Chu Jiang did not feel anxious, but smiled slightly. This time I came out to eat, although I didn’t bring much money, but Wang Yufei had a lot of cash in her bag, although these cash were not millions, but there were still hundreds of thousands.

“Well, I’ll ask my maid to send me some money now, so don’t leave after a while.” After everyone listens to me in a while, everyone can get a sum of money, not much or 200,000, everyone present can get 200,000, yes, everyone heard correctly. This money is not much, it is 200,000, if there are people in need, welcome to stay in this spicy hot stall, continue to wait for a while, it does not take too long to wait, at most twenty minutes, the next person in my family can come to this stall with money. ”

Chu Jiang’s words made most of the people present a little puzzled. Is this the new way to show off your wealth? Why give 200,000 to everyone present? And is there any connection between this remark and what he just said?

Everyone you look at me, I look at you, the little eyes are full of big doubts, especially the owner of this stall, Ma Datou, and the little pickpocket.

Chu Jiang, this is coming to send money? Didn’t you want to expose yourself just now, why did you suddenly have to give money generously?

The next second, Chu Jiang’s words explained everyone’s doubts.

“Then everyone listen to me first, I will do everything I just said. And today I said without a half-lie, the owner of this stall is called Ma Datou and the little pickpocket, has been in alliance for a long time, constantly pit their own employees for several years, each employee was tempted by high salaries, and as a result, he was fired for greedy for money in less than a month. I also worked here a few years ago, I remember that I was fired, and that day Ma Datou gave me five hundred yuan, which made me very moved, so I didn’t expect that Ma Datou would be such a person at that time. If anyone present has seen this spicy hot stall with a big head and has been in one place for a month in a row, please come forward, and if you see an identical employee for more than a month, please come forward. ”

The situation is indeed the same as Chu Jiang said, this horse big head has been here for less than a month. All the customers present were speechless.

“Today you don’t care if what I say is true or not. I want to spend 200,000 yuan to buy everyone to say a word for me, everyone only needs to say that the owner of this stall pits his own employees, and a small pickpocket pits his own employees. Everyone only needs to say such a sentence, I believe that money can make ghosts push and grind, it should not be difficult for everyone to help me say this sentence. I just asked you to wait for my promise of 200,000, and you only need to do this one thing to get it. ”

When Chu Jiang said this, he sent a positioning to his maid and asked his maid to pull a cart of money over. Liu Xin’er and a few of her maid sisters were working out in the gym of Villa No. 1 in the eastern suburbs, when they suddenly received a notification from their young master’s text message, and immediately took the two sisters to the bank to withdraw money.

Chu Jiang’s salary for his domestic maid was very high, so when Chu Jiang said this sentence, people quickly took their bank cards to the bank to withdraw money. They have a lot of money in their bank cards, and Chu Jiang has already paid his salary when he was just a day or two after joining the job. Therefore, when they got the order of their own young master, these servants took their bank cards and set off without hesitation.

If it weren’t for the large treasury of Haidu Bank, these millions of money might not be able to be counted at once.

Sure enough, within twenty minutes, Liu Xin’er drove an extended version of Chu Jiang’s Rolls-Royce to the small vendor positioned by Chu Jiangfa.

“Wow, luxury car!”

“Wow, it’s the first time I’ve seen an extended version of Rolls-Royce.”

“This must be the car driven by the big boss, although we are very rich, but there are few big bosses who can open such an extended version of Rolls-Royce.” What’s going on today? This group of rich people like to run to this little spicy hot stall. ”

As a result, as soon as the door opened, three maids dressed in maid costumes walked out.

“Young Master, you and Fourth Young Grandma are here! I wonder what happened when you suddenly called us over? And let us bring so much money over, the salary you gave us, we think it should not be much, after all, it is not easy to bring if it is cash, so it is only 10 million to come over, the money is all put on the car, I don’t know if the money is enough? If it’s not enough, we’ll go get the young master again. ”

After getting out of the car, Liu Xin’er hurriedly walked in front of Chu Jiang and asked anxiously.

“Ten million should be enough, after all, there are not many people eating at this stall.” After Chu Jiang said this, he also glanced at how many people were left in this spicy hot stall, and found that there were only dozens of people. If one person is 200,000, how to say it is enough.

The owner of this stall, Ma Datou, and the little pickpocket who framed the employees with Ma Datou were immediately stunned, this is too scary! A scary car driving an extended version of Rolls-Royce came over, and the value of this car is more than ten million! Moreover, the appearance and temperament of these maids are far beyond ordinary maids, and they can be compared with the golden ladies in ordinary rich families. The main thing is that this extended version of the Rolls-Royce is also stuffed with money, and the degree of this local tyrant is simply not too scary.

And the customers who ate at this stall were also stunned, and for a moment did not know what to say, after all, such a big boss, such a rich second generation, there is no need to come here to find the trouble of a spicy hot small vendor owner. This person is not full of food and has nothing to do.

“That’s good, it’s good that the young master didn’t delay your business.”

“I will call you on the payroll card after I go back in a while, and I will double the money and return it to you, as if I borrowed it for you.” When the three maids still wanted to say something, Chu Jiang waved his hand, and the three maids quieted down.

“Well, everyone here when I fulfill my promise. Everyone should be able to think clearly that there is no need for a person like me to come to the trouble of a spicy hot little vendor owner. ”

ps: Today the first more ask for a subscription

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