A slight cool touch, like an electric shock.

Zheng Sisi's body instantly stiffened.

She subconsciously wanted to push away.

But when she realized who she was kissing her lightly, the hands that had been pushed out froze in the air.

Then it fell softly.

The blush instantly climbed up her cheeks, and she closed her eyes and let Yang Ming do it.

Feeling the majestic heavy snort, Zheng Sisi felt that his heart was about to jump out of his chest.

Fortunately, Yang Ming stopped at the point, and it was not particularly excessive, but the cream at the corner of his mouth was still eaten clean by Yang Ming.

The long eyelashes fanned slightly, and Zheng Sisi, whose face was crimson, opened his eyes shyly.

only to find that Yang Ming was looking at him with a straight face.

"Why don't

you hide?" "Don't you hide when others kiss

you?" "Are there other boys who have done this to you?"

The torture of the soul trifecta made Zheng Sisi at a loss.

She waved her hand in a panic: "No, no, no! Brother Da Ming, how could I let other boys kiss it, because... Because it's you and I don't hide

...""Really?, then why are you still engaged to Sun Qing~

" "I..." Looking at Yang Ming's pale face, Zheng Sisi's heart sank.

Brother Da Ming is really still angry.

She didn't know how to explain it, and she wasn't good at it.

Lowering his head in shame, Zheng Sisi didn't dare to look at Yang Ming's eyes.

Let's go, let's go.

Silent tears rolled down her cheeks.

She felt very guilty.

"Hmph, don't think that I can forgive you if you cry, why don't you tell me about such a big thing that happened at home?" Yang Ming really couldn't bear to keep a straight face, and took Zheng Sisi into his arms.

Hugged tightly, sucking her hair hard.

"I'll tell you Zheng Hanhan, if something like this happens again in the future, I won't pay attention to you anymore, don't you hear~"

Originally, Zheng Sisi's body was still a little stiff, but as Yang Ming's hands gently soothed her back, she gradually softened.

Lying on Yang Ming's shoulder, he hummed lowly.

"You remember, in the future, if you encounter anything, you must first think of me, I will definitely do my best to help you as soon as I can solve it, and if I can't solve it, we can also find a way together, I will never allow you to abuse yourself like today, do you understand?"

But I don't want you Brother Da Ming to embarrass you, I'm afraid..."

Han Han bowed his head and buried himself in Yang Ming's arms.

"I know Brother Da Ming, listen to you

~" "It's almost the same~"

Yang Ming hugged Zheng Hanhan with satisfaction, enjoying the first hug between the two.

This feeling of the aftermath of the catastrophe is like a long drought and a rainy day.

Man, it is only when you are about to lose that you can know how important another person is to you.

Holding her is equivalent to hugging the whole world.

For this simple girl in his arms, Yang Ming just wants to hold her like this for the rest of his life.

In the past, Yang Ming didn't have a choice, but now, he wants them all.


then scumbag.

Anyway, for the beloved girl, in addition to being 100% single-minded, Yang Ming will give her everything she wants.

"Eat it, the cream is going to melt~" Yang Ming held the cake in one hand.

"Well, Brother Da Ming, you can eat it too~"

This time, Yang Ming did not refuse, the two of them took a bite and I took a bite, and the umbrella under the night dome was warm and sweet.


Since then, Zheng Hanhan has returned to his previous state.

Breakfast was brought to Yang Ming every morning.

People are also gradually becoming more cheerful.

In the past, she would only bury her head in the questions, and she began to communicate with the classmates around her.

Occasionally, she can be seen smiling.

The female classmates who used to think she was boring have become fond of her, and even those who are jealous of her grades and beauty have gradually changed their prejudices against her.

Because all the people who have come into contact with her can feel her kindness warmly.

Her beauty comes from the heart.

Zheng Sisi, who has become approachable, has won the love of more classmates, but those male classmates who once regarded her as a goddess no longer have any thoughts.

Because, although Zheng Sisi has become cheerful and occasionally smiles at them, her peach blossom eyes only have light when she looks at a person.

That person was Yang Ming.

Everyone could feel that she was different from Yang Ming.

The eyes are the windows of the soul, and this thing cannot deceive people.

Even Lu Yuan could see it, but looking at Zheng Sisi's steadily improving results and Yang Minglei's unmoving sitting, he was firmly in the first place.

He selectively turned a blind eye.

In addition, I have to mention Sun Qing.

Yang Ming hadn't seen him since that night.

Lu Yuan vaguely mentioned it, saying that he had dropped out of school.

It's just that I heard Biaozi mention later that Lu Shutong's woman was pregnant, and it seemed to be the Sun family's species.

When it came to school, it seemed that it was suspended.

also said that the entire Sun family was turned upside down by this woman, and the dog bit the dog's mouth.

Yang Ming was not interested in this, so naturally he would not delve into it.

There must be something hateful about the poor people, and the inconsequential people are not worth expending.

There is another thing to mention, and that is Miss Ye Weirui.

Lu Yuan talked to Yang Ming once.

About that farce in class.

Yang Ming skipped class, and Miss Ye asked him not to attend his class again.

It's not that Ye Weirui complained to Lu Yuan, but he heard it from the students.

specially called Yang Ming over to give a few words.

I didn't say anything about it, it was just a little respect for the teacher, and I couldn't mess around just because of good grades.

Reasonable, Yang Ming agreed.

Since then, Yang Ming has never escaped Miss Ye's class.

Miss Ye didn't have a small belly and chicken intestines, so he really wanted to drive Yang Ming out.

It's just that as the best English student in the class, Miss never asked Yang Ming to answer any questions.

Even since then, she has completely treated Yang Ming as non-existent.

Liang Zi was completely settled, and Yang Ming didn't care.

If it weren't for the unexpected encounter between the two again during the winter vacation this year, Yang Ming would have thought that he and this peerless beauty would never have any intersection except for teachers and students.

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