Shenhao: After Withdrawing 10 Billion, the City Was Blocked!

Chapter 163: : Chen Qiu: ? Are you talking to me? ?

Others don't know the truth behind it, but for Gong Jiuge, some truth seems to be directly in front of him.

Even if you want to not pay attention, it is very difficult!

Thinking of this...

She didn't say anything, just walked out of the office.

Don't this group of people want to watch themselves go down?

Then she really didn't give them any good luck!


27th floor!

Gongxin Group office floor.



"President Gong is here!"

When Gong Jiuge walked out of the elevator, someone screamed loudly.

Immediately, everyone who originally made the front desk a target, all of a sudden, as if the wolf had found its prey, they swiped and stared at Gong Jiuge!

It was even more surrounded.

It was as if he was afraid that Gong Jiuge had run away at one time.

"Gong Jiuge, you finally appeared!"

"I tell you, no matter what happens today, your money must be given to us!"

"Return, return, return, we want to return!"

"Your group has encountered these major events now, but you are hiding it from us, Gong Jiuge, no matter what happens today, I will take my money!"

"If you don't give us an answer, this matter will never be good today!"

Chen Qiu stood aside...

This is the first time he has seen this Gong Jiuge.

At the beginning, Chen Qiu thought it was a man!

After all, this name can make people think that it is a woman...

I didn't expect to be such a beautiful woman!

Just now, Chen Qiu also understood why this system task appeared, and what it meant by helping the Gongxin Group to tide over the difficulties!

Otherwise, Chen Qiu doesn't know!

But there is definitely one aspect of the financial crisis.


Finances are never difficult for Chen Qiu!

It's just that he feels more that there should be something behind this!

Then check it out!

Standing on the side, eating melon seeds, watching the play, it's actually not bad!


Chen Qiu took out a handful of melon seeds from his pocket,

I just picked it up from Fubo, and it's still a good time to spend!


Look at this mess!

There are also people who are pressing hard...

Gong Jiuge's face turned cold.

The originally chaotic scene, when these words came out, suddenly fell into silence...

"It's all quiet, isn't it? Is it my turn to speak?"

Gong Jiuge's eyes swept across everyone present, and his voice was a little cold: "I know what's going on with you... and I know, it's obviously fine, why do you suddenly have to refund...

Even if a Ling Si group cancels the cooperation with our Gong Xin, but with our Gong Xin's ability, it will not directly lose hope...

There are some things I don't want to say too clearly, but there are some things that you have done too, and they have done too... Look up and see, the mountains and rivers meet, you never thought that one day, Will you regret what you did today? "

"Regret, President Gong, we don't know what to regret!"

"We just want our money!"

"Is this wrong?"

"That's right, let's talk about it, why don't we work with you?"

"Apocalypse plan? You have been working on this plan for five years, and now you can still do it without the help of Lingsi Group?"

Gong Jiuge doesn't want to say anything anymore!

"Since you have made your choice, then let's do it... Secretary High..."

Gong Jiuge spoke.

The secretary who followed her quickly said, "President..."

"Talk to the finance side, take back all the funds, and return all the money to them!"


Hearing this, Secretary Gao was stunned.

"All, return the funds?"

At this time, all aspects of the group are extremely short of money!

Return of funds……

Give them all these funds?

This is equivalent to making the group worse again!

If one is not careful, I am afraid that this group will really be defeated like this!


"I told you to go, what nonsense!"


simply! ,

Without even hesitation!

This surprised everyone, but soon, one by one, the group of debtors were relieved.

Anyway, as long as they get their money back!

As for what will happen to the Gongxin Group, that's not what they care about!


The originally crowded front desk and door suddenly became empty.

Gong Jiuge exhaled.

I only feel that my heart is a little haggard, but in the eyes of others, I still look like a strong woman.

This is her character!

No matter what happened, even if the sky was about to fall, she would still stand, and she would never fall!


when she turned her head.

I was stunned for a moment...and then my face became cold,

"I just said, if you want money, follow Secretary Gao to the finance department. As long as you bring the documents and documents, the money will be given to you, why? Don't you want the money?"

Chen Qiu looked around.


Point to yourself.

"Are you talking to me?"

"Not with you, but with the air?"

Gong Jiuge frowned, this person, a fool?

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