The largest New Age Gymnasium in the sea market.

Today is more lively than ever, because the concert is about to start.

Many Reba fans from all over the country gathered here.

People taking pictures can be seen everywhere.

Although the concert has not officially started, all the work is already being prepared.

The security was taken care of by China Overseas Security Group.

Early in the morning, Su Chen came to report early.

Many security guards also gathered together for a morning meeting, and Su Chen was among them.

Security chief Dadelong gave the death order.

"This security work has a great impact on our company, and if anyone makes any mess for me, makes any mistakes, and damages the interests of the company, I will definitely make him look good."

"Do you understand?"

Everyone: "Understood."

Daidlon and sternly reprimanded: "Haven't you eaten breakfast?" Speak so quietly, like a lady, say louder!


This time, everyone shouted very imposingly, and Dai Delon nodded in satisfaction.

"Very good, new employees stay, other old employees disband!"

There were five new employees left, including Su Chen.

More than a hundred other security guards all went on their missions.

Dai Delong made a straight face and looked at Su Chen and the others.

"A few of you are new, all of you have listened to me."

"I am your supervisor, you must do whatever I say, if anyone dares not listen, let me go immediately!"

"You must not be lazy to play with your mobile phone when you work, I caught it, the first deduction of 500, the second deduction of 1000, the third time 2000, directly fired!"

"Take a day off and deduct 100!"

At this time, one of the security guards boldly asked: "Supervisor, didn't you say that you don't deduct money for leave?" Why did you suddenly say that you deducted 100 again?

Dai Delong said: "That's the company's rules, here the rules I said, you take leave, I still have to find someone to replace your position, is there no cost here?"

"If you don't do it, get out of here immediately!"

"I don't want to hear people ask such stupid questions in the future, do you understand?"

Daidlong issued a stern warning, and everyone did not dare to speak up.

Seeing that everyone was still standing here, Dai Delong roared again: "What are you still standing here for?" Hurry out to work, like a fool.

When everyone was away from Dadelong, someone said angrily: "I have long heard that this Dadelong is often very snarky to his employees, and I can't think of it being worse than I thought."

"Cut, if you have a little power in your hands, you don't treat people as people."

A few people came to work at their designated posts, and in less than five minutes, seven or eight people wanted to take shortcuts from the place they had blocked.

It was a woman with a camera in her hand and walked over.

"Sorry, traffic is prohibited here, please take a detour." Su Chen said to the woman very politely.

The woman was obviously a person who was usually arrogant, and her face immediately changed.

"Why should I make a detour here? This is originally the road, what right do you have to stop me

from passing" Su Chen said: "The company stipulates that this road is prohibited from passing

, please understand the difficulties of our work." The

woman said fiercely, "Why should I be considerate of the difficulties of your work?"

"You are a security guard, what qualifications do you have to talk to me, if you delay my affairs, you will compensate me for my losses, quickly get out of the way!"

Su Chen said, "I'm sorry, you really can't pass from here." Seeing

that Su Chen refused to let him pass, the woman became even more angry, took out her own documents, put on a condescending face and said: "I am a reporter on the front line of entertainment, can you see clearly?" This is my work card.

"You're influencing my work, can you afford that?"

"Believe it or not, I exposed you?"

Su Chen said firmly: "Even if you expose me, I still won't let you in, this is our job." At

this time, the new security guards also came over to persuade the woman.

"You really can't pass here, you have to take pictures and go to other places."

"Why are you so unreasonable, we are also working, if we let you go, it will be to lose our jobs."

"Even if you're a journalist, you have to be reasonable."

Seeing that there were many people on Su Chen's side, the woman knew her own loss, and scolded with a black face: "The security guards are all dogs, and they have no human touch at all, so they know that bullying me is a woman."

"I'm not to think about you dogs." The woman scolded and left.

Everyone's faces were a little ugly, and this woman spoke too badly.

Some people said angrily: "The less qualified people are the less educated they are, the less they depend."

Su Chen said: "Forget it, don't worry about this kind of person, those of us who are security guards will always come into contact with all kinds of people." "

His current pattern is getting higher and higher, and his mentality is becoming more and more stable, and he can't make trouble with this kind of woman, and this kind of person should be a jumping beam clown."

Fortunately, I didn't meet unreasonable people in the back, and the countdown to the beginning of the concert in the evening also began.

Su Chen's side was also busy.

Many fans have already gathered, not dozens, but hundreds.

"Get out of the way, don't get in the way."

"Hurry up and let us pass, we're going to see Reba."

Su Chen and the others hurriedly maintained order: "Don't be in a hurry, don't squeeze, be careful to step on people." But

these crazy fans didn't listen at all, and directly rushed through the protective fence, and the original police cordon was also torn off by them.

Even some billboards were trampled by these people.

These people rushed in like a tide, and Su Chen and the others couldn't stop them at all.

The scene was chaotic.

Su Chen couldn't stop him if he wanted to, because there were too many of these people and they were also crazy.

As a last resort, he picked up the horn and shouted: "Pay attention to safety, everyone pay attention to safety, do not trample and step on injuries."

"Lady over there, don't worry, take your time."

"Everyone slow down, don't rush hard, be careful of hurting the people around you."

He shouted a loneliness, and those crazy fans took it right.

Some security guards tried to block it, but as a result, the clothes were torn by these fans.

Some security guards don't even know where to lose their hats.

Nima, his fans are crazy.

Seeing this scene, Su Chen directly chose to lie flat.

As long as you don't do anything, I'll be Amitabha.

After these crazy fans rushed in, Su Chen found that the clothes of these colleagues' security guards were a little messy.

A security guard said with trepidation: "I thought I was going to be trampled to death."

"Are these fans sick in their brains, and female stars are not their wives."

Su Chen hurriedly said to everyone: "Brothers, don't maintain order here, let's go in." "

As time went on, a lot of spectators also entered, and people from outside also came in, almost.

The concert also officially began.

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