Shenhao: I'm Really A Big Villain

Chapter 836: Internal Worries In The North

"Are there any restrictions on this fruit? For example, after eating one fruit, you can't take another."

Qin Lang asked curiously.

Without the ability of devil fruit, if you have the disease of devil fruit, then this thing will not be so effective.

Zhu Juan shook her head, "I didn't find out. The Northern Army has taken more than one fruit, but the number is very small, and there has never been a rejection reaction. What is the specific upper limit? There is no conclusion yet. The output of this kind of fruit is very high. Random, the number is scarce, and some teams with dozens of people may not be able to find one all day long.

A situation like yours is extremely rare, and it is a great luck to encounter it once!

You get four fruits at a time, and it is estimated that when you leave, you will not be able to find the fifth one. "

The two walked back while talking.

Suddenly, Qin Lang felt as if he had stepped on something, he lowered his head, frowned and moved his feet away, squatted down and scratched in the snow a few times, took out a fist-sized blue fruit, and held it to Zhu. In front of Juan, "The fifth one?"


Several big question marks appeared in front of Zhu Juan's forehead.

Qin Lang, what kind of shit did he have?

Can you pick up a fruit halfway along the way?

Moreover, it was the first batch of fruits. Because it was covered with snow, it has not been found yet. As a result, it was stepped on by Qin Lang?

In a hurry to send it to him?


On the other side, in the northern region of the Dragon Kingdom, a snow-covered land.

In front of Long Ju, Fang Tianhua and the others, a flying long sword was inserted, standing less than half a meter away from them.

Looking at a group of young men who stepped on the snow, Longju frowned and said coldly, "We are the Northern Army. We found these fruits first, don't make a mistake!"

He is the first person in the entire Northern Army to take the fruit, which is a great opportunity.

It's just that he, who didn't know the function of the fruit at the beginning, inexplicably signed a contract with an old turtle to be slaughtered, and a series of auditory hallucinations followed, causing him to run to the base's infirmary again and again.

No matter what kind of medicine you take, or what kind of psychological counseling you do, it's useless.

It was Fang Tianhua's comrade-in-arms Fang Tianhua's stewed Tufangzi Lao turtle soup that cured him, and let him praise Fang Tianhua's Tufangziling in the base.

When he later learned the truth, he not only lost a precious opportunity in pain, but also became the laughing stock of the entire base.

He was a dignified star war general, and he actually signed a contract with an old turtle, and it was nothing to do with it. In the end, it didn't work. Instead, he ate the person who signed the contract!

Now, after finally encountering the fruit again, he is sure to regain what he lost before.

No matter what, it is impossible to give this precious fruit to these unidentified guys!

Several men in thin long gowns looked at the group of northern troops in front of them with frosty faces, and said indifferently in an orderly tone, "I'll give you two choices, or, drop the fruit and give it to me from here. Get the hell out of here, or save your life!"

"They are real people. I just got the news that many brothers have suffered a lot at the hands of these guys!"

Fang Tianhua frowned and reminded Long Ju in a low voice, "These guys are very strong and have extremely fast reaction times. We only have a few guns, and I'm afraid it will be difficult to cause damage to them. Don't worry about no firewood!"

Long Ju turned back and glanced at Fang Tianhua.

Really one?

Just got the news?

Why hasn't he heard the news?

Yes, it must be so!

He was the confidant of the former Northland Long Shuai, loyal and loyal. Now that Long Shuai is out of position, even if he issues a military order, he will not be treated truly and fairly.


The more so, the stronger he becomes.

If he is not strong enough, he will not have enough right to speak. If he suffers such unfair treatment all day long, even he will be mad!

"You leave with the fruit, I'll be in the back!"

Long Ju held a submachine gun and shot in the direction of the true disciple.

Instead of killing them directly, they blocked their pace.

Seeing this, Fang Tianhua didn't waste time, even if it went against his will, he quickly fled with the No. 10 Northern Territory Army.


At this moment, a long sword flew in, with the sound of puffing into the flesh.

A sword pierced through the heads of the three northern soldiers!

"You, courting death!"

Longju looked back, his eyes instantly turned red, and his eyes were splitting!

This was the decision he made, and he never imagined that it would lead to the death of three northern soldiers.

This is his fault!

Long Ju, who held up the submachine gun, no longer had any kindness, and aimed at the chest of a group of true disciples and fired directly.

The five true disciples were scattered and separated very quickly.

Da da da!

Submachine gun bullets weakly hit the thick snow, not even a hair was left.

Before Long Ju's muzzle was aimed at the disciple of Shinichi again, the bullets had already been fired, and at the moment of changing the magazine, a disciple of Shinichi had already rushed to him.

This is a man who is 1.9 meters tall, with pigtails and dyed in a strange color, like a non-mainstream young ghost fire young man. Come.

Scholars can be killed, but not humiliated!

Long Ju threw out an angry fist, and the blood in his body exploded instantly, venting all his strength to the fist, wanting to punch the guy in front of him into a cloud of blood.


The young ghost fire slapped Longju's fist with a slap, then easily grabbed its neck and lifted it into the air, "This is the Northern Army? It's like a girl with no power to tie a chicken!"

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