Charles didn’t know what to say for a moment.

“Well, Mr. Chu Jiang, your words are very good at our Boeing company, after you said that you want to raise my salary, the company immediately raised my salary, but then again, wouldn’t it be rude for you to say such things to Mr. Kuke?” Charles said with some concern.

“It’s okay, I think it’s okay, nothing impolite, I really think Apple’s core technology, for me, there is no attraction, not because of anything else, not because I’m too arrogant, but the fact that this is the case, I don’t look down on Apple, Apple’s core technology is indeed very good, but compared with our Chu Group, it’s really not a star and a half, it’s okay, let’s just say this, anyway, you know, how about our Chu Group’s Chuhua mobile phone, There must be a lot of news about us on the news. ”

The news released by Chuhua mobile phone has long been spread abroad, but Chuhua mobile phone, foreigners are basically impossible to use, because Chu people can’t buy things, they Americans don’t even think about it.

Charles was a little worried at first, if he said so, will Cool and Apple target him, if he returns to Chu Jiang like this, maybe according to the nature of Cool, he will remember to hate himself, and when the time comes, it will be himself who suffers.

After all, it is said that the US government asked Apple to do this.

The meaning of the US government is to let Apple enter the Chu Group, become a part of the Chu Group, and then find a way to see if it can win some preferential policies for the United States.

Chu Group’s Chuhua mobile phone, there is no doubt, is to set off a boom in the world’s mobile phone market, and Apple is not too friendly to the Chu country’s market, at least it used to be like this, sold to Chu people Apple mobile phone at a high price, now Chu Hua mobile phone is born, Chu Group must also be so engaged in the United States.

That’s why the government of the United States told Cook to lower his stature and find an opportunity to go to the Chu Group to get some technology back for the benefit of the country and the people.

Unexpectedly, he was so decisively rejected by Chu Jiang.

The U.S. government and CoolKe and others will definitely be shocked when they learn the news.

“Okay, Mr. Chu Jiang, then I won’t bother you, I have finished relaying today’s affairs, and I wish your company’s business to get better and better.”

Charles politely hung up the phone.

“What’s going on, young master?” Wang Jinxi couldn’t help but ask out of concern.

“No, it’s not a big deal, it’s just that a branch manager of Boeing called me, and I went to the United States to participate in an auction before, should you?” When I went to this auction, I met Apple’s boss, Coolko, and Cool and I were fighting for a car, and that car was auctioned at auction…”

Chu Jiang explained the origin of the matter to Wang, and Wang Jinxi couldn’t help but sigh.

“Young master, you are really a hero, I think you have done a very beautiful job in this matter, I know that you are very clear about Apple, he did not have a good heart, for more interests to make such a choice.” I think that if I agree to their request, it is estimated that I will be criticized by many people in China. ”

Wang Jinxi said these words, how could Chu Jiang not know.

What the countrymen say, Chu Jiang does not care very much, what Chu Jiang cares about is to let those foreigners who look down on the Chu State and target the Chu State have a good taste of being targeted.

“Well, it’s okay, this matter, there is nothing to talk about at all, if Charles doesn’t say it, I almost forgot, the Laures Meizu I got at the auction of Saison in the United States is almost here.” In the past two days, I received a notice from Boeing, saying let me go to the airport to pick up this car, Jinxi, you go and help me find a delivery fleet, this time the price of this car, very unusual, is other cars can not be compared. ”

Rolls-Royce Glow, Wang Jinxi directly did not hear, at first Wang Jinxi thought that Chu Jiang was talking about the Rolls-Royce Phantom, but then heard Chu Jiang say that the value of this car, is other cars can not be compared at all, only then realized the preciousness of this car.

“Young Master, I wonder how much this car cost you?” When telling Wang Jinxi about the auction just now, Chu Jiang only gave a rough idea, and did not fully explain what kind of auction and Kuke were competing for this auction.

“It’s not much, just five billion Chu yuan, when I told you just now, I forgot to tell you the value of this car, this car never sets the royal family of the empire is only one, this one should be the best preserved Rolls-Royce in this world, so the escort of this car, there can be no problems, after finding the transport fleet, let’s go there in person.”

Wang Jinxi nodded, took out his mobile phone, and began to flip through the phone book.

“By the way, I almost forgot, young master, didn’t you just say that I should go to Lei Jun and Ren Zhengfei? Which of these two things should I do first? ”

This question also made Chu Jiang stunned all of a sudden.

It’s time for Wang Jinxi to find a few people to fight for Wang Jinxi, and now he basically hands over all his things to Wang Jinxi to do, which is too heavy a burden for Wang Jinxi. Although the salary he gave to let Wang Jinxi do so many things, it is indeed not excessive.

“Let’s get the car back first, the value of the car is a little high, if the two big bosses feel a sense of crisis, they will definitely find a way to contact me, by the way, Jinxi, do you have anything you want, if there is, I can buy it for you.”

Since Wang Jinxi became Chu Jiang’s housekeeper, he has not lacked money, so he has long solved such a thing as buying things.

“Young Master, I don’t have anything I want to buy, after all, my salary is so high now, and everything I want has already been bought, but there is one thing, I really want you to help me, because I think only you can do this well.”

Hearing that Wang Jinxi was looking for his help, Chu Jiang was very curious about what kind of things could not be solved by money.

“Oh? Speaking of which, I think I should be able to do everything in this world. ”

Chu Jiang said to Wang Jinxi with a smile.

ps: Day 2nd more reading_

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