Biaozi is not angry.

Grumbled: "What kind of bullshit Dragon Diagram Queen, do you really think of yourself as a female emperor? Let's buy it back with real money and operate legally, and she said that the door will be closed when it is closed? I don't believe in this evil!"

Yang Ming smiled, just as a complaint.

"The formalities and contracts are all legal, right?"

"Of course, although I don't understand Lao Yang, didn't you ask me to ask the boss of Bihai and Blue Sky for help, it was a contract specially drafted by the lawyer he helped me find, and all the formalities are readily available, if you really want to make trouble, we are not afraid~" "

In other words, this Bai Keren was also put on the spot, and she was angry that she couldn't treat us as fat sheep to make up for her own losses?" Yang Mingle was happy.

Empty gloves white wolf, this woman's wishful thinking is quite fine.

"That's pretty much what it means~" Biao Zi said depressedly: "I'm sorry, Lao Yang, you trust me so much, but I just started it..."

"It's okay!" Yang Ming waved his hand and interrupted Biao Zi: "How can you do something without encountering difficulties, if there are difficulties, we will solve them, let's not flinch and do it, besides, we are barefoot and not afraid of wearing shoes~"

Hearing this, Biaozi's eyes lit up.

"Lao Yang, do you already have a countermeasure

?" Yang Ming was noncommittal, but said, "Is there a way to meet her

?" "Lao Yang, do you mean Bai Keren or the person he sent?" The person sent should be fine, but if it is Bai Keren himself, I'm afraid it will be difficult. After all, it is the person who has been interviewed in Shanghai, and the person at her level will take the initiative to find us with our current identity, I am afraid that she will not look at us with the right eyes~

" "Then let her take the initiative to come to us!" Yang Ming teased.

"What do you mean, Old Yang, do you really plan to meet this white man?" Biao Zi was shocked.

He found that he couldn't see through Yang Ming's thoughts more and more, as if this iron porcelain in the past was no longer on the same level as himself in terms of pattern and way of thinking.

Of course, these do not affect Biaozi's brotherhood towards Yang Ming.

"If you don't see the main master, how can you solve the problem~

" "But, how could she take the initiative to see us?"

"Yes!" Yang Ming licked his lips and showed a treacherous smile: "If she really does something to Meng, then she will do fifteen in the first year of junior high school, Biaozi, you are like this............" Yang Ming and

Chen Biao talked in the box for hours.

The fruit bowl on the table is slowly bottoming out, and the beer is decreasing at a visible rate.

Yang Ming drank less, and Biao Zi drank more.

After listening to Yang Ming's plan, this kid was so happy that he couldn't close his mouth, and said with a mouthful of wine: "Old Yang, can this really be done?"

"Don't worry, you can... Hiccup~Cheng!" A bottle of beer went down, and Yang Ming burped.

He was the amount of ten bottles, half drunk and slightly drunk, it was almost tonight, and Yang Ming didn't plan to drink it again.

"Hey, hey, hey, Lao Yang, I found out that your kid is getting worse and worse now, I'm afraid this white person will be so angry that he will slap the table when he finds out, right?"

Old Biaohan smiled: "You said that you are such a chicken thief, how could you be played by Lu Shutong's slut in the first place?"

Yang Ming was stunned for a moment, and then said: "Yes, why was I played by that woman~"

But soon, Yang Ming laughed.

The corners of his mouth were lightly raised, and the smile of relief was light: "Maybe this is the so-called fan of the authorities, no matter how smart a person is, there are times when he can't see the reality clearly, which can only show that I really liked her at the beginning, and now, I really don't like it completely!"

Old... Lao Yang, you must... Be sure to take care of... Put..."

I picked it up for a long time, and I was stunned and there was no follow-up.

I only heard a chirp, and the one hundred and eighty pounds of Biaozi fell to the ground.

Two cases of beer, this guy drank himself up.

The snoring was like thunder, and he slept soundly on the ground.

Yang Ming smiled, called someone in to clean up the mess, and prepared to go home after a few words.

His steps were slightly vain, and Yang Ming was half-drunk and slightly drunk, but in fact, his brain was the most sober.

Walking to the door, the bladder rebelled, a urge to urinate hit, turned around and went into the bathroom.

took out the faucet and was about to open the gate to release the water, when a figure flashed over and leaned directly on Yang Ming's back.

The force of the impact was not small, and it almost knocked Yang Ming into the urinal.

"Damn, buddy, I'm a male and a female, it's not good for you, you can find someone else~!"

After saying this, the other party not only did not walk away, but hugged Yang Ming's neck with both hands.

The whole person hung on him.

"Damn! you..."

Yang Ming was about to scold, but quickly realized that something was wrong.

Because it seems to be held up by two balls of something on his back, and it is soft.

It's a woman

, and it's the plucking of hair in her ears, accompanied by the smell of perfume.

Why is it a woman?

Did I go to the wrong toilet?

No, this is a standing urinal!"

"I said girl, this is the men's toilet, you..."

Yang Ming turned around suddenly, and when he saw the woman's face clearly, he was suddenly stunned.

"I'm going!how are you!"

Miss Ye!

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