Shenhao: I'm Really A Big Villain

Chapter 810 Karma Son Of Luck Waist

Ishihara Kannai's eyes fell on Shouyi's body, and he said indifferently, "Master Shouyi, Qin Lang is the honored guest I personally invited, maybe there is a slight misunderstanding between the two of you. It won't be a big deal if it opens."

Qin Lang nodded after him, "little monkey, there shouldn't be any life-and-death feud between you and me, right?

The old monk also said, "You can't kill me. You have repeatedly violated the old monk's wishes. Isn't it a bit too much?" "

"Shut up, you are not qualified to mention me Master!"

Shou Yi roared, his voice seemed to have changed and became hoarse.

The blood in his eyes became more and more intense.

Her Majesty the Queen actually refuted his wishes for a Qin Lang?

For Her Majesty the Queen, he destroyed the Broken Blade Dojo, pacified the evil spirits, and even planned to kill the Three Saints of Broken Blade to avoid future troubles.

As a result, this is how Her Majesty the Queen treated him? !

"Your Majesty! The little monk and this Qin Lang have a mortal hatred that cannot be resolved!

Today, either Xiao Seng will stay, or Qin Lang will stay. There is only one person left between me and him. Please consider carefully! "

Shouyi was extremely irritable, and did not want to talk any more.

In front of so many people, he was blunt, without Qin Lang!

Only one person can be chosen!

Perhaps Qin Lang's status is noble, but here is Sakura, in order to calm some internal chaos in Sakura, in order to defend against the Three Saints of Broken Blade who have not returned.

In any case, Her Majesty the Queen must keep him.

Otherwise, there are too many difficult problems to solve.

What's more, he has confirmed his own strength?

As long as Her Majesty the Queen makes a choice, he can kill Qin Lang alone without anyone from the Sakura royal family.

Ishihara Kanna's expression became more and more cold.

Liumu Yingzi next to him said angrily, "Shouyi, are you forcing His Majesty to do something?!

Did you know that this Qin Lang is a son of a wealthy family in the Dragon Kingdom, and his status is extremely high?

If I kill Qin Lang for you, how about the Dragon Kingdom attack me Sakura?

The Qin family is like a giant in the Dragon Kingdom, with experts like clouds, even if the Qin family can't be suppressed by national power, what if the Qin family sends experts to attack and kill Her Majesty the Queen? ! "

Shouyi raised his head proudly, "As long as there is a little monk in one day, no one can hurt Her Majesty the Queen, whether it is in the territory of Sakura or the master of the Dragon Kingdom!"

He didn't have this idea before.

But when the evil spirits returned from the expedition, this inflated mind became clearer and clearer in his heart.

The two most powerful forces in Sakura are nothing more than the Broken Blade Dojo and the Hall of Gods.

The old temple master is dead, there is no threat, the strength of the Three Saints of the Broken Blade has declined, and it cannot be his Rival now.

Even the current Lord of the Temple of Gods can only entangle with the Three Saints of Broken Blade.

Whoever comes is not his Rival.

With Sakura like this, how can the Dragon Kingdom be so powerful?

Even the eerie dark Loli was seriously injured.

In contrast, his strength not only did not decline, but reached its peak.

In the entire Sakura, his strength is the only one, without any Rival.

He will kill whoever he wants!

If it wasn't for the face of Her Majesty the Queen, Qin Lang at this time would be in a different place!

Ishihara Kanna took a deep breath and said indifferently, "Since Master Shouyi is so outspoken, I can only make a choice and take Qin Lang down!"

She looked at Qin Lang, and after deliberation, she finally chose Shouyi.

The surrounding royal masters drew out their samurai swords in unison and approached Qin Lang.

Shou Yi watched this scene indifferently, and when he saw the 'panic' expression on Qin Lang's face, his heart became more and more refreshing.

But at this moment, the sound of two flesh-piercing sounds rang out.

Shouyi lowered his head in surprise, looked at the two samurai swords piercing through his back waist, turned around and raised his hand and punched out, instantly smashing the two guardian samurai who were carrying samurai swords and slashed at his neck into a bloody fog.

Before he could regain his senses, he attacked Qin Lang's royal family master, and attacked in his direction in unison.

The sword shadows in the sky are dazzling, and the killing intent is revealed, and his flesh and blood will be completely smashed!

Shouyi quickly retreated furiously, punching a guardian samurai with one punch, and blood was constantly flowing out of his waist.

He gritted his teeth, the cold sweat constantly overflowing from his forehead, and the severe pain made his complexion pale.

clap clap clap!

There was a sudden applause.

Qin Lang clapped his palms, walked casually in front of Ishihara Huanna, looked at Shouyi who was forced to retreat, and sighed in admiration, "As expected of Master Shouyi who can conquer evil spirits and return safely, both waists have been arrested. It's actually able to burst out such a powerful fighting force.


I really admire it! "

Ishihara Kanna obediently leaned her head on Qin Lang's shoulder, and said softly, "This bald donkey is really powerful, it's so fast, fortunately, he stabbed his back on his waist. His neck, maybe he will be able to react immediately, and he won't even be injured!"

Qin Lang smiled without saying a word.

That's natural!

This is the son of luck, it's okay to be injured, how could it really die in the hands of the guardian samurai?

It's the most suitable method to slap his two waists first and damage his strength, and it's not a waste of him to act in this scene.

"Aren't you Her Majesty the Queen?!

who are you? !

Bitchy woman, how dare you change into the appearance of Her Majesty the Queen to deceive me! "

Shouyi stepped back into the distance, looking at Kanna Ishihara leaning on Qin Lang's shoulder, Rage's whole body was shaking.

This is not Her Majesty the Queen!

Absolutely impossible!

Qin Lang put his arms around Ishihara Huanna's slender waist, looked in the direction of Shouyi, and said with a sneer, "little monkey, aren't you kidding yourself? Is it your Majesty the Queen, you don't have anything in your heart? There's no way to sense it. come out?

Or is it that Her Majesty the Queen is very concerned about you during this period of time, she is giving you precious medicine to restore qi and blood, and she is arranging luxurious accommodation for you. Make you think that Her Majesty the Queen can only value you alone?

In other words, in your eyes, Her Majesty the Queen can only be close to you alone, and is not allowed to be so close to other men? "

Qin Lang deliberately showed his closeness to Ishihara Kanna, and his behavior was quite decent.

Having said so much, it was nothing more than wanting to provoke Shouyi.

In fact, there is another attack method that is more capable of directly hitting Shouichi's soul, and that is to let him witness how he bullies Kanna Ishihara, the Queen of Sakura.

Not only is it effortless, but the effect is exceptionally good.

It's just that, it's true that Ishihara Kanna is a bit of a practice.

Qin Lang didn't even think about it, so he abandoned this method and replaced it with a more complicated method!

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