She Shocks The Whole World After Retirement

Three hundred and fifty-seven thousand years of perseverance, there will be a response

"After Retiring, She Stuns the World Novel ()" Find the latest chapter!

Chapter 357

The black mist rushed directly into the bodies of the two, and the red concentric knot held in their hands disappeared immediately under the action of the black mist. At the same time, both Sheng Xiao and Yu Huang found a red thread in their bodies.

Only they can see that line, but others cannot.

The invisible red line can be extended infinitely, connecting Yu Huang and Sheng Xiao forever, no matter how far apart they are, they can find each other according to the red line.

At the same time, in another world, at the bottom of the dark and deep abyss, a giant black dragon was lying in the abyss. The flesh on its body was torn apart by the thunder, and every time it moved, it would feel piercing pain.

In order to recharge its energy and resist accumulation, the black giant dragon kept its eyes closed.

At a certain moment, the dragon's body suddenly felt hot, and it sensed something, and suddenly opened its eyes. The giant dragon checked his body with his spiritual sense, only to find that it was the red thread that had been silent for thousands of years, re-emerging with a gleam of scorching light.

The black dragon raised its head and roared into the abyss above it, "Roar!"

After thousands of years of reincarnation, he finally found her!


The black mist dissipated, and the sunlight pierced through the dark clouds immediately, and sprinkled on Yufucheng. Under the sunlight, the red lanterns exude a red halo, and the whole city is full of joy.

Yu Huang and Sheng Xiao supported each other to stand up, and all the beast masters and friends who were watching the ceremony threw flowers at them, congratulating the couple for accomplishing a major event in life under the witness of heaven.

Sheng Xiao took out his ID card from inside the wedding dress, and he handed the Beast Master ID card to Yu Huang for a look. Yu Huang lowered her head and saw that behind the name of Sheng Xiao's ID card, there was an extra word "Yu Huang Husband". words.

Yuhuang also took out her ID card from her interspatial ring. Sure enough, there was also the word 'Sheng Xiao's Wife' on the back of her ID card.

The two looked at each other and silently held each other's hands.

Yu Huang looked up at Sheng Xiao, touched her lips, and called out softly, "Husband."

Sheng Xiao was stunned.

Seeing that Sheng Xiao was in a daze,

Yu Huang suddenly found it funny.

At this moment, all the guests had already moved to the restaurant to eat, Mrs. Sheng walked over holding the civet cat and said to them: "Okay, you two can go to rest."

Next, there is no need for them to entertain and accompany guests, and the bride and groom can go home to the bridal chamber.

Lan Yao told the two of them: "The wedding room in this house has been arranged for you, and the wedding room on the other side of Yuanyang Lake has also been arranged. Where are you going to live tonight?"

Considering that she will have dinner with her in-laws tomorrow morning, Yu Huang made a decision: "Let's live in Yufu City."


The two held hands through Yufu City and arrived at the patriarch's mansion near the foot of the back mountain. The guards and servants had all gone to the central square to watch the ceremony, and they rushed back as soon as the ceremony was over.

When Yu Huang and Sheng Xiao returned to their residence, the guards and servants were standing in the yard talking.

As soon as Sheng Xiao took Yuhuang's hand and walked in, all the guards and servants laughed at the same time, and congratulated them loudly: "Congratulations, young master and madam, for a happy marriage for a hundred years!"

Hearing this, Sheng Xiao immediately took a lot of golden beans from the interspatial ring.

He squeezed the golden beans and said: "Today is a great joy, everyone is happy." After speaking, he threw the handful of golden beans into the sky, and the servants and guards immediately ran to grab the golden beans.

Seeing this scene, Yu Huang joked with a smile: "If Master knew that he could still grab the golden beans by following you, he might have left his job and came to grab the golden beans."

Thinking of Lin Jiansheng's picky temper, Sheng Xiao nodded in agreement.

After the servants finished grabbing the golden beans, a cook came over and asked Sheng Xiao and the others: "Young Master, Young Madam, are you hungry? What would you like to eat?"

A guard glared at the cook, laughed and said, "Chef fat, are you stupid? What day is it today, the young master and the young lady are busy, so where is the time to eat!"

The cook was taken aback for a moment, then his fat face flushed, and he stammered, "Then, I'm cooking you something to eat in the middle of the night. No matter how good your physical strength is, you should be hungry in the middle of the night."

Yu Huang burst out laughing, and Sheng Xiao blushed when he heard the cook's words.

No wonder the fat man can only be a cook all his life, and his emotional intelligence is only enough to deal with animals and vegetables.

Everyone laughed loudly, looking at Sheng Xiao and Yu Huang with ambiguous eyes. The leader of the guard waved his hand and shouted: "Everyone go to work, don't get in the way!"

Everyone slipped away.

The leader clasped his fists and said to Sheng Xiao: "Young Master, Young Madam, you are busy, so we will not bother you!" After speaking, the leader led the others away.

Sheng Xiao's cheeks, neck, and even his body felt hot with embarrassment, and he felt that there was a flint hidden in the wedding dress.

Yu Huang bumped into his arm and asked her: "Hey, husband, are you physically strong?" Seeing that Sheng Xiao was too shy to speak, she said again: "What do you want to eat in the middle of the night, tell the cook in advance, Let the cook prepare it."

Sheng Xiao gritted his teeth and said, "I'm not hungry, I won't eat."

"Just be brave."

It's not spiritual strength, but physical strength to do that kind of thing. It's not even twelve o'clock at noon, and no matter how good Sheng Xiao's physical strength is, he won't last until midnight.

"Let's go back to the room."

Sheng Xiao saw that Yu Huang was walking cautiously, and climbing stairs must be even more inconvenient, so he immediately hugged Yu Huang by the waist.

Yu Huang was afraid that the crown on her head would fall off, so she quickly straightened the crown.

The room was tightly closed, and there was a happy letter pasted on the door. Sheng Xiao put Yu Huang down, took off the happy letter with her, and then opened the door and entered.

Sure enough, the room was decorated, the curtain of the Babu bed was changed to dark red, and the bed sheets were also changed to dark red. The red quilt is embroidered with mandarin ducks, and there are longevity fruits and peanuts hidden under the quilt.

Yuhuang lifted the quilt, picked up a peanut, peeled it, and ate it. She said, "Is this implying that we should have a baby soon?"

"It's just a custom, we don't want children now."

Yuhuang chewed on peanuts and asked him, "If you don't want a child, then do you want me?"

Sheng Xiao took a deep look at her.

He closed the window, stood in front of Yuhuang for a while, and said suddenly, "You have no idea, in my mind, how many tricks I have used to trick you."

Yu Huang was startled by Sheng Xiao's wolf talk.

This is married, so it's revealed?

Sheng Xiao's throat moved up and down a few times, he sat down next to Yu Huang, and said, "The wedding is over, I can take off the crown for you."

"Then hurry up." Yu Huang bowed her head, and Sheng Xiao studied for a while before successfully helping her take off the crown.

Without the crown, Yuhuang suddenly felt that her breathing was free.

Sheng Xiao got up and put the crown on the dressing table. He returned to the bed, stood and looked at Yu Huang for a while, and then said, "Next, can I help you undress?"

Yu Huang looked up at him.

Facing those eyes that were as black as ink but hot as fire, Yu Huang's eyes darkened, and then she stood up.

She closed her eyes and opened her arms.

She tacitly agreed with Sheng Xiao to undress her.

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