Chapter Cry

Zhu Yanli breathed a sigh of relief. At this time, he said to Zhang Fan with a strange expression of yin and yang: "Hehe, you are just farting, I don't believe you can buy our company in a short time."

Zhang Fan saw Zhu Yanli mocking herself, so she smiled and said directly: "Then you have to see if your husband has cheated you, you might as well ask him again."

After hearing this, Zhu Yanli still had some doubts in her heart.

But subconsciously he still stood by his husband's side joking. If he didn't even stand by her husband's side, then who could still be on her husband's side?

At the moment, she subconsciously said to the chairman on the phone: "Husband, I told you what happened just now-it's like this..."

So Zhu Yanli told me what happened in the cafe just now.

After listening, the chairman who was in the office was so angry that he directly crushed the glass in his hand.

He was full of blood, and said to the phone: "I... I was really killed by you. The company was acquired. So you did it?"

After that, he hung up the phone.

He is now eager to investigate this matter. Because of his eyebrows, he needs to deal with it as soon as possible. The company has such a big loophole and must be filled as soon as possible.

So he knew it was almost impossible to make up, but he still wanted to try his best.

"I'm in the coffee shop." After Zhu Yanli heard her husband's words, her eyes widened, she couldn't believe it.

From what my husband said, it seems that he was acquired, but how is this possible? How did it do it?

The market value of their company is several hundred million, but at least tens of millions.

Being able to lose so much money directly in a short period of time, I wonder how terrifying Zhang Fan's financial and material resources are.

In fact, it is perfectly fine for Zhang Fan to buy at the original price.

It’s just that Zhang Fan didn’t leave them a way out. In fact, he just sent a text message to let the hackers under his hands invade the other’s computer, and then used this method to lower the other’s stock price to acquire the other’s company with a very small amount of money. Come down.

It can be said that the other party is really depressed this time vomiting blood.

Zhang Fan looked at Zhu Yanli and smiled faintly: "Now, you believe it, take your security guards over here to apologize, and then go home!"

"It's impossible to want me to apologize!" Zhu Yanli was still thinking about other things, but after hearing Zhang Fan say this, she overturned the table in the cafe fiercely.

· ····Seeking flowers·· ·

Then he

He took her and took some of his bodyguards and left.

Zhang Fan also flashed a cold light when he saw him like this.

He made a call directly and decided to let his hands handle the rest.

After solving the problems in the coffee shop, Zhang Fan sat back in the coffee shop.

.. .. .......

He still picked up his teacup and drank coffee.

His composure, as if everything had nothing to do with him just now.

After seeing this scene, everyone in the coffee shop regarded Zhang Fan as a god.

All of them stared into their eyes and looked at Zhang Fan sitting there in disbelief.

The waitress did not expect that the matter could be resolved so easily.

After learning that the person who resolved the matter was Zhang Fan, the waitress walked up to Zhang Fan timidly.

She said to Zhang Fan, "Thank you!"

Zhang Fan smiled, and then said, "No thanks."

He still has a good impression of this waitress, after all, when he was working just now, he had been doing his own job very cautiously. So.

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