After speaking, Dean Zhang also let go of Chu Jiang, stood up and bowed to Wang Jinxi to show his gratitude, but before Dean Zhang began to bend, Chu Jiang helped Dean Zhang.

“Chu Jiang, what are you doing? Don’t hurry up and thank Miss Wang, if you don’t thank her, I also want to thank her! Dean Zhang had just finished speaking. Wang Jinxi came over with a smile and also helped Dean Zhang.

“Dean Zhang, you’re welcome. I can’t stand this bow of yours, didn’t I tell you yesterday? I’m still a step away from you, and if I want to bow, I should bow to you. ”

Wang Jinxi smiled very good-looking, like a fairy under the ordinary, suddenly Dean Zhang realized that this Chu Jiang and this Miss Wang are very matched! Could it be?

“Dean Zhang, Wang Jinxi is my housekeeper, yesterday was, so I didn’t come in person, because I didn’t receive news from you yesterday, yesterday I had a meal with my husband’s house and my husband, Jinxi didn’t want to disturb my interest, so after finding you, after finding our orphanage, he didn’t bother me and didn’t tell me at the first time.” No, when I went home today, Jinxi told me the news that she had found you, so I rushed over immediately. Chu Jiang explained.

However, this explanation made Dean Zhang even more incredible.

A big beauty who casually took out a million to donate to the orphanage, and a big beauty who drove tens of millions of luxury cars, turned out to be Chu Jiang’s housekeeper? So how rich is Chu Jiang now?

“Chu Jiang’s words can’t be said nonsense! Although the dean hurts you very much, you can’t say that about our great benefactor. The dean said with a serious face, feeling that Chu Jiang was joking.

“Really, Dean Zhang, I am really the young master’s butler. The matter of finding you and the Aiyuan orphanage was also what the young master asked me to do in the morning. But you look a little sad this morning, and you said that I saved the dog’s life, how did I not know about this? ”

Wang Jinxi asked suspiciously.

“Really your butler?”

After hearing that Wang Jinxi confirmed his identity as Chu Jiang’s butler, Dean Zhang was even more surprised, but it could be seen from Chu Jiang’s clothes that Chu Jiang was now very rich, which was not impossible.

“Well, this is a long story.”

Dean Zhang’s excited and surprised expression gradually faded, and he sat down on his bench again, and the haze on his face appeared again.

“Dean Zhang told me if there is anything, I can do a lot of things now, even if it is impossible to turn our orphanage into the most luxurious school in the entire Haidu.”

Chu Jiang said with a serious face.

“Well, this is not something that can be solved with money! The dog I just told you about is a relatively poor child here, always weak and sick when he was as young as you, at first I just thought that his body was relatively weak, and then it was really serious, I took him to a large hospital for examination, and the result was congenital heart failure, and it was necessary to undergo heart replacement surgery. Dean Zhang sighed when he said this.

“But how could our orphanage come up with this money, most of the children who are sent to the orphanage now are unhealthy or have congenital diseases or disabilities.” The children of Haidu are basically treasures! It is true that the number of orphans has decreased, but there are still children born to poor families who are sent to orphanages because they have no money to treat their diseases. ”

Just after Chu Jiang left the Aiyuan orphanage, about three years later, the orphanage began to prosper, and many caring people came to this orphanage to help raise children.

Originally, the situation was getting better and better, but the sky was not beautiful. I don’t know why, in the fourth year of Chu Jiang’s departure, this orphanage broke out with a contagious disease.

The symptoms of this contagious disease are not simple, they are very torturous. Although through everyone’s joint efforts, this disease was finally defeated, but since the disease, no one has wanted to manage this orphanage.

No one is willing to donate, and no one wants to be obligatory, so many of the poorer families are no longer willing to send their children to this orphanage.

Although their own family is very poor, there is no way to raise this child, if they raise this child, the whole family will not be able to eat enough and wear warmth, not to mention that even if they want to make their stomach a little bit of things, they can’t do it.

But the child is his own child after all! No matter how poor you are, you can’t send your child to this orphanage, because no one knows when the next disease will break out.

That is, from the fourth year, the Aiyuan orphanage began to gradually fall into loneliness.

Since then, Dean Zhang has only occasionally picked up some abandoned babies, after all, those abandoned children have no way to survive. Although Dean Zhang knew that his orphanage was very poor, he could not watch these children die. So I had to save them one by one.

After Qiu returned, he found that most of these children were born with some disease, and it was very troublesome, and the disease that could not be cured would be discarded.

In this way, the already poor orphanage is even poorer. Because when the child is ill, he can only go to the treatment, although there are many caring people in the society who are willing to donate. But how much money can you get for such a donation? And what kind of problems can it solve?

Dean Zhang roughly told Chu Jiang about these things. The expression on Chu Jiang’s face slowly disappeared after listening to it, and his eyes became even more complicated when he looked at Dean Zhang.

This great man is both a father and a mother, for the sake of their group of children who have no one to raise, exhausted their entire lives without a wife, and gave up the incense to continue their own home, how great is this man!

Although Dean Zhang did not mention whether he was married or not, he didn’t have to think about it after listening to Dean Zhang’s words. No one would want to marry into such a place and be dragged down by a few or even a dozen children with intractable diseases. Not to mention the fact that there have been outbreaks of contagious diseases here.

I believe that everyone will hide when they see Dean Zhang and want to keep their distance from Dean Zhang.

“Dean, you have suffered all these years, rest assured, next I will make our orphanage become the most luxurious orphanage in the world!”

ps: Today the first more ask for a subscription

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