"Who's to say it isn't!" Biaozi

took another puff of his cigarette.

"Those scum of the mixed society are really black, unlike us students who are afraid of the tail and pick the places where they want people's lives. At two or three o'clock in the morning, if you hadn't run three or four blocks on my back and get to the hospital in time, I would have to be in the alley where birds don't.

"I remember that time you had more than 20 stitches on your head, right?"

"Twenty-seven stitches! I didn't dare to go home for half a month, if you hadn't taken me in at that time, I would have to starve to death! Look at it, there is still a scar here~"

As he spoke, Biaozi lowered his head, and a very long scar could be faintly seen in the dim light.

"At that time, Li Weiran's grandson was useless, and he knew that he kept crying next to him, and Lao Tzu was mourning before he died, and Lao Tzu's heart was in chaos!" Biao Zi laughed and scolded, and said: "By the way, I remember that you also broke a rib that time, right? You kid is more ruthless than me, at that time, I walked so far with my back, and I didn't say a word, if I hadn't heard Yangmei sister talk about it later, I wouldn't have known!"

Yang Ming smiled, noncommittal.

It was really dangerous.

Biaozi and Li Weiran came out of the Internet café in the middle of the night, hungry and tooth-beating, and met a group of social bastards who ate overlord meals at the barbecue stall.

Biaozi couldn't help but say a few words for the boss, and the conflict arose.

At that time, Yang Ming received a call from Li Weiran in the middle of the night, and when he arrived at the scene, Biaozi's face was already covered with blood.

However, although they were injured in the end, the battle was also glorious, and the two of them, plus Li Weiran, a rookie, overturned more than a dozen gangsters.

It was also that battle that Chen Biao and Yang Madman's name were fought.

So in addition to golfers, the relationship between Biao Zi and Yang Ming has never been without reason.

"Biaozi, have you thought about your future plans?" Yang Ming suddenly asked.

"What else can I do in the future, finish college first, and I can get into the second book thanks to you, otherwise I will have to go to the society as soon as I graduate from high school." "

What's the matter?" Yang Ming heard the strangeness of Biaozi's tone.

In fact, he had already seen that Biaozi's sudden smoking was a sign.

"It's nothing, it's just that these days my parents held a college banquet for me, and I saw the faces of those seven aunts and eight aunts of the upper class, in the eyes of my parents, people like me can be admitted to the second and second books, and there is already green smoke on the ancestral grave, but in the eyes of those people, I am not even a fart, their children are 985,211 at every turn, and the Ivy League MBA abroad does not take people like me in their eyes at all.

Biao Zi smiled bitterly and continued: "I used to think that being the boss among the students was really awesome, calling for wind and rain Lao Tzu was the first in the world, but now I know that it is a fart! The book says 'The prince will have no seeds!', but this is not the case, grassroots like ours are actually destined from birth. There is indeed a phoenix man in this world, but you and I both know that it is one in ten thousand, for ordinary people, an ordinary life is fate, and it is difficult to produce a noble son from a poor family!"

"Then Biaozi, let me ask you, do you want to change your fate?" Yang Ming suddenly looked at Biaozi with a serious face, his eyes burning.

In fact, he has already had a plan, but he has been waiting for this opportunity in front of him!

To make his parents imperceptibly accept himself, he needs a good opportunity.

And Chen Biao, who Yang Ming trusts very much, is undoubtedly the best candidate to become this opportunity.

He needed a spokesperson.

In all aspects, it is logical to become the spokesperson of his own rhetoric.

Therefore, Yang Ming decided to support Chen Biao to take the position.

"Yes, I dream of it! No one wants to be an inferior person for the rest of their lives, but what can that be? Many things are not just thought about, nor can they be made up for by hard work, this is the sadness of being an ordinary person. Biaozi was a little depressed.

"I can help you~" Yang Ming said seriously.

"What do you mean, Old Yang?"

Biaozi's eyes lit up, and he suddenly thought of something: "I have forgotten to ask you, what is the situation with the Hennessy viper? And why is the boss of the blue sea and blue sky so respectful to you? Don't tell me that you have always been a hidden super rich second generation, I won't believe it, Uncle Yang and Aunt Liu are familiar to me, they are honest ordinary people." "

Do you think I'm going to hurt you?" Yang Ming didn't answer.

Some things can be said and some things can't.

Even his parents hid it, so naturally he wouldn't tell Biaozi.

The system will be a secret that he will always hide in his heart, and no one can tell it.

Biao Zi shook his head without hesitation: "If you want to harm me, Lao Tzu hung up that night three years ago, if there is anything, you can say it directly, what do you want me to do for you?"

"Help me, you are also helping yourself, help us change our fate together!" Yang Ming grinned: "I already have an immature little idea now, which can be regarded as a small goal of mine~

" "Earn him 100 million?".

Yang Ming shook his head, earning 100 million, and the cash in his bank account was 3 billion.

"I want to build my own wealthy family!"

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