Taoyuan Village.

Located in the southwest of China, there are green mountains and green waters, and the folk customs are simple.

The only drawback, poor.

The only way to the outside is the loess road that you can't walk when it rains.

There are less than 100 households in the village, and almost all the young and middle-aged people are outside, and no one wants to come back, leaving behind the old and weak children, who have changed from generation to generation in recent decades, becoming poorer and poorer.

Green bricks with tile paint, drizzle stepping on new mud.

The wind blows the dead leaves, and the smoke curls up.

On Christmas Eve, the city lights are full of wine and green winds, but here, there is little silence.

The most iconic building in the village is the two-story building in front of you, which is used as a school building.

It has been many years, but even so, the wires of this teaching building were pulled at the beginning of this month.

"Teacher Xiao Mu, Teacher Xiao Mu~" In the dim incandescent light, a little girl with a black goose egg face with pigtails ran in from outside.

The girl who was busy on the stove in the house turned around when she heard the sound, it was Mu Hongli.

Although the environment is difficult, the water and soil of Taoyuan Village support people.

Compared to before, the fish's face looks more watery.

"Yuanyuan, why did you come here at this time, did you eat, what did you have in your hand?" she looked at the little girl who ran in unexpectedly.

This is a student in the class, only seven years old this year, very obedient and shy little girl.

"Teacher Xiao Mu, my grandmother asked me to send you and Teacher Ye roasted sweet potatoes, well, give~"

Half an old newspaper wrapped two hot roasted sweet potatoes, and you can still see scattered plant ashes.

It must have just been plucked out of the embers.

"Grandma asked me to go back after sending it off, goodbye Teacher Mu~" The little girl waved her hand and turned her head to run.

"Alas, Yuanyuan, you wait~" Xiao Yu'er hurriedly went back to the house, took out the strong flashlight she brought from under the pillow, and quickly ran out and stood on the steps to light the way for the little girl.

In fact, her home is less than 100 meters away from the school, but such a little girl who is blind in the black light is afraid that she will bump into it.

Judging from the skillful movements of the little fish, this is certainly not the first time such a situation has happened.

In normal times, I would definitely have to follow her to send her home, but today, the vegetables are still burning in the pot and I can't go away.

Yes, in just a few months, Xiao Yu'er has mastered a lot of skills that he didn't know before.

For example, a simple roasted dish, not to mention how authentic the taste is, at least it can be eaten smoothly.

If you go to Yang Ming's house again, you will definitely not make the braised beef into teppanyaki.

It's hard to imagine that the little fish who was born in gold and squeamish has adapted to the life of this 'poor country', and she even fell in love with it a little.

The boiled potato slices in the pot had already boiled, and the little fish bent down to add a stove of firewood after returning to the house, and got up to stir-fry.

Here, for the first time in her life, she saw such a brick stove with her own eyes, and miraculously she was now able to use it skillfully on her own.

Looking at the dishes in the pot that have overflowed with fragrance, I am full of a sense of accomplishment.

Her little face was arrogant and broken: "If only Brother Yang Ming was here."

It's Christmas Eve, and I don't know if he ate apples.

What are you doing now?

Hmph! Brother Yang Ming is so handsome, if I am not by his side tonight, there will definitely be many female classmates pestering him.

No, I have to call him after eating quickly!

But why hasn't Sister Qingyan come back when she goes to pick leeks? Just

then, footsteps were heard outside.

Xiao Yu'er thought that Ye Qingyan was back, and she was very happy: "Sister Qingyan, you finally returned..."

It was cool, itchy, and then a cheap voice sounded in his ears: "Xiao Kuoai, guess who I am?"


Xiao Yu'er's body stiffened instantly.

How spicy is this voice, so familiar

! Brother Yang Ming?????


! I must be dreaming!


Yanjing is 108,000 miles away from here.

It's absolutely impossible!"

"Sister Qingyan, don't make trouble. She subconsciously thought it was a little joke made by the cold-faced Qingyan sister on Christmas Eve.

Because I missed Brother Yang Ming too much, I had auditory hallucinations.


"Sister Qingyan, Xiao Kuoai hasn't seen you have a problem with your ears for two months? How did you listen to my magnetic bass as a female voice?"

"No, this is not an auditory hallucination!"

Xiao Yu'er's delicate body trembled, and she turned around suddenly.


the one who is close at hand.

The familiar face, the slightly raised corners of the mouth, handsome and handsome, is exactly what a lover looks like.

It's not Yang Ming, who else can it be.

Yang Ming said that he would do something big today.

For Aquaman, stabilizing the fish pond is the biggest thing.

It should be a sweet day for each other to hold hands and embrace each other, but if I am not by your side, who will be next to you?

Therefore, Yang Ming decided to take it by surprise and give Xiao Yu'er a big shot in the arm, so as to stabilize the relationship and delay the outbreak of the Shura Field as much as possible.

He was sure that after this battle, unless Xiao Yu'er saw his scumbag behavior, it would be impossible for any third-party gossip about him to make any waves in her.

Boys, as you get older, you can't always be considerate of the little things.

At first, it can make her feel gentle, but after a long time, the passion will fade, and it will become dull and boring.

So, a little surprise from time to time is very necessary.

To put it bluntly, you have to learn to create something new on your own.

The so-called novelty is not to let you have sex with different women, but to unlock different postures with the woman who has been with you all your life.

Well, there may be a lot of people who think it's vulgar and explicit and too lewd.

Then let's change the way of saying it is literary and artistic.

The so-called novelty is not to do repetitive things with different people, but to unlock and experience the unknown life with the same person.

Yang Haiwang also has his own unique opinions about freshness: those vulgar men just want to sleep with you, but I am different, after all, a lifetime is so long, sofa, bathtub, balcony, coffee table, Italian chandelier... And the roof hood, I want to follow you everywhere I can think of it...

"Hahaha!Surprised, surprised, not surprised?Happy to see me!Big Surprise~!"" Yang Ming spread his hands at the fish.

Bang dang.

The spatula in the fish's hand is gone.


"Brother Yang Ming, is it really you? I miss you so much! I can't be dreaming, am I?"

The mist blinded the fish, and Yang Ming's dog thing could always easily move her to tears.

"Fool, of course it's true, how can there be such a real dream!


Xiao Yu'er was amused and giggled again: "Hehehehe, it really hurts, it's really not a dream! Brother Yang Ming is really you! I was still thinking about you just now, and you appeared right away! So happy, hmm... You're so good to me, I love you!Mua~"

The fish gave Yang Ming a big fragrant kiss.

"Hehehehe, so Brother Yang Ming, are you here to bring me apples?" she pressed against Yang Ming's nose, and the tip of her nose touched slowly and rubbed, this joy of reunion after a long absence made her feel light, like flying in the air, so happy.

"What kind of apples to give, isn't it delicious to send bananas!" "


If it was Christmas last year, she would definitely not be able to get Yang Ming's meat words.

But today's little fish has long been led astray by him, and he understands in seconds.

Pink fist beat his chest and blushed lightly: "Phew, who wants to eat your bananas! Brother Yang Ming, big rascal!"

"That's not up to you, hehehehe..."

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