Wang Jinxi’s words are very reasonable, and it really does not have much effect to continue to consume here. After all, I still have to talk about things with Principal Jiang of Haidu No. 1 Primary School in a while, and if I continue to spend time here, it is better to prepare for the meeting later.

“Okay, leave the things here to them, anyway, the monitoring equipment of Tianhulu Island can be used, after we leave in a while, let the monitoring equipment of Tianhulu Island stare at here, there should be nothing to do, Jinxi, you help me contact Dean Sun, let Dean Sun prepare, we are ready to invite Principal Jiang to dinner, just in Zhiweixuan, we give him the highest courtesy, the best treatment, if he can’t count, just say something else.”

Chu Jiang’s words, Wang Jinxi naturally obediently complied, and Dean Sun’s phone was immediately connected.

“Dean Sun, I’m Wang Jinxi, do you remember what my young master mentioned to you before? It is about the first primary school teachers, this matter, our young master feels that it should be implemented as soon as possible, after all, you have also seen, Aiyuan orphanage not to mention the shortage of teachers, it can be said that there are no teachers at all, and if it continues to drag on like this, I think that the children’s studies will be completely delayed, if they are older, many elite universities do not want them. Therefore, I hope that Dean Sun will arrange to meet this matter as soon as possible, Dean Sun rest assured, we will not embarrass you, if you can’t talk to Principal Jiang, we will not force you to help us talk, you can rest assured, you only need to be an intermediary. ”

The power of the Jiang family is very large in Haidu, and the people of their Jiang family, both black and white, have Dean Sun, although he is the president of the First Hospital of Haidu, but Dean Sun’s power is not very big in Haidu, and he does not dare to provoke people in black and white, because only low-key things can make a lot of money.

“Well, Miss Wang Jinxi, I will arrange this matter as soon as possible, after all, doing this is to help Chu Shao, how much Chu Shao contributes to our national medical cause, no one knows this better than me, so Chu Shao’s matter is my business, I will definitely contact Principal Jiang as soon as possible.”

Dean Sun gave a good answer. Chu Jiang is still quite satisfied with this answer, after all, he has helped Haidu Hospital so much and given Haidu Hospital so much financial support, and President Sun should also return himself.

“Dean Sun’s place to eat today is still the old place, the dinner should be an hour or two later, if you can arrive early, please arrive as soon as possible, although our young master can be regarded as a person to ask for now, but you must know that the young master’s ability is not limited to these, you should have some understanding of the news recently transmitted from the United States, and you should have a deep understanding of the young master’s ability.”

Wang Jinxi said this, more or less threatening, after all, blindly good to others, others will think that you are a bully.

“Of course, Chu Shao’s ability, I am very clear, I will definitely do this matter beautifully, will not live up to Chu Shao’s expectations, rest assured, Miss Wang.”

Dean Sun naturally heard the threatening meaning in these words, and after hanging up the phone, he could only sigh and say to himself.

“Oh my God! It’s really a good person these days, and it’s hard to mess with the Lord on either side, and I’m really hard. ”

After saying these words, Dean Sun had to continue to take out the phone and give it to Principal Jiang.

“Lao Sun, why did you go during this time? Why don’t you look for me? Didn’t we hang out together a while ago? Are you busy at last? ”

On the other end of the phone, Jiang Luo said with some ridicule.

“Old Jiang, what do you think you are talking about? I’m not very busy during this time, the domestic medical industry is developing so fast, if I don’t do this thing myself, then what can I do if our hospital is eliminated? When the time comes, I want to play with you, and you dislike me for being poor. ”

These are some very realistic words, and Jiang Luo is also such a realistic person, so Jiang Luo is not saying anything.

“What’s wrong? Is there anything wrong with me today? Lao Sun. ”

“Does that have to be something to find you?” Isn’t this trying to treat you to a meal? In Zhiweixuan, how can I not come, but it is not me who invited you to eat this meal. It is Chu Jiang, a super rich man who has recently become famous in our Haidu, and I think you should have heard of his name. ”

Hearing that it was Chu Jiang, Jiang Luo was still a little surprised.

“Why is this super rich man looking for me? Did you ask for me? Could it be that my own children need to go to the primary school of our Haidu No. 1 Primary School to invite me to dinner? Can’t you just say hello to such a small thing? Can you spend so much effort to invite me to Zhiweixuan for dinner? ”

Jiang Luo said with a smile.

“For such a small thing, of course I know it’s good to say hello to you. Let’s wait until you get to the specific things. ”

Dean Sun also knew that the words were not sweet, and he did not intend to disclose too much about this matter, if he told Jiang Luo, Jiang Luo would definitely lose his temper on the phone. Therefore, Dean Sun still planned to talk about it later when he arrived at Zhiweixuan.

Chu Jiang’s idea, his white-clothed biochemical workers on Tianhulu Island knew, after learning that Chu Jiang meant to monitor Haidu Port, he immediately called the satellites on Tianhulu Island and began to monitor this dock.

“Okay, the monitoring is already in place. Although I don’t think it’s much necessary, it’s better to monitor it just in case someone moves their brains. ”

When Chu Jiang was driving, he suddenly said to himself. Wang Jinxi was very puzzled at this point, the young master of his family obviously did nothing, but he had already contacted the biochemical people on Tianhulu Island, how did he do this? Is it another extremely powerful black technology?

Chu Jiang has too many secrets hidden in him, but Wang Jinxi knows that the teenager in his family is very good to him. It’s not a bad guy, so I don’t plan to explore these secrets.

“Well, young master, Zhiweixuan also wrote back to me, saying that Zhiwei Pavilion is reserved for us, and under normal circumstances, no one will eat in the Zhejiang private room, because the consumption is too high. This Zhiwei Pavilion has basically become a restaurant dedicated to you, young master. Wang Jinxi said with a smile.

“Don’t you say that I really haven’t noticed, it’s okay and Sister Hong booked here very smoothly, there is no need to wait at all.”

ps: Day 2nd more reading_

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