Soon, Haidu Wharf arrived, and Haidu Wharf was relatively prosperous compared to the wharf in other cities. The terminals here are basically all using modern loading and unloading equipment, which is completely different from the operation of terminals in other cities in China, which basically move and unload goods by manpower and then put them on trailers.

Why is this situation, there are many rich bosses in Haidu, sometimes in order to do business more conveniently, but also in order to talk about business, appear more sincere, these bosses often personally dock to talk about business, so Haidu wharf construction is very good, just so that these bosses can look more pleasing after arriving here.

“Boss, I’ve never seen you in the sea, if I’m not mistaken, you are Chu Jiang Chu Shao, right?” The dock has a checkpoint, the establishment of this checkpoint, the most important is for the control of import and export goods, followed by the safety of the dock order, before entering the dock, to strictly check.

was recognized, Chu Jiang did not feel strange, after all, his affairs in the United States had been transmitted back to China.

“Well, that’s right, it’s me, I’m here to pick up a batch of goods, you can go in directly, right?” Out of politeness, Chu Jiang still answered the guard’s question seriously.

“This is not okay, although Chu Shao is a very well-known big man in our sea, your influence and credibility are also very high, but this has to be done according to the rules, you still have to check what Chu Shao brought with you in the car.” The security guard smiled and said.

“Okay, search as much as you want, call me when you finish searching.”

After Chu Jiang finished speaking, he opened the car door and walked down from the car.

The gentle sea breeze blows on his face, very comfortable, his current lifestyle is indeed the same as Wang Jinxi said, after having money, he does too much. You can enjoy it without suffering these sins. But if you really do that, life will be too uninteresting. Doing something meaningful, doing something challenging, or making some contributions to the country of Chu, this is what Chu Jiang should sit on now.

“Young Master, are you thinking about Heavenly Gourd Island?” Wang Jinxi saw Chu Jiang staring at the beach with a sad look and asked.

“It’s not true, but I think it’s quite good to come to the beach occasionally to blow the sea breeze, which is very comfortable, better than eating a big meal or doing some high-end enjoyment projects.”

In fact, high-end enjoyment projects, Chu Jiang has basically not done it now, Chu Jiang just enjoys some high-priced goods, has not gone to a good health, back to health care is also a good choice, although now Chu Jiang is still very young, but health care is not limited to middle-aged and elderly people.

“Well, if I have time, I will accompany the young master more, or let other young grandmothers accompany the young master out to the sea breeze.” Walking by the sea, strolling on the beach, are very good, if Cao Ying’s little girl can accept the work in my hands well, then I will often come here in the future when I have time, the beach in Haidu is indeed very beautiful. I think it’s better than Golden Beach and what Yasan’s beach, you think

Hearing such words, an idea appeared in Chu Jiang’s mind. The scenery of Haidu is so beautiful, should not only develop industry, such a good scenery is not to develop tourism is indeed a bit wasteful, and the fishing of Haidu is very rich, because Haidu is more special, Hai is the demonstration city of the entire Chu country, so Haidu is very strict in all aspects of control.

Especially in the ecological environment construction plate, the municipal party committee government of Haidu is very, very strict, so fishing boats are not allowed to fish in the sea, at least within 50 nautical miles of the coast of Haidu, fishing boats are not allowed to fish. However, fishing enthusiasts are allowed to come here.

“Is the ocean belt of our sea capital a little special, the knowledge I learned in my early years has almost forgotten, but I remember a lot of geographical knowledge, if I am not mistaken, it should be the intersection of the warm and cold currents of the ocean, you are a top student, you should remember much more clearly than me, I am right, Jinxi.”

Chu Jiang’s sudden question made Wang Jinxi a little confused, why did the young master of his family suddenly play this kind of thing?

“Young Master, you are right, this is indeed the intersection of warm and cold currents of the ocean, and there are not many special seas like this in the world, but I am curious, why did the young master think of asking this question?”

Wang Jinxi asked puzzled.

“It’s not a big deal, I just think that this place can be developed into a fishing ground, we usually eat bluefin tuna when we go to eat, and I also auctioned a fish like this at a high price when I was in the United States, which is very rare in the world.”

Wang Jinxi knew what Chu Jiang said.

“I know that, young master. But what does this have to do with developing a fishing ground here? Young Master, I don’t quite understand what you mean. ”

Although Wang Jinxi is a high-achieving student with a double doctorate, she knows geography in astronomy, but she does not know everything.

“Do you know what kind of sea bluefin tuna like to live in? How do you like to live in the cold sea, but in the cold sea, there is less food, and they will definitely not miss the opportunity to prey. You should have heard of canned herring, right? ”

Canned herring Wang Jinxi naturally knows, she is not uncommon on some video sites. Some streamers challenge them to eat canned herring in order to become famous.

That thing stinks.

“Canned herring, I know young master.”

“Bluefin tuna’s favorite food is herring, every year to the non-fish spawning season, the mother herring has a lot of roe, it is the fattest season of herring, at this time bluefin tuna will go to prey on those to spawn herring, spawning herring to cross the cold and warm two seas, so at this time bluefin tuna will also come to lively, if nothing else, there must be a lot of big bosses like to fish, but the general fishing is not too addictive, the addiction is sea fishing, Dragging hundreds of kilograms of giants out of the sea is a very rewarding thing, and we have a good environment, so I want to give it a try and get a sea fishing ground here. ”

ps: Day third more reading_

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