Wang Jinxi smiled slightly.

“Young Master, if I don’t know the design intention of the engineer, then I definitely can’t guess it, this building like the Leaning Tower of Pisa, not just a large library, the reason why this library was built in this shape is not only to let our orphanage have a landmark building, but more importantly, it is to motivate this group of children to study hard.” This library in the shape of the leaning tower of Pisa, as the height continues to rise, the depth of knowledge of books is also constantly rising, and when this group of children finish reading the books in this library, they must be standing at the top of Haicheng, even the top of the Chu Kingdom, and building this library into such a shape will definitely be able to motivate this group of children to read well. ”

Hearing Wang Jinxi’s words, Chu Jiang and Dean Zhang suddenly realized that the designer had this design concept, and the design concept was quite good.

“Well, the design of this library has a heart, not only does our orphanage have a new Peugeot building, but this Peugeot new building has such a good meaning, by the way, how much salary did the designer of the orphanage rebuild?”

Chu Jiang asked.

“Young master, if I remember correctly, it should be a salary of one million Chu yuan, when this person first came to do things for us, it was I personally talked to him about the salary, I should not be mistaken, what’s wrong, young master, you won’t say that you want to raise his salary again, right?”

Chu Jiang was very satisfied with this design, and specially asked the designer’s salary, then there must be no other possibility except to increase the designer’s salary. After following Chu Jiang for so long, Wang Jinxi has a deep understanding of this, so he directly guessed Chu Jiang’s thoughts.

“Well, yes, give him an additional salary of one million Chu yuan, if the money, I will give it to you, and every worker who participates in the reconstruction of the orphanage will add 50,000 yuan to his salary.”

Chu Jiang’s favorite thing to do is to raise wages, which is known to people familiar with Chu Jiang.

“Okay, young master, I will definitely implement this matter as soon as possible, but if you give one million more, will it be too much? It’s that designer’s salary. Although the reconstruction design of this orphanage is indeed quite good, one million Chu yuan is indeed a bit much. ”

Wang Jinxi said.

“It’s okay, small money, such an excellent designer, there will be a place to use him in the future, it’s nothing to give more money, let’s go in and take a look, other buildings are also well designed by you, then let’s go and see it together.”

The design of the entire orphanage is based on which is more simple, close to nature as the design theme, the previous orphanage was too lush trees, so that the orphanage looks a little deserted, reckless feeling, but after trimming, combined with the new building, there is a very simple, but low-key luxury feeling.

The buildings of the orphanage are all in beige and European architectural style, and the light color and soft building people look very comfortable.

“It’s really well designed, this place is just an orphan, but I’m going to make him a loner who has a lot of money who don’t necessarily have a way to come in.”

Chu Jiang said to himself

The smell of decay has completely faded, replaced by a faint earthy fragrance, which gives people a feeling of embracing nature.

“How about it, Dean Zhang, are you still satisfied with this design?” Where did Dean Zhang still do the evaluation? He and the children entered the hospital for a maximum of two weeks, these two weeks of the orphanage has changed too much, Director Zhang has lived here for decades, myopia suddenly can not recognize the key is not because of the way, Director Zhang will even think that this is Chu Jiang changed an orphanage for them.

“Well, it’s great here!”

The haze on the children’s faces has completely disappeared, and in addition to being renovated, the orphanage has also added many facilities. What multimedia classrooms, slides, swimming pools, these are all built.

“Dean, people can live here, but it is not complete enough, and it cannot be said that the facilities here are not complete enough, but there should be more people here.”

Dean Zhang initially thought that Chu Jiang was talking about the teachers here, but Chu Jiang was not referring to these.

“Children can’t go without food, right? Dean Zhang, you first take the children to eat casually, there should be good restaurants nearby, I and Jinxi still have things to deal with, we have to go back first, if I have time, I will come over to see the children in person, Dean Zhang during this time you don’t have to work too hard, the maids at home I will assign a few to take care of Dean Zhang’s living, I’ll go first, Dean Zhang. ”

Dean Zhang originally wanted to say that there was no need to bother so much, but seeing that Chu Jiang was a little anxious, he held back the words.

The child in front of me is really the same as a few years ago, some of my own feelings, very own ideas, but this child is already much stronger than before.

“Well, I have time to bring Jinxi over to take a look, the child likes you very much.”

“Okay, Dean Zhang.”

Rolls-Royce Meiyin is speeding on the elevated road of the sea city, and there are almost no vehicles around, not that there are no cars in the sea city today, but everyone is very discerning and let go.

What happened in foreign countries basically returned to the State of Chu, and what the State of Chu did in the auction in the United States naturally won a lot of praise from the people. How to say it? The Americans did not respect the Chu people too much from the beginning, because the Americans were too proud, looking down on the Chu people, it was something that the whole world knew, and what Chu Jiang was sitting in the United States undoubtedly hit the faces of those Americans who looked down on the Chu people.

And this five billion purchased Rolls-Royce Meizu Silver is naturally also known to everyone, although Rolls-Royce Meizu Silver is not worth these five billion Chu yuan, these five billion Chu Yuan are all Chu Jiang in order to overwhelmingly let the cool customers know the difficulties and retreat, only to come out of such a high price above the sky.

Although some people will think that Chu Jiang is stupid to give so much money, that is, the owner of personal stupid money, but no one dares to say it, after all, the destruction of the Wade family’s killer group is a good warning.

It is a well-known thing that the people of the Wade family will destroy whoever they don’t look good at.

ps: Day first more reading_

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