After all, it is so easy to make money yourself, and you can buy so much happiness for the people of Haidu by spending some money casually, and buy surprises in life, why not?

It was not only the ordinary people and paparazzi and reporters who came to participate in this press conference, but even the stars on the stage, and even Wang Jinxi and Liu Dian, who came up with this idea, were shocked themselves.

They never thought that this scene would be so shocking, and the feeling of watching countless red envelopes fall from the sky was so beautiful.

“Chu Shao is really not an ordinary person, seeing that the group of ordinary people are so satisfied, you can see that what Chu Shao said is not an exaggeration. If there are two hundred yuan in cash in each red envelope, then 60,000 red envelopes on the scene, won’t each time cost Chu Shao 12 million cash? It’s just incredible. ”

Yang Mi looked at the rain of red envelopes in the sky, and couldn’t help but say to Di Lireba beside him. It is not difficult to see from Yang Mi’s eyesight that she is also eager to try this red envelope rain, after all, it is the first time she has seen such a big scene, and she also wants to experience it. Even though she is rich and a big star.

“Sister Honey, do you also want to grab red envelopes with them! Or let’s ask Chu Shao if we can participate? Di Li Gerba saw Yang Mi’s desire from Yang Mi’s eyes, so she whispered.

“This is not good, after all, we are special guests to host this press conference, if you go down and grab red envelopes with them, isn’t it a little inappropriate?”

Yang Mi said with some concern.

This sentence was heard by Liu Dan on the side.

“Don’t think so much, it’s not an excessive request, just talk to Chu Shao. Chu Shao will not agree, wait for that girl, that lucky girl after receiving her prize, you are accompanying her down, by the way to give your fans some autographs, isn’t that good? ”

Liu Dan said with a smile.

Soon the lucky girl took the stage down to the elevator and reached the center of the stage.

The girl saw so many stars for the first time, and they were all big stars, and they were so close to face each other, nervous and a little overwhelmed, her hand kept pulling the corners of her clothes.

“Don’t be so nervous, relax, we’re not bad people.” After receiving Chu Jiang’s instruction, Wang Yufei walked towards the lucky girl and took the girl’s hand.

The girl was still a little overwhelmed and stammered.

“Good, okay.”

Wang Yufei smiled, looking at the girl in front of her with such a restrained appearance, thinking of herself a long time ago. Wasn’t that the case when I first joined the talent show? Wasn’t he so shy back then?

“Go, I’ll take you there, I’ll take you to get your prize.”

After Wang Yufei finished speaking, she took the girl’s hand and walked towards the center of the stage.

This scene made the audience see incomparable envy.

Let’s not talk about lesbians, it is true that there are many women in Chu State who are fans of Wang Yufei, and they really appreciate Wang Yufei’s appearance and acting skills, but the vast majority of fans are still male fans, not for anything else, just because Wang Yufei is so beautiful.

Lesbians are better, gay men are remorseful, regret why they didn’t rush up to grab that flower ball just now? If he gets the flower ball, isn’t the person who is now being pulled by Wang Yufei to walk by his hand?

But this is completely because they think too much, Wang Yufei is completely because this girl is too restrained, so she took this girl’s hand and walked together.

Wang Yufei pulled this lucky girl to Chu Jiang and smiled at Chu Jiang.

“Boss, someone brought over.”

Chu Jiang was still the first time to hear Wang Yufei call himself so, and couldn’t help but glare at Wang Yufei, but this was not a reproachful look.

“Well, this young lady doesn’t know what to call it? Introduce yourself. ”

Chu Jiang handed the microphone to the girl after speaking, and the girl took the microphone after hesitating.

“That, my name is Liu Lin, a college student.”

After Chu Jiang finished speaking, he waved his hand towards the hostess behind him, signaling them to bring this Miss Liu’s prize.

The hostess moved quickly, and walked over with high heels on her feet.

“Miss Liu is very happy to meet you, and thank you very much for being able to participate in today’s press conference of our company, and I wish you that your future life can be as lucky and smooth as today, this is the latest three mobile phones developed by Chuhua Mobile Phone Company, a subsidiary of our Chu Group, from low to high three different configurations, are presented to you, I hope you can like it.”

As soon as Chu Jiang’s voice fell, the three hostesses handed their mobile phones to this Miss Liu.

Liu Lin was still very restrained at first, but with Wang Yufei behind her to cheer her on, she was soon less nervous.

Liu Lin took the mobile phone and put it on the flower cluster made of a hundred yuan bill.

“Miss Liu, do you want to activate our latest Chuhua mobile phone on the spot? You can tell the audience out loud. Tell the lucky audience how this phone functions and whether it is the same as we just described in the promotional video. ”

Chu Jiang said with a smile.

“Okay, Mr. Chu, since I am the first audience today, then I should show the audience what is unique about this phone.”

After Liu Lin finished speaking, with the help of Miss Li, she disassembled the mobile phone with the highest configuration.

As soon as the mobile phone was in his hand, a comfortable feeling passed into Liu Lin’s palm. Although the bare feel of the new mobile phone is very good, but the feel of such a good mobile phone as Chuhua’s mobile phone, Liu Lin is indeed the first time to touch it.

“That Mr. Chu Jiang, I don’t know how this phone should be activated? I didn’t find any keys on this phone. ”

Liu Lin was stunned all of a sudden, she almost didn’t say it, isn’t this an ordinary piece of glass?

Liu Lin’s words also made the people at the scene return to their senses. A piece of transparent glass without any keys. Can this be a mobile phone? Isn’t this just an ordinary piece of glass?

Before these ordinary people had time to discuss, Chu Jiang said with a smile.

“The way our phone turns on is very simple, you only need to press and hold the screen with your finger to play the role of booting, and this phone can be displayed on both sides, you don’t have to worry, you can’t tell which side is the front.”

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