Shenhao: I'm Really A Big Villain

Chapter 826 The Identity Of The Treasure Owner

Another large crate that was not quite full was opened.

Ambilight flashed and rushed out in an instant.

Almost everyone's eyes gathered again, and after the dazzling, the exquisite jade in the box instantly grabbed the hearts of all the women present.

The whole box is full of dazzling collections, all of which are jewels and jades, of high quality and beautifully carved. Every piece of jewels and jades can be scrambled by ladies when they are taken outside. a piece.

"What a beautiful gem!"

Zhou Zeqing stepped forward, looked at a shining jade, and opened her mouth in admiration, her eyes full of yearning.

"Want it? I'll give it to you." Qiu Jiu'er stepped forward very domineeringly, took out a precious jade, and handed it to Zhou Zeqing's arms.

"This is not good? It's too precious." Zhou Zeqing glanced at it and shook his head decisively.

Qiu Jiu'er smiled and said, "What's so precious or not? Anyway, it's all for nothing, no money."

Zhou Zeqing declined with a wry smile, "Forget it, this jade is too exquisite, you can tell it is very valuable at first glance, and you can't take it out. I'm just an ordinary university professor, if someone cares about this jade, it's not worth the loss ."

Saying that, she put the jade back in the box.

At this moment, Qin Lang came over and took out the piece of jade just now, and stuffed it into Zhou Zeqing's hand, "If you like this piece, take it first, if you need it later, just come and pick it up, anyway, there's a lot in it. Yes."

Zhou Zeqing lowered his head and glanced at the jade in his hand, pursed his lips, and hummed softly.


Qiu Jiu'er looked at Zhou Zeqing's completely different attitude, the corners of her beautiful mouth twitched.

He didn't have a seizure either. He took a deep breath and tried his best to calm himself down. Looking at Qin Lang, he said solemnly, "That box containing gold bricks is worth about 8 billion yuan, and this box of jewelry and jade is worth about 8 billion yuan. There is no such stability in terms of value, but if it can be auctioned out reasonably, the price fluctuates greatly, even as high as tens of billions!"

Unlike diamonds, jade is an IQ tax. There is demand for this stuff, and many people are willing to buy it.

Although it is not as valuable as gold, it is better than the rapid economic growth of Longguo at present, and there is a lot of room for a premium.

And the jade inside looks like it should be stored for a long time. To a certain extent, there is also a price bonus. If you run it a little, it is not impossible to shoot seven or eight billion, or even tens of billions. thing!

In other words, the items in these two boxes are worth 16 billion, or even nearly 20 billion!

And, it's all working capital!

You know, as far as the current Black Dragon Society is concerned, it is absolutely impossible to come up with more than 10 billion or even 20 billion working capital!

The three large boxes dug up according to the intention of the middle-aged woman are indeed a big treasure!

A big treasure that can make a big family rise!

I don't know which big idiot would bury such a valuable treasure under the ground of this Queen's Bar!

"Open the last box."

It was not Qin Lang's turn to order this time, and Qiu Jiuer couldn't wait to start urging.

Gold and jade have appeared, what will be the third box?

It's definitely worth a lot of money, and it may even exceed the sum of the first two boxes!

Under the expectant gaze, the third large box was opened.

There is no golden light or radiance in it, and it is full of books, all ancient books bound with silk thread.

The members of the Rose Hall were at a loss and couldn't understand what the current situation was.

After the gold and jade, it was actually a box full of books.

Could it be that, in the eyes of the person who buried the treasure, these books are as precious as gold and jade?

Qiu Jiu'er also had the same idea, took a step forward, took out a traditional Chinese character that was still recognized by staring at it, and whispered, "Is there a real solution to alchemy?"

She took out another copy, "Five Animal Shows?"

Qiu Jiuer flipped through the book curiously, and strange books appeared in front of her.

"Golden Classic of Internal Medicine", "Bao Pu Zi Nei Chapter", "Four Seasons Health and Food Therapy Collection", "On How to Return to Youth at the Age of Seventy"...

"The Queen Mother's Secret Life Collection Edition", "Revised Edition of the Story of the Rich Lady and the Poor Scholar", "The Fifty-Year-Old Man Long Jinghu Fierce Collection Edition"...

Looking at the books he couldn't figure out, Zhou Zeqing followed them to search. The more he looked down, the more red his face became.

The content inside is staggering!

It's really hard to see!

"This is very likely to be the secret book of cultivation. There are many books on health preservation and cultivation in it. Covering the eyes and ears with a lot of unsightly books, it is really hard to tell the difference for a while!"

Zhou Zeqing gave a serious explanation and gave his own opinion.

Disguise the real classics with such unsightly books.

This method can effectively prevent some bad characters. After all, when some people notice these unsightly books, they will throw aside the truly valuable books.

"Qin Lang, come and see, will these books help you? Can they make you stronger?"

Qiu Jiuer waved to Qin Lang.

Qin Lang walked over with a lack of interest, yawned, stared at Qiu Jiu'er, and said dissatisfiedly, "Do you think I'm not strong enough now?"

Qiu Jiu'er's cheeks were slightly red, and she said angrily, "I didn't mean that, Zeqing also said that these are the books of cultivation, and it is impossible to say that you can cultivate with these books!

Maybe it can live forever?

Longevity may seem impractical, but it may make you stronger and be able to kill stronger enemies!

This ancient book may contain many lost cultivation civilizations in the Dragon Kingdom. With these books, the lost cultivation methods can be retrieved! "

Qin Lang lowered his head, glanced at the book, coughed lightly, and said awkwardly, "I said, is it possible that you have misunderstood?

In fact, all these books belong to the owner of this treasure? Wasn't it deliberately trying to deceive other people? "

Seeing the questioning expressions on Qiu Jiu'er and Zhou Zeqing's faces, Qin Lang pointed to the books in the box and said, "Look carefully, the books at the bottom of the box, although they are a bit embarrassing, are not too embarrassing to watch. As time goes by, the owner of this treasure is getting older, his taste is getting heavier, and the books he reads are getting more and more red-faced.

When the owner of this treasure reaches a certain age and his body begins to decline, he will start to look for some health preservation books?

In the end, he found that the treasures of health preservation did not work, and this person began to seek the way of longevity? "

This is not Qin Lang's speculation, but an appeal to the facts.

When he saw the gold and jade, he was not sure who the owner of this treasure was.

When I saw this box of books that were treated as treasures, I was already able to determine the identity of the owner!

What ancient books can cultivate longevity?

It's just an old man with kidney deficiency who has entered old age and has a sore waist!

Still practicing longevity?

At the end, the birds were blown up!

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