Don’t think about it, it must be sent by Liu Dian.

“Will these ten pandas be too few? Chu Shao spent 300 million today, I only gave 30,000 gifts, will it be a little petty? ”

Liu Dan asked the staff beside him.

“Liu Shao, it seems that there is indeed nothing wrong with what you said, after all, Chu Shao spent too much money today. However, Chu Shao will understand that you are light and affectionate, and you are the one who brushes the most gifts in Chu Shao’s live broadcast room. ”

A technician just finished saying this, and an ID called Teacher PD also followed Liu Dian’s footsteps and directly brushed ten giant pandas.

This person naturally doesn’t need to say more, it must be a real PDD person.

PDD immediately cut out the game after hearing about the live shopping on the Chujiang Red Panda Live Broadcast platform and found Chu Jiang’s live broadcast room on the homepage of the Red Panda Live Broadcast platform.

“Hehe, this time Chu Shao will definitely give me a salary increase.” PDD let out his magical laughter, almost laughed out of the pig barking, and said proudly in the live broadcast room.

In fact, he doesn’t care if Chu Jiang will raise his salary, because Chu Jiangkai’s salary is already very high, so it is also for the live broadcast effect.

Da Sima also immediately entered Chujiang’s live broadcast room after learning that it would be broadcast live on the red panda live broadcast platform. However, Da Sima seems to have taken a step in the evening, and when he first came in, he saw ten pandas brushed in PDD Chujiang’s live broadcast room.

“Thank you for the giant panda from PDD and give you a salary increase.”

The salary increase has basically become Chu Jiang’s mantra, and the most Chu Jiang usually says when he has nothing to do is this sentence. Because she didn’t know how to thank those who helped her.

It can’t be said that those people help themselves or hold their own scene, after all, they are their top boss and an important person who can decide many things for them.

However, the courtesy is still exchanged, you respect me a foot, I respect you a zhang, you respect me a zhang, I respect your head, this truth Chu Jiang is very serious to implement.

Therefore, I had to raise the matter of paying PDD wages.

“Ahaha! You see I’m right? Chu Shao is really going to raise my salary, you see these ten giant pandas brushed right? ”

At this time, PDD directly laughed at the pig barking in Naoma.

After seeing this scene, Da Sima decisively brushed eleven giant pandas.

“Friends in the live broadcast room. The gold medal lecturer started, and today the teacher of prostitution took a step ahead of us and brushed ten giant pandas for our big boss of Chujiang, so we must not be able to rank 1o. Otherwise, it will make our big boss of Chujiang think that I am very unwilling to give him. You see this wave, although I brushed Chu Shao with a giant panda, the benefits I got are definitely not just ah! A little bit more than PDD. ”

Teacher Ma’s words, the audience in the broadcast room did not take it seriously, and they all typed disdainful words.

“Eh, don’t believe me. If I lose money today, if these eleven giant pandas lose money, I will brush the eleven giant pandas in the live broadcast room of the prostitute teacher? What do you think? If the situation is indeed as I said, I am not very demanding. Viewers who come to my live broadcast room to watch my live broadcast, how about conditional viewers brushing a bamboo shoot one by one? ”

Teacher Ma’s words made the audience very unbelieved, so they all typed the words of agreement.

Chu Jiang’s side was interacting with the audience, and the people were attracted by the sudden sound of eleven giant panda gifts.

“Eh, thank you very much for the eleven giant pandas sent by Wuhu Dasima, thank you very much, thank you very much!”

But Chu Jiang only said two words of thanks and did not say anything more, and the matter of salary increase was not mentioned for half a word.

This time, Da Sima’s live broadcast room was lively.

“Is Teacher Ma a loss?”

“Teacher Ma definitely said that this wave is definitely not a loss, I will make a bet with you, I bet on a bamboo shoot.”

“Haha, hahaha, Teacher Ma hurry up and brush the giant pandas in the live broadcast room of the prostitutes.”

Lao Ma never expected that the situation turned out to be like this, he obviously brushed a giant panda more than the prostitute teacher, and the pomp was obviously larger than the prostitute teacher’s, but why didn’t Chu Shao mention the matter of raising the salary?

This wave is really lost, in the words of Mr. Ma, that is, almost lost even the underwear.

“Eh, students, this wave is actually not a loss, although Chu Shao did not raise the salary today, but the salary increase is not the best thing for us anchors, maybe Chu Shao’s wave will always remember me, and then in the future live broadcast will give me a lot of resources, or to take me to see the world or something, this wave is definitely not a loss, although these eleven giant pandas just brushed him to prostitute teachers I am a little unwilling, but this wave is indeed not a loss.”

This remark of Da Sima was completely expected by the audience watching the live broadcast, when did he Da Sima lose?

“Eh, what’s going on with this big Sima? How did you give me a gift? Also brushed so much. The prostitute teacher couldn’t help but be distracted when smoking, and the lit cigarette butt was forbidden to be stuffed into his mouth, and the hot prostitute teacher jumped up.

“I lean, I’m a big Sima, this dial frightens me! Let me live eat cigarette butts directly and burn me, fuck! Da Sima laughed when he saw this after swiping the gift, laughing like a baboon.

“Yo roar, you guys look at me and say that this wave must not be a loss, let you see such a famous scene, he PDD reverse smoking such an operation slipped away?”

Da Sima’s forced not loss and the reverse smoking of the prostitute teacher made many netizens can’t help but brush up gifts, this scene is really wonderful.

Regardless of whether all this is the arrangement of the red panda live broadcast platform, or whether it really happened naturally, the red panda live broadcast platform is really fantastic, so that these viewers who come to see the live broadcast feel the happiness that they usually can’t feel, and see the famous scenes that they usually can’t see.

“Teacher, your reverse smoking operation today was recorded by me, and when you were scalded by the smoke just now, every frame was an emoji.”

“Hahahahaha, where do you want to send it to me.”

“I want it too, I want it too!”

The prostitute teacher’s mentality collapsed when he watched the barrage in his live broadcast room.

“Am I relying on this truth? Brothers? ”

ps: Day 2nd more reading_

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – collect, push

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