Shelter: All-Class Survival

Chapter 99: re-entering the jungle

Chen Chen took out all the valuable things of Kaitianyijian and stacked them in front of him.

Two desk lamps, a sun light bulb, tools such as saws and axes, an air conditioner, a smart speaker, 11 pounds of distorted iron, and other odds and ends.

Of course, the most important thing is 12 ashlars and four shelter expansion modules.

Chen Chen used the two earthwork stones directly, and the power of earthwork was raised to 22 squares.

Counting the rest of the ashlar collected by Chen Chen before, now Chen Chen has a total of 42 wooden ashlars, 8 fire ashlars, 9 water ashlars, and 9 gold ashlars.

Chen Chen has collected the most wood cubes, not counting the ones he picked up yesterday, he bought 19 directly on the platform.

And from the analysis provided by Xiao Luo, the player in the area with the most awakened attribute ability is the wood attribute. While the demand is higher than other attributes, the price is actually much cheaper.

Many of these players with the Awakening Wood attribute did not use such things as wooden beads, and they belonged to natural awakening.

Some people comprehend it after seeing a magical tree, some people comprehend it by playing with wood cubes, and even more outrageous, when they wake up, they wake up to the wood attribute ability.

But so far, people still haven't found a feasible way to comprehend attributes, it seems that it is really a probability.

Chen Chen was lucky to find an earth element before, and then he realized the power of earth element. He doesn't seem to have any special talent in this regard.


After the episode, Chen Chen continued to study herbal medicine. This time, he took the "ice fruit" he collected yesterday and mixed it with centipede poison, which could greatly speed up the speed of the ice fruit flowing through the human body.

The successful development of ice poison can make the beast become slow and unresponsive within a few seconds after being hit by an arrow, which can greatly develop the effectiveness of ice fruit.

"The herbal medicine has to continue to expand production, expand the planting room a little more, and install a few more sun lamps."

At this time, Xiao Luo reminded him, "Master, the power of the fuel generator is close to saturation. If the planting room is expanded, the power supply of the shelter will be insufficient."

"And there are only three sun lamps left, and the stock is not enough."

"Ah! Is that so?" Chen Chen was a little surprised. He hadn't dealt with these things for a long time. "How about replacing the sun lights in the rabbit breeding room with ordinary light bulbs? Can the power of some electrical appliances be reduced?"

Xiao Luo shook his head: "There is only one sun light in the rabbit breeding room. Even if it is turned off all day, it will not help much. Replacing ordinary light bulbs is not enough to alleviate the problem of power shortage."

"As for the rest of the electrical appliances, Xiao Luo always turns it off when the owner is not using it, so he can't squeeze out the excess electricity."

"Also," Xiao Luo added: "The drinking water is not enough anymore. Xiao Luo suggested that the owner consider digging underground well water. There is no limit to the daily trade in the shelter. After digging, the owner can give it to others. People open up supply in exchange for resources.”

"It is suggested that the owner should not expand the herb growing room before that. They also need a lot of water. The mist water can only be used as fertilizer, not for watering the herbs."

Chen Chen's head was a bit big when he heard it, "I'm running out of water and electricity again, and now it's running at full power. Does that mean that the shelter can't operate normally when I'm forging iron?"

"And if I dig wells, I don't have so many shelter expansion modules. It seems that no one has picked up any expansion modules in the area."

Xiaoluo explained: "The master can first use the ordinary shelter to expand the module, expand downward, and then directly use a pick and other tools to dig down the well after breaking the rock layer. With the master's physical fitness, dig a 100-meter-deep hole. The well shouldn't take a few days."

Chen Chen shook his head after hearing this: "How many days? Forget it, I can do a lot of other things with this time."

There is no good way to solve these two problems right now, and there is still a certain buffer time, Chen Chen continues to study the ice poison.

"Although these centipedes are not very toxic, they can cooperate with many other plants. When you have time, think of a way to cultivate them."

Centipedes don't eat much, and Chen Chen still has a lot of deformed animal meat that is useless, just to feed these centipedes, maybe they can feed extremely poisonous centipedes.

The development of poison is much simpler than that of herbal medicine. This time, Chen Chen found the best formula in half an hour and developed the strongest ice poison.

After the matching was completed, Chen Chen cut some deformed meat, cut it into thin strips, and threw it into the glass box for the centipedes to enjoy themselves.

Then, when the battery was fully charged, Chen Chen went to make a distorted iron knife for George, the breeding pig, and promised to complete it.

It took more than half an hour to finally build the distorted iron knife for the breeding pig George, and Chen Chen continued to repair the details of the shelter.

Today's fog is extraordinarily heavy, and Chen Chen didn't put the super fruit on the observation deck to attract beasts. The beast came, and Chen Chen could only let the other party destroy it.

After working like this until the evening, Chen Chen finally sorted out the shelter as a whole, and became more familiar with the shelter that was being expanded almost every day.

Because he couldn't go out, Chen Chen also built a toilet for the shelter, in the style of an aqua toilet, through pipes to discharge the reincarnation of grains into the septic tank prepared below.

The septic tank was constructed under the guidance of Xiaoluo, with three-phase separation, sedimentation and filtration to realize the utilization of waste.

Xiaoluo also explained to Chen Chen clearly that the septic tank was built big enough, and the first cleaning after it was built was half a year later.

"At that time, I don't know that the shelter will develop into an explanation. This little thing should be solved." Chen Chen beeped softly.

Today, the number of bees in the three colonies has expanded again, with 90,000 Chinese bees, 60,000 Dali bees, and more than 60,000 golden ring bees.

"The Golden Ring Bee will stop using the ripening juice from tomorrow, the Dali Bee will stop when it reaches 100,000, and the Chinese Bee will start ripening when the field bee can't supply honey to itself and Dali Bee."

60,000 golden-ringed bees were enough for Chen Chen, no matter how much.

Vigorous bee is not too much. The energy that cannot be eaten can be stored. In the future, when a new natural disaster occurs, Chen Chen will take out the honey again, and the strength will continue to grow.

"However... the most likely thing that will stop me from improving my strength may be my physique. In less than a week, my strength will be increased to the upper limit." Chen Chen scratched his head, "If I have more energy then, I will ask others to do so. Players sell it."

Chen Chen has also been eating a lot recently. He has to eat about 30 catties of meat every day, plus various exchanges.

Chen Chen only has more than 1,400 catties of edible meat left, and there is still a lot of deformed meat, but no one buys it.


When he woke up the next morning, Chen Chen asked Xiao Luo directly, "Xiao Luo, how is the environment in the wild today?"

"Master," Xiao Luo's voice came from the smart speaker, "Today's outdoor conditions are better than yesterday, and the outdoor visibility has been greatly improved. After calculation, the master can probably see objects within a range of seven meters."

"Oh, that's okay." Chen Chen nodded and started to get up and get dressed.

Now the temperature in the room has also reached zero degrees, but Chen Chen's current physical fitness does not feel too cold.

There are 30 pounds of meat on the stomach, and the heat generated is still a lot.

"Let's go out today, try to find some good things, and deal with the outside of the shelter by the way. Tomorrow will be the third radiation outbreak day."

Unconsciously, it has been 20 days since Chen Chen came to the Abnormal World. Whether it is the shelter, or Chen Chen himself, there have been great changes.

Putting on his clothes, he cooked meat in the pot, and Chen Chen went to the observation room to observe the situation as usual.

The trees in the distance can't be seen clearly, but Chen Chen just didn't cut down the plants for one day yesterday, and there are already trees outside the shelter that are growing as high as the lookout.

The bamboo forest that Chen Chen has been cultivating with all his heart is nowhere to be seen.

After these days of fierce competition, these plants are now crazy.

The newly grown plants in front of these shelters basically only develop root systems and tops. Each of them looks like chopsticks, and they all want to take the lead in grabbing the space above.

Some of those plants that cannot compete with other plants in height have developed unimaginably developed root systems. The layers of rhizomes completely block the land under their feet. The soil content in one square meter may not be as much as that of rhizomes;

Some plants aim at the nutrient-rich white fog that accelerates growth. Its branches are like vines, looking for all kinds of gaps that can be drilled through. Once they find enough space, they spread their leaves to expand the absorption surface of the white fog.

This plant was discovered by the windblown rice flower, and he has been studying how to control its growth since the day before yesterday. He wants to transplant this plant into the shelter, so that the white mist and toxins in the shelter can be greatly absorbed.

After observing Chen Chen determined that the wind-blown rice flower definitely awakened the ability of the wood property. The plants he discovered and modified have exceeded the scope of what an agronomy graduate student can produce.

After observing the situation, Chen Chen went downstairs to eat to prepare. After putting on his equipment, Chen Chen walked out of the shelter again and entered the jungle.

Chen Chen first cut down all the trees 20 meters around the shelter, then cleaned up the weeds and leveled the land.

After that, Chen Chen directly used the power of the soil line to solidify the 20 square meters of land at the entrance of the shelter, fundamentally preventing the growth of plants.

The curing depth this time is a full half a meter. No matter how tenacious the plants are, they should not be able to grow from this piece of land.

"But..." Looking at the right glove, the fingers and palm were broken, and blood was still flowing on the fingers. "These plants are getting more and more perverted."

This wound was accidentally cut by a plant when Chen Chen was weeding. The barbs of the plant also contained paralyzing ingredients. At that time, Chen Chen didn't feel the pain at all, and only later did he realize that he was injured after working.

"And this plant also has anticoagulant components. My bones were able to reset by themselves when my physique was low, but now I can't even stop the bleeding."

Chen Chen held a clinging herb in his left hand, which he found with the ability of a herbalist after he discovered the injury.

"However, with the effective extracts of this plant, it should be good to mix ice poison and corrosive poison."

This injury is nothing to Chen Chen. He was lucky to find this extremely versatile poisonous weed just after going out today.

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