The eyes of the two younger brothers next to him were straight.

couldn't help but give Sun Qing a thumbs up.


"Sleep with my brother, all this money is yours, if you can serve your brother comfortably, you will be indispensable in the future!"

Lu Shutong swallowed.

This pile of money is 20,000 yuan, and Shen Cong's bastard looks glamorous but he is not so generous.

Although he still thinks about Yang Ming's tens of billions of assets in his heart, he doesn't eat the meat that comes to his mouth in vain.

glanced at Sun Qing, who looked more pleasing to the eye than Shen Cong, an old man in his thirties.

"Brother, I said it earlier, you scared people just now~" His face became faster than turning a book, and his smiling face was like a flower, and his fingers poked Sun Qing's chest fiercely.

Bitch and dog, they met eye to eye at once.

"Hahahahaha!" Sun Qing grabbed it and kneaded it fiercely.

No one else laughed arrogantly and proudly.

In his dictionary, there is no woman who can't get it.

Obviously, Lu Shutong in front of her has added a strong touch to the path of practice that she thinks is great.

In addition to looking at Lu Shutong's figure and face, of course, he also had the intention of disgusting Yang Ming.

Even, he already had an immature idea in his heart, that is, to use this woman to deal with Yang Ming.

Anyway, how to come here, he has already made up his mind to make Yang Ming unable to mix in Shanghai!

Looking at Lu Shutong, who was easily hooked up by Sun Qing.

Yang Ming's heart was unwavering.

If you want someone to love, you must first love yourself.

This is especially true for girls.

People like Lu Shutong fully prove that he was blind at the beginning.

As for a scumbag like Sun Qing, as long as he Yang Ming is in for a day, this bastard won't want to get close to Zheng Sisi.

The days passed, and soon it was time for school to start.

Before the start of the fourth year of Qizhi High School, the head teacher Lao Lu convened a small meeting with the parents of the students in the class in advance.

In principle, students also audited, but Yang Ming found an opportunity and didn't go.

He didn't really want to meet Zheng Sisi too early, so as not to be embarrassed.

However, as soon as Liu Suqing got home, she talked about Zheng Sisi's rereading.

also said that she didn't expect that when she was a child, Hei Buqiu ran behind Yang Ming's ass so smartly, and compared her daughter to Yangmei, saying that other people's daughters are getting more and more beautiful, and the girls of her own family are getting frustrated the longer they get.

provoked the little girl Yangmei to keep complaining that she must have picked it up, which attracted a lot of laughter at the dinner table.

After eating, Liu Suqing also specially called Yang Ming aside, saying that although the two families are not neighbors now, it is a great fate to be able to be in the same school and class from kindergarten to high school and even repeat.

Let Yang Ming communicate with Zheng Sisi more in the future and cherish this fate.

Yang Ming didn't know if his mother's words had a deeper meaning, he only remembered that his mother had a good relationship with Zheng Sisi's mother in the past.

Yang Ming didn't want to think about it either.

There is already a Mu Hongli, is it difficult to provoke Zheng Sisi

? Children make choices, and adults want them all

? But can this really be the case?

If you don't understand it, you don't think about it first, compared to this matter, how to make parents accept their terrifying strength in a short period of time is the top priority.

Otherwise, if you come to things like the deputy factory director a few more times, the family will definitely turn upside down.

In this way, it was the day of the beginning of school.

"Have you heard? The previous No. 1 middle school girl is also in our class?"

"The school flower? The one who graduated? Isn't the family admitted to Hudan, aren't you still satisfied and want to rush to the north to repeat?"

There are more than seventy people in the class, and Yang Ming's position is in the middle and back.

Because he is taller, this arrangement is reasonable.

The two buddies next to him spoke in a loud voice, and Yang Ming didn't have to listen deliberately, the content of the conversation entered his ears.

"It's not that, you're talking about Shen Peiyu in No. 1 Middle School, people were indeed snatched away by Hudan in advance, but what I'm talking about is Zheng Sisi, and it's not a person with

you!" "Zheng Sisi, haven't you heard of it, it's beautiful?"

"Of course, I saw it on the day I registered, wearing a small white floral dress, and she looked as beautiful as a fairy! If Shen Peiyu could score nine points before, Zheng Sisi was nine points eight, a grade higher!"

What you said is so exaggerated, why have I never heard of such a beautiful girl before?"

"You don't know, I heard that it's because Zheng Sisi is introverted by nature, so she likes to keep her head down in everything, and she doesn't like to deal with people and talks nervously, so people ignore her existence, and no one has discovered her beauty in the past three years in No. 1 Middle School!"

"Then how can I know it now?".

"It's not the farewell banquet of the third class not long ago! Zheng Sisi is from the third class, you know, I heard one of my buddies who is also in the third class, Li Weiran, say, that day, Zheng Sisi raised his head for a male classmate, and since then he has amazed everyone, tsk, I really don't know which animal is so blessed that he can let Zheng Sisi raise his head for him!"

Yang Ming: "............"

Mom is a spicy chicken, I said how the news spread so quickly, and the co-author was said by Lao Li's grandson.

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