

On such a hot day, everyone took off their coats, but Miao Yajing was still wearing her school uniform.

"Not hot." Miao Yajing shook her head.

The mouth is not hot.

But rows of fine beads of sweat had clearly appeared on her forehead.

It was also at this time that Shen Lijun realized that she had never seen Miao Yajing wearing short sleeves.

Miao Yajing smiled and said, "I'm used to wearing long sleeves, but I'm not used to wearing short sleeves."

"Oh." Shen Lijun nodded.

Since it was Miao Yajing's personal hobby, she couldn't ask further questions.

The second class in the morning is over.

Miao Yajing went to the toilet alone.

On the way back, Qiao Ran blocked him into a corner.

Seeing Qiao Ran and Miao Yajing, she was a little nervous.

"Young Master Qiao, are you okay?" Miao Yajing swallowed.

Qiao Ran had already switched her phone to recording mode in advance, "Miao Yajing, tell me honestly whether Lin Wu bullied you or not! As long as you tell the truth, I will ask the principal to kick her out of our school immediately. So, don't you There is psychological pressure, let alone worry that she will retaliate!"

Miao Yajing was speechless!

How many times does Qiao Ran want her to say it?

"Young Master Qiao, Lin Wu and I are friends, and she has never bullied me! Besides, she is not the kind of bullying person! Why don't you believe it?"


This is not the answer Qiao Ran wants to hear.

He is furious!

I don't even know what Miao Yajing is afraid of!

With him supporting Miao Yajing, what worries does Miao Yajing have?

"Then why do you copy notes for Lin Wu every day?"

"Do I like it or not?" Miao Yajing looked at Qiao Ran, trying to calm herself down, "Just like why Qian Liang cooks for you every day! Because you two are good friends, so Qian Liang is willing, and I am too. willing!"

Qiao Ran frowned slightly.

How can the relationship between Miao Yajing and Lin Wu compare with him and Qian Liang?

He and Qian Liang are pure brothers.

And Miao Yajing and Lin Wu were clearly deformed.

Miao Yajing was the oppressed one.

Miao Yajing knew that Qiao Ran could not continue to misunderstand her like this, so she bravely looked at Qiao Ran, and then said, "Could it be that Young Master Qiao is also bullying Qian Liang?"

Qiao Ran froze for a moment.

Miao Yajing continued: "You only saw me copying notes for my deskmate and bringing breakfast, but you didn't see that she also gave me something! We belong to a two-way friendship!"

Go both ways?

How can it be!

Qiao Ran didn't believe Miao Yajing's nonsense, so she grabbed Miao Yajing's wrist and rolled up her sleeves, "Then tell me, what are these scars on your arm?!"

I see.

Miao Yajing's arms not only had bruised and purple staggered pinch marks, but also scars from being burned by cigarette butts.

Some of the scars are fresh.

Some are old scars.

Qiao Ran also accidentally saw the scars on Miao Yajing's arms.

So much for the arms alone.


There must be more elsewhere on the body.

Miao Yajing's face turned pale in an instant, with cold sweat dripping down her cheeks. How did Qiao Ran find out about this?

She quickly withdrew her hand, lowered her head and said: "I accidentally dropped it by myself, and it has nothing to do with Xiaowu! Don't make random guesses!"

After saying this, Miao Yajing turned around and quickly ran towards the classroom.

Miao Yajing's speed is very fast.

The heartbeat is also fast.

I was afraid that Qiao Ran would catch her in the next second.

Qiao Ran looked at Miao Yajing's back and narrowed her eyes.


Can the arms fall out of pinch marks and scalds?

Miao Yajing's lies were too clumsy!

You don't need to think about it, it must be Lin Wu's masterpiece.


Even if Miao Yajing dared not admit it, he would definitely find evidence.

for a moment.

Qiao Ran also returned to class.

As soon as he got back to his seat, he noticed the gift that Lin Wu gave her that Miao Yajing was talking about.

A box of skin care products.

Beauty singing?

Although Qiao Ran is a boy, because of his poor skin condition during puberty, he would also use some hydrating essence on the recommendation of the housekeeper.

Therefore, he knows some first-line big-name skin care products.

But this is the first time I've heard of Beauty Yin.

What kind of skin care product is this?

I have never heard of a brand, who knows if it will be a bad face!

It's not enough for Lin Wu to bully Miao Yajing, now she still wants to make her look bad.

This kind of person is really disgusting!

Qiao Ran squeezed his fist, his eyes were full of resentment.


He will definitely reveal Lin Wu's true face as soon as possible, so that all the teachers and students in the school will spurn her!

Think about it.

Qiao Ran narrowed his eyes.

After school at night.

Lin Wu walked to the campus gate together with Shen Lijun and Miao Yajing.

The three of them talked and laughed all the way.

At this moment, Miao Yajing's cell phone rang, she took out the cell phone and saw that it was a WeChat message sent by her mother, she smiled and said to Lin Wu and Shen Lijun: "At the same table, Li Jun, my mother is here to pick me up ,I go first!"

"Yeah." The two nodded.

Miao Yajing quickly ran to the school gate.

At the same time, Qin Fengyang and several male students in the class were also going out.

"Isn't that the school flower of our school?"

"Damn it! The real person looks better than the photos on the forum!"

"Sure enough, she's the school belle, even prettier than Zhang Xianxian!"

"I've decided. From now on, I will officially pursue Lin Xiaohua. I don't believe I can't catch her with a bouquet of flowers every day!"

The person who spoke was Zhao Jinyue.

The Zhao family has more than 120 chain pharmacies in Qingshi, so the family has some power, and the family conditions are naturally N times better than the Qin family.

Hearing this, Qin Fengyang suddenly felt a sense of crisis in his heart.

Zhao Jinyue's family background is good, and he looks good, what if Lin Wu agrees to him under his strong pursuit?

How many girls can refuse a bouquet of flowers every day?


Lin Wu could only like him.

Thinking of this, Qin Fengyang smiled and said: "Zhao Jinyue, that might disappoint you. Lin Wu, you really can't catch up!"

"What do you mean?" Zhao Jinyue looked at Qin Fengyang.

Qin Fengyang continued: "Because the person she likes is me."

Hearing this, Zhao Jinyue and several other male students around him burst into laughter.


"Qin Fengyang, you are so fucking narcissistic! Who do you think you are? Goddess Lin would like someone like you?"

"Damn it! How can there be such a shameless person in the world?"

"Qin Fengyang, you'd better piss and take care of yourself!"


Hearing the laughter around him, Qin Fengyang clenched his hands into fists, and he felt his masculine dignity being severely trampled on the ground.


Today he must prove himself in front of everyone.

Qin Fengyang let out a breath of foul breath slowly, and looked up at the people who laughed at him, "Believe it or not, as long as I go to Lin Wu and say that I agree to be her boyfriend, she will definitely burst into tears with gratitude!"

Judging by how much Lin Wu likes her.

For sure!

Zhao Jinyue crossed his arms and stared at Qin Fengyang, looking like he was enjoying the show, "Then you should go!"

Qin Fengyang clenched his fists, "Then you all have a good look at me."

After the words fell, Qin Fengyang quickly chased and stopped in front of Lin Wu.

Qin Fengyang looked at Lin Wu with a superior look, and raised his voice: "Lin Wu, I know you have always liked me, today is my birthday, I have thought about it for a long time, and I am willing to accept you. So, do My girlfriend!"

After speaking, he held out his left hand to Lin Wu.

Good morning everyone~

New day, ask for a ticket~

See you tomorrow mua! (*╯3╰)

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