Shelter: All-Class Survival

Chapter 152: Explore dangerous places

Day 34, woke up early in the morning.

Chen Chen first looked at Yuan Zai, who was lying on the side, and found that he was breathing steadily and fell asleep. Most of the wounds on his abdomen had healed, and many blood scabs had fallen off on their own.

Although the murderous ghost had scratched Yuanzai's skin before, he had not torn it off, so there was only a narrow scar on the scab, and there was no baldness.

After the physique is improved, the self-healing ability is quite powerful, and there is no need to care about it at all. The surrounding muscles will automatically return the skin and bones to the original position, and after healing, it is similar to needle stitching.

And the scar won't stay for too long, and it will be metabolized and disappear in a few days.

It can be said that the improvement of Chen Chen and Yuan Zi's physique has reached a quantitative change.

He touched Yuan Zai's head, and then taped his forehead and Yuan Zai's small head. After that, he wore short-sleeved shorts and went to the training room to practice the exercises.

"Because of my high physical attributes, the mana accumulation of the Five Hearts to the Sky has not yet reached the upper limit. After practicing for a few days, when the upper limit is reached, I will have to slowly expand the upper limit of the mana storage. At that time, the training speed will be Slow down a lot."

"If during this period, my physical fitness continues to improve, then I can still move the time back a little... Unfortunately, eating is always a problem, and when my physical fitness is improved to fifteen, I can't do it recklessly, otherwise my body will Dragged down by eating."

"Today has been 34 days. When I go out to conquer the ghosts, I will go to the black thorn tree to take a look. There should be another gene fruit growing, right? This time, I only need to eat half of it, and the genetically optimized dose will be enough. The limit has been reached."


When entering meditation this time, Chen Chen rationalized his thoughts and thought about a lot of things. It was not until he had gone through all these things in his mind that he closed his eyes and meditated and entered the state of meditation.

It was still dark, but there were many more spots of light swimming in it than before, and his cultivation efficiency had also improved.

Three hours later, Chen Chen woke up from the state of meditation, and then he returned to the living room, looked at Yuan Zai after feeding him some vital water, and then put on his equipment and left the shelter.

If Yuan Zai was there, then the two of them could easily deal with the murderous ghost team.

Now that Yuan Zai is recuperating from a serious injury, Chen Chen and the hemp rope ghosts whose strength has recovered to 60% are still struggling to deal with a team of more than 300 murderous ghosts, and they may need the support of other players.

Fortunately, he has already understood Jin Ruijian, and it is no longer a problem to deal with two or three third-level aberration beasts, so he dares to enter the wild alone at this time.


Sixteen minutes later, Chen Chen arrived near the black thorn tree, he unfolded the natural induction, and soon observed the situation of the black thorn tree.

The black thorns on the tree have grown a lot again, it seems that because he cut down the surrounding trees before, so that it can get more nutrients and sunlight, it has grown from more than 30 meters to more than 50 meters.

Fortunately, Chen Chen's footsteps were light when he approached, so he did not cause the opponent to attack, allowing him to find out the truth of the black thorn tree more than 80 meters away.

"Then let's cut wood again."

Chen Chen took out the distortion hacksaw from the object space and began to manually cut wood.

The distorted hacksaw has a total length of 162cm including the saw handle. Although the latter is half a millimeter thick, the saw body is almost not bent when picked up and placed in the air. Combined with Chen Chen's tremendous strength, a tree with a diameter of half a meter can be sawed off in a few seconds.

Many trees today are very hard. If you don't pay attention, the chainsaw will get stuck and the chain will be worn out.

Therefore, Chen Chen stopped using chainsaws a long time ago. With the blessing of the lumberjacks, the logging efficiency was even higher.

After more than ten minutes, Chen Chen finally finished processing the black thorns and could pick the fruit with peace of mind.

There are still associated poisons under the black thorn tree, and Chen Chen carefully collected them into the item space.

Going up to the top of the tree, he smiled and plucked the fist-sized gene fruit, and then he was ready to go down.

But at this moment, he felt that a **** bird was flying towards him. Because it was in the air, his natural perception was not real.

But Chen Chen didn't hesitate, stepping on the black thorn hole with one foot and hooking the other foot, firmly fixing himself to the tree.

Then he quickly took out the bow and arrow, and sent a sharp golden arrow towards the place where the big bird flew.

The breath of this big bird is very strong, and it is likely to be a third-level aberration beast, so Chen Chen dare not take it lightly, raising his hand is the strongest attack.


After one arrow followed three arrows, he did not give the aberration beast a chance at all, it is best not to even see his face, it is best to die outside the fog.

Tweet! !

The big bird made a sharp chirping, and then the breath quickly slipped and fell to the ground without a sound.

This time, Chen Chen also sensed the strength of this bird. It was indeed a third-level aberration beast. All the feathers on its body had been deformed, but it was instantly killed by Chen Chen with four arrows.

"It's a pity, if I had such strength when I was challenged by the beast tide, I would definitely get the reward in the seventh round!"

Then Chen Chen took out a hundred ghost flags, and a large number of ghosts were dispatched, and soon the blood evil spirit of the third-level aberration beast was swept up.

Compared with the Hundred Ghost Banners, the effect of the third-level talisman was not enough in Chen Chen's eyes. Instead of using these blood talismans to block the ghosts, it would be better to use more blood evil spirits to better utilize the strength of the Hundred Ghost Banners.

Going down to the ground, Chen Chen looked for the past, put the body of the big bird into the object space, and then went northwest.

This is the place where he found more ghosts. After careful consideration, Chen Chen decided to explore in this direction. Although the danger is high, there are many ghosts. What he lacks now is time, so it is worth taking the risk.

After going forward for more than ten miles, the Golden Ring Bee who led the way stopped and changed direction and continued to move forward.

Chen Chen thought for a while and knew that this was a dangerous place in the jungle. No matter what it was to people, it was very dangerous to bees anyway, and there was basically no life or death in it.

After a lot of exploration and comparison of information, he turned these places into dangerous places. Usually, when bees gather honey, they will bypass this place when they search for resources.

But this time Chen Chen hesitated. "Dangerous plants are often very likely to have good things. This is the case with yellow fruit pits and black thorn trees."

"My strength has also improved a lot now. Why don't I go and have a look. With natural perception, there shouldn't be any major problems."

Within 40 kilometers, the bees have marked a total of eight dangerous places, three in the west, just in the process of searching for ghosts.

After making up his mind, Chen Chen let the golden ringed bees slowly approach the restricted area in front of him. These golden ringed bees were divided into ten groups, and a group returned every ten meters, so that the dangerous boundary of the dangerous land could be determined.

When Chen Chen is directly outside a safe distance, he can use natural induction to know the harmful plants.

When he first determined the dangerous place, he planned a buffer range of 100 meters for it, so that the bees could not approach it, just to prevent the dangerous place from expanding and he and the bees did not know it fell into it.

Ten meters, twenty meters... At ninety meters, there were finally no bees to return. Chen Chen immediately approached thirty meters forward, and then started natural induction.

"What's this? Exploding chestnuts?"

In his perception, there is a kind of tree growing in a dangerous unity, which is somewhat similar to the chestnut tree, but it is extremely dangerous.

The normal chestnut has a prickly shell on the outside, but the shell of these chestnuts in the dangerous place has undergone great changes.

The thorns on the shell become hard and sharp, and each thorn is independent of each other. As long as an animal approaches the chestnut on the tree, it will fall off and explode in the air, seriously injuring or even killing the animal.

There is a very viscous liquid on the surface of the separated chestnuts. With the force of the explosion, some chestnuts will stick to the animal fur, and the seeds will take root and germinate with these nutrients.

It is precisely because of these dense thorns that all the bees that approached died, and none of them could come back.

This method of reproduction is still very useful, and ordinary beasts come in and become nourishment directly.

If the intruder was an aberrant beast, the chestnut shell needle would not kill it for a while, and after it ran into the distance, it also carried the seeds of the exploding chestnut into the distance.

The valuable part of exploding chestnuts is the seeds, which are extremely high in calories. The calories in a pound are much higher than that of meat. Although it still cannot replace meat, it is still much better than other vegetarian food.

After checking the situation, Chen Chen frowned, "This thing is too difficult to plant, and it must be attacked by a living being close to it, which means that it is basically impossible to collect on a large scale, and the value of its seeds will be lost."

"Forget it later, the exploding chestnut only occupies an area of ​​300 square meters. In such a large area, there will be basically no mutant beasts, and its seeds will not be able to spread, and the threat is not great."

It would cost him a lot of time and effort to eradicate this area by archery, and for now, it was not worth it.

I'll have to wait until I have the strength to solve it in the Thinking of this, Chen Chen shook his head, "Other plants are not vegetarians, so whether the seeds can sprout when they spread out or not is another question."

Then he stopped paying attention to this place, quickly exited the area, and continued to go southwest.

Soon Chen Chen reached the boundary of yesterday's search, and he re-spawned the hundred ghost flags and released the murderous ghost to continue the search.

Because the direction of the magic nest has been determined, Chen Chen did not waste the power of attributes in other directions, and he has only started the official search until now.

The search radius of the evil ghost is much stronger than that of the evil ghost. A ghost can perceive the surrounding area of ​​200 meters, and the search efficiency is directly doubled!

The perceptive range of the evil ghost is extremely high, and when it senses both sides with Chen Chen, its range also exceeds the sensing distance of the ghost standing at the limit of the hundred ghost banners.

After fifteen minutes, he searched the newly planned area and caught a total of 17 ordinary ghosts and one evil ghost.

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