Shenhao: After Withdrawing 10 Billion, the City Was Blocked!

Chapter 112: : See Li Wei again, Red Five Three Missing One!

But luckily...

Now there is Xiaoqing.

if not……

Thinking of this, Chen Qin couldn't help pinching Fang Qing's cheek.

"Xiao Qingqing, no wonder I like you so much...

You are my little lucky star! "

Fang Qing: ! !

His eyes widened, his face flushed red.

I am a cold goddess!


You pinch my cheek?

But... so comfortable!


A sneeze!

Chen Qiu sneezed and his nose was itchy.

Don't even think about it, this is a dead girl scolding herself!

Besides her, no one dares to scold him!

However, scold, scold!

Chen Qiu is a dead pig and is not afraid of boiling water!

If you want to manage the company yourself, you don't have to!

Now that he has everything, that is, he is not short of money, and wasting time for money, this is not a wise move.

Like now...

Walking on the street is a good choice!

"Qingqing! Is there a class today? If not, come out for a drink, I'll treat you!"

"There are two more classes, well, then there is no way!"

"Next time, don't schedule courses. You are also a principal, why are you working so hard!"

"Okay, let's talk next time? What? Come to my house for dinner at night? Okay, I'll ask the servants at home to prepare it for you!"

hang up the phone...

Chen Qiu is helpless!

It's been a long time since I went shopping with Lin Qingqing, but she didn't have time, so she couldn't help herself!

However, at this time...


A red BMW suddenly stopped in front of him!

BMW five series?

More than half a million cars?


A rich man!


Is it a girl?

I don't know which girl has been adopted these days!


He really wanted to know, which rich man has taken care of a girl!

The result is this...

The corners of his mouth twitched slightly.

So, this rich man, is it me?

"Chen... Brother Chen? It's really you, I thought, I thought I was wrong!"

Li Wei looked surprised.

She thought she was wrong!

The result is really Chen Qiu!

I haven't seen each other for a few days, why does she feel that Chen Qiu seems to be getting more and more handsome!

"Miss Li, are you getting rich?"

"Mr. Chen, don't make fun of me, if it weren't for you, where would I be able to buy a car, are you slapping me in the face when you're talking about getting rich?"

Li Wei looked at Chen Qiu with some resentment, feeling extremely aggrieved.

You are a local tyrant with tens of millions of luxury cars in your family, and your assets are only data. You tell me that I have made a fortune, and my face is so hot, okay?

What's more important is that...

All my money is the commission you gave me, Mr. Chen. Without you, I really have no money at all!

Chen Qiu: ...

"Well, when I didn't say, where are you going?"

Hearing Chen Qiu's words, Li Wei hurriedly said: "I didn't go anywhere, didn't I just grow up? It was said that I asked a friend to drink coffee at Starbucks and asked me to come out with me. I'm free and fine. Are you here? Mr. Chen..."


"Do you want to be together?"

Chen Qiu: ...

"I'm sorry, isn't it?"

"There's nothing to be embarrassed about. In fact, this time, he asked a girl out. He said it was a colleague. He finally made an appointment. This time, he asked me to make up the number!"


Make up the numbers?

Chen Qiu was a little stunned...

"He asked a girl out and asked you to make up the number. What do you mean?"

"They're playing cards..."

"Red five and three missing one?"

"Three missing one!"

Chen Qiu: ...

"You guys are so boring, especially your friend, who came out with a girl and played cards? Still missing one of three? Why doesn't he go to heaven!"

Chen Qiu complained!

Is this dude an idiot?

Even if you take your sister on a date, do you still want to play cards?

Such a great atmosphere...

Such a great opportunity...

Are you like this, ready to play cards?

"I said so too!"

"and then?"

"He said that the girl he brought out brought her best friend, and her best friend felt bored and said she wanted to play cards..."

Chen Qiu: ...

"I think if it were me, I would want to kill that best friend!"

Li Wei agrees.

Even if you are a light bulb, you are still like this, you are not authentic!

"So, I can only come! After all, if you call someone over, it's fine if you're not a handsome guy. If you're a handsome guy, wouldn't it be unlucky? So, why don't you call me over here and have a hundred hearts!"

Chen Qiu: ? ? ?

Looking up and down Li Wei: "Are you sure?"


"No, you're wrong, I mean, you go, that girl from your friend won't eat your vinegar?"


Li Wei's cheeks immediately turned red.

She looked at Chen Qiu shyly: "Are you saying that I'm beautiful in disguise?"

Chen Qiu: "You can think so!"

"That's right, I want to think, what's wrong with you appreciating me!"

This tone is like a girlfriend acting coquettishly at her boyfriend, but she still explained: "Don't worry... He is my cousin, how are you jealous, and you won't eat a sister's jealousy!"

Chen Qiu: ...

this dude!


Even anti-microdu Jian has been used!


He raised the corners of his mouth.

"In that case, let's go together!"

Three missing one!

can go!

Boring anyway!

Of course……

Chen Qiu remembered that he hadn't been a light bulb for a long time!

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