Yang Ming didn't listen carefully to what Wang Muxu said later.

He wondered, why did he suddenly become a fragrant glutton?

Didn't these old men still frown at themselves before, so they didn't want to be old-fashioned?"

"Go and go!" Mu Xu, you old boy is not a good person, how can people be single, the girl he was protecting in his arms at that time in the Qin family, you have forgotten, as the old saying goes, it is better to demolish ten temples than destroy a marriage, and destroy people's marriages, you two old boys, beware of the thunder and thunder

in the sky!". Liao Zhongting, the Holy Hand of the Bone Doctor, was indignant, but he turned his head and said to Yang Ming with a shy face: "Young man, we are different, and we will never pull the red line indiscriminately." However, I have a five-year-old granddaughter, who is talented in medicine and is a rare malleable material, or do you consider accepting her as a little apprentice?

He is the oldest of the four, and he has neither a grandson suitable for apprenticeship, nor a granddaughter who has not yet left the cabinet.

A pair of dragon and phoenix fetuses of great-grandchildren, but not more than 100 days.

The competitiveness of the apprentice is definitely not as good as that of Liao Zhongting, an old chicken thief, and the marriage? Isn't that!

"Little brother Yang Ming, the old man thinks you are a good person, and you are also like-minded in traditional Chinese medicine, why don't we worship a good brother who forgets the year?"

Chen Jichang

: "This..." Wang Muxu

: "????" Liao Zhongting: "Uh..."

Yang Ming: "............"

Are these old men crazy?

Rao is Yang Ming's cheekiness, and at this time he is embarrassed to pick the ground with his feet.

He still underestimated Taiyi Xuan's attraction to these old Chinese medicine doctors.

The main thing is that you are still so young, not to mention coveting, crazy wooing is a must.

Fortunately, at this time, the door was pushed open, and the timely appearance of Wei resolved Yang Ming's embarrassment.

"How's that?" Yang Ming asked.

Wei Guo stepped forward and patted Yang Ming's shoulder heavily, although he didn't speak, his burning eyes already said everything.

"Yang Ming, she... Is there really no help?

"No!" Yang Ming was straightforward and had no room for it: "Senior Brother Wei, I am a doctor and not an immortal, if you don't believe it, you can ask these four old gentlemen."

Wei Guo smiled bitterly.

"I see, it's hard for me to be strong. A

hint of regret flashed in his eyes, but he was not too sad.

He said to Chen, Wang, Liao and Li: "Everyone, thank you for your hard work during this time, you can rest for a while, and I will send someone to send you back one by one later."

Just then, the two men in the room also came out.

The one in the tunic walked straight in front of Yang Ming.

"Young man, what's your name?"

Yang Ming. "

Yang Ming?" The man nodded slightly: "I remember, it's very good, young and promising, but you have to continue to work hard." He took the initiative to reach out and shake Yang Ming's hand, his eyes showing appreciation.

Then he walked straight away.

The four old men of Chen, Wang, Liao and Li were envious in their hearts.

When he reached his position, he no longer needed to pretend to others, which showed that he really appreciated Yang Ming.

After the man in the tunic left, another man in military uniform also stepped forward, looked at Yang Ming and said majestically: "Yang Ming, can you call the shots in this matter

?" "I usually don't interfere in business matters, but I still have the right to speak, I just don't know what the chief means by being in charge?" "

Your Yanhuang Ice Muscle Powder has a good hemostatic effect, and our military has the intention to buy it."

Yang Ming was stunned, the military wants to buy

Hongyan's products? Indeed, although Hongyan focuses on women's beauty, it is a healing medicine to stop bleeding from the perspective of the characteristics of the prescription.

"Of course, it is not enough to stop bleeding alone, and what our fighters need is not beauty products, you still have to improve the products we need on the basis of the original, judging from the speed of your company's innovation, you should have hoarded several generations of products with higher results than the current market

, right?" The man paused, and said: "The just needs for the soldiers, human life is at stake, if we want to buy us, we have to buy the best, so you can understand the stakes, right?"

It's not a big problem, but I don't know how much you need?"

"As long as the product quality inspection and drug efficacy meets our needs, the annual order will not be less than one billion Chinese dollars. "The man is concise and to the point, and the military style is hardcore.


For Yang Ming, the numbers are not tempting, but the opportunity to work with the military is tempting.

This is undoubtedly an opportunity to expand your network.

Glancing at Wei Guo, Yang Ming said in his heart, is this a reward after helping?"

"But young man, the ugly words are ahead, we soldiers can't rub sand in their eyes, saying that the best is the best, if you cheat in the process of cooperation, the consequences will be very serious."

Yang Ming smiled: "It's not enough to cheat, but you said that we won't be able to reach the billion." "

Why?" the man frowned.

"Do you know why there are

so few giant pandas in Huaxia?" the man understood in seconds, nodded and said: "Then buy the best of your energy production, secondly, although there are few giant pandas, they are not nothing, so we will collect as many medicines as you can that cannot be mass-produced." "

It's a pleasure to work with. This time, Yang Ming took the initiative to reach out.

The man glanced at him and frowned, "It's not too late to wait until you provide us with a product that satisfies us."

Yang Ming's hand still stopped there: "Then let me put it another way

, I wish us a happy cooperation, what do you think?" The unsmiling chief grinned rarely, held Yang Ming's hand and quipped: "I have only heard that businessmen are shameless before, but today I really saw it, so I wish us a happy cooperation."

Yang Ming didn't care.

If you have

the opportunity to stand and earn money, what kind of face do you want!

This hand will not let go if you hold it.


Late at night.

The Office of the Dean of BGI Heart Hospital.

Fang Yuying, under the lamp, flipped through the hospital affairs documents at the table.

After a while, she looked up at the wall clock on the wall, leaned on the reading frame, and said to herself, "It's so late, and you haven't sent anyone back?"

At that moment, her phone rang in the drawer.

"Hey, what are you talking about!?really?" I don't know what was said on the other end of the phone, the Iron Lady, who had never changed her face when Mount Tai collapsed in front of her, suddenly changed her face, and even her voice became trembling.


"Got it, thank you for your hard work, Xiao Wei. The

phone hung up, and the old lady holding the phone was stunned for a long time.

But the undulating chest still showed that she was not at peace at this time.

"I have never owed anyone in my life, but I never imagined that I was about to enter the ground but owed Yang Ming, a great favor.

Fang Yuying smiled bitterly, and she leaned over to open the only locked drawer on her desk.

Inside, there is a picture frame that is covered with the back side up.

Flipping it over, it was a family photo.

A man and a woman are a couple holding their little girl.

The whole family was smiling sweetly.

The old lady's withered hand caressed the man and girl in the photo, and tears welled up in her eyes.

"Old man, do you hear me, our daughter is still alive!".

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