Chapter 79 Where do you want to go, I will accompany (for subscription, third more)

This action is actually not very obvious, but the caring people actually saw it. Zhu Xinwei took the initiative to massage the shoulders of a man. If you say this, the young people like Bacheng Modu who are bored will laugh. toothache.

"It turns out to be a child from Old Mu's school. No wonder, that stinky chess basket is lucky, good daughters, and good students."

The topics of the elderly people present all shifted to Zhang Fan's side.

Zhang Fan didn't say that, most of them were listening. When others said something, he would nod his head, would stay useful if he was useful, and would give up what he thought was of little significance.

It seems that after massaging Zhang Fan's shoulders, Zhu Xinwei felt that she was not caring enough, and then pressed Zhang Fan's temples to give Zhang Fan a few presses.

Zhang Fan is a little embarrassed.

A few old people laughed but didn't say anything. They didn't say much, and they didn't know it thoroughly. In fact, many people present could see what was going on, and Zhang Fan could also see it, but there was a problem in everyone's 14 heads.


There is no reason, why is it wrong?

Zhang Fan feels strange to himself, what's wrong with him? Good luck broke out? Is there a second ups and downs in your life?

In fact, it didn’t last long here. Zhang Fan left here, added some people, and left a good impression. Then he left with Zhu Xinwei. Of course, a woman followed shamelessly. Behind.

In the car.

Zhu Xinwei sat quietly, Zhang Fan was placed in the middle, and Liu Huachen was sitting on the other side.

"Little handsome guy, my sister fell down, you don't want to help me."

"You are not a disabled person, don't you stand up?"

"Hey, Zhu Xinwei, look at your little lover, how come you talk like this."

Zhu Xinwei ignored this mad woman, looking out the window, the adult world, in fact, there are some things that don't need to be said more, just click and stop. It's not appropriate and inconvenient to say too much.

What Zhang Fan didn't understand was this woman. Why did she like herself? It wasn't Zhang Fan's hypocrisy. In fact, he would think more about this kind of thing.

"Brother Zhang Fan, you said, where do we go to have fun at night? If you don't like going to bars, then how about we go to the clubhouse?"

"No, it's boring to those women."

Zhang Fan had to admire Liu Huachen's perseverance.

"If you can tell the meaning of my name, I won't bother you."

Zhang Fan thought for a while and said: "Yuan Hongdao's "Tale of Tiger Hill" "The autumn of the moon, the morning of flowers, the evening of snow, tourists come and go, and the Mid-Autumn Festival is especially good". "Flowers" are generally used. The appearance of a girl is also one of the plants that many people like. The word "morning" means morning and the rising sun. This name expresses that a girl can have the charm of a flower, and has a beautiful future, beautiful and ancient."

Zhu Xinwei has a smile on the corner of her mouth. The man she likes is very good, very good.

Liu Huachen put Zhang Fan's arm around and rubbed his chest with Zeng Ya, and said, "Hahaha, brother, I will give you a lesson now, don’t listen to women, and don’t believe in women. You know, don’t remember. Now, these are the most famous sayings."

Damn, women are all liars.

"Where to go in a while."

Zhang Fan asked. Zhu Xinwei didn’t know what to do. She looked at Liu Huachen. Liu Huachen thought for a while and said, “Go and play. Ask Zhu Xinwei, you two, I look tired."

You really should ask. If you don't say it, you feel uncomfortable in your heart. There is no reason. Who can know the answer?

Zhu Xinwei sent a photo to the phone. Zhang Fan's phone rang. Looking at the chat message of Li Miaoke, a sexy portrait appeared, and she understood it in an instant.

Then he didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

It's really you.

"Use your daughter's picture?"



"I don't want to be in love, I don't want to meet, I can't talk, I'm too tired."

"why me."

"I regret it, I should meet you, I like you."

Sure enough, he was so domineering, and he didn't procrastinate.

The driver took a tissue and wiped his head, sweating, sweating, the weather is not hot this year, is this a mess, scared?

When I faced a dozen thugs with my boss back then, I didn't even start to sweat, but now I am sweating. The boss likes a boy, 18 years old, mother, scared to death.

"That's it?"

"What do you want, what I give you, as long as you like me."

Domineering is domineering, but how do you feel that you have eaten soft food?

"I just want to please you."

"It's okay, this is my strength, I will keep it, what else do you ask for."

You are poisonous.

Zhang Fan wants to get out of the car now.

"Give me a chance, can you?"

Is this begging?

Liu Huachen clutched her forehead. She listened too much to these words. Liu Huachen and Zhu Xinwei were actually the same in essence, but they chose two methods. Liu Huachen was stigmatizing her reputation. I won’t arrange a blind date anymore, and no one will be really affectionate for her. Naturally, I don’t have to touch men anymore. Thoughtful people can tell at a glance. I have also heard things like this. For example, some boys say, I Don't mind the nonsense of your past.

The old lady used to be very clean and could not see through, and would basically be abandoned by Liu Huachen.

But give me a chance, can you? In fact, it is what the most boys lick their dogs.

It's just that this is indeed a violation of Zhu Xinwei's words.


Zhang Fan gave an affirmative answer.

Depend on.

I really want to kill this pretending to be weird. What is okay? What's wrong with Zhu Xinwei in our family.

Forget it, let's help them, looking anxious.

"At night, stop a round, how about we go to play?"

Zhang Fan nodded, Zhu Xinwei had no objection.

"I'm going to get in touch. No, I let my little girls get in touch. Today, I'm going to be eighteen years old again."

Is this sure? Zhang Fan could guess that the group of people looked in horror after seeing the two women.

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