"Mom and Dad, I'm back..."

Pushing open the door, Su Lang immediately shouted.

"Xiao Lang is back, let Mom take a look, is he handsome?"

Soon a middle-aged woman wearing an apron and holding a spatula rushed out of the kitchen.

Her name is Fu Xiaowan, that is, Su Lang's mother.

Fu Xiaowan circled around Su Lang, and then nodded contentedly: "This suit is good, it looks a lot more handsome."

"Ahem, Mom, I've always been handsome.

"Then it's getting more and more handsome. "

Okay, hurry up and come over to help wash the vegetables and get ready for dinner."

"Your Aunt Li will come later, you behave better." "


, beef, fish...

Looking at the mountains of ingredients, the corners of Su Lang's mouth twitched.

In order to leave a good impression on Aunt Li, Fu Xiaowan has made a lot of money.

After a while, his father, Su Changlin, also came back, and behind him, a middle-aged woman was also followed.

The woman was in her 50s, very thin, and as soon as she entered the door, her eyes scanned like radar.

Soon, her eyes fell on Su Lang's body.

"Xiaowan, this is your son Su Lang, right? The middle-aged woman said with a smile with half-squinted eyes.

In terms of appearance alone, she is very satisfied with Su Lang.

"It's ok, it's okay. Fu Xiaowan responded and said, "Xiaolang, hurry up and greet Aunt Li, you can't snub the guests." "


To tell the truth, after Zhang Lei's reminder before, Su Lang didn't have a good impression of Aunt Li.

He can understand the bride price, but a matchmaker has to take a cut from it, which Su Lang didn't expect.

But because of Fu Xiaowan's deterrence, Su Lang still smiled politely at Aunt Li: "Aunt Li, please take a seat..."

Aunt Li smiled and said, "This kid is really polite."

Su Lang: "Hehe..."

Soon Aunt Li began to greet Su Lang.

"Xiao Su, where do you work now?"

"Real estate agent..."Aunt

Li had a bright smile on her face and closed it slightly.

"Now that the price of the house is skyrocketing, it should be very profitable to be an intermediary, right?"

"I can barely support myself, about 3,000 a month."

Aunt Li's smile was closed again.

"Then there must be a lot of room for development, right?"

"I have been in the company for more than ten years, and there are still many people who are still salesmen. Aunt

Li: "..."At

this moment, the smile on her face completely disappeared.

Although he didn't want to admit it, he had to admit that Su Lang was really good for nothing except for his good looks.


" With a long exhalation, Aunt Li squeezed out a faint smile on her face again, and said, "Then Xiao Su has no plans for the future."

"You are still young, the gains and losses are not important now, there is still time to fight and struggle.

"Nowadays girls like motivated boys. "

Is it a plan to

be a quiet Shenhao charter officer?"



"Chartered public." Aunt

Li: "..."

At a young age, I got paranoia.

If it weren't for the sake of receiving Fu Xiaowan's red envelope, she would want to leave now.

Silently took out his phone, clicked on the album, and then began to swipe the photos.

One, two, three...

Seeing this situation, the corners of Su Lang's mouth twitched.

In these years, not only scumbags have fish ponds, but even matchmakers.

Soon, the photo freezes on top of a girl's photo.

"Xiao Su, how about you look at this girl?"

"Aunt Li, actually

..." "I'll see..."

Before Su Lang could speak, Fu Xiaowan had already rushed out of the kitchen with sweet and sour carp.

Then snatch the phone away.

Appearance: 50 points!

" No, this girl is not worthy of my son. In

the next second, Fu Xiaowan frowned and said sharply.

Aunt Li:

"..."The corners of her mouth twitched slightly, there was a sentence she didn't say, she didn't have a good-looking appearance, but the key is that Su Lang can't afford the bride price!

"Ahem, Xiaowan, then which person do you want to see is more suitable?"

"I'll look for it..."Fu Xiaowan nodded, and looked at the photo with a casual look.

After a moment, her fingers stopped.

The photo shows a girl with long hair fluttering, and the key is that she looks good when she smiles.

How do you say that?

It's like first love.

If you let Su Lang score, you can score 80!

"It's about the same..."

Aunt Li glanced at it and said, "Liu Lin, an undergraduate student at Tunghai University, works in a foreign company and has a very high vision. "

How tall is it? With my son's looks, he can't get into her eyes?"

"Xiaowan, everyone is an old friend, I won't hide it from you, the other party's family conditions are not bad, and the bride price is not low..."

Not to mention, it's really possible.

Originally, she thought that with the conditions of Su Lang's family, she would not be able to give much dowry, so she just found a girl from the fish pond and went over perfunctorily.

As a result, who would have thought that Fu Xiaowan would not even be able to look at it, she even fell in love with the best quality fish in her fish pond.

If Su Lang catches the fish away, it will be a big loss!

" Xiaowan, this is not suitable..."


I think it's better to

forget it...""I've received all this red envelope, can't I forget it?"

"I'll return it to you now." "

Sorry, no refunds are accepted.

"Okay, then I'll try to date the other party, but the woman may not accept."

"Without further ado, let's make an appointment now

..." "Xiaowan...""My mouth is relatively big, maybe one day I will spread the news that someone just collects money and doesn't do anything..."

Aunt Li glanced at Fu Xiaowan

silently, and then dialed the woman's phone.

"Aunt Liu, it's me, didn't you ask me to help Liu Lin introduce her boyfriend recently, I found it. "

The conditions are not bad in all aspects, when will we meet? Tomorrow? Okay, then tomorrow at 12 o'clock at noon, Taihe Restaurant." Hanging up the phone, Aunt Li looked at Su Lang silently: "Xiao Su, you also heard it, tomorrow at 12 noon Taihe Restaurant, I can only help you get here." Not

giving Su Lang a chance to refuse at all, Fu Xiaowan responded directly: "It's decided!" "

Come on, come on, it's almost time, everyone eat, eat..."

Soon, Fu Xiaowan beckoned everyone to start eating.

Halfway through eating, Su Lang suddenly remembered that there was still a watch that had not been delivered.

So Su Lang stood up, took out the gift box from his pocket on the side, and handed it to Fu Xiaowan and Su Changlin: "Mom, Dad, this is a gift for you." "

Gift, what gift, I'll take a look..."Fu Xiaowan smiled.

Immediately opened the gift box, and then she froze in place.

Inside is a rose gold watch, which is worth a lot of money at first glance.

And Su Changlin's eyes also widened, and his gift box also contained a golden watch.

Of course, the wide-eyed person, and Aunt Li.

3,000 yuan a month, can you afford such a good-looking watch? Such a good-looking watch, to say the least, it will cost tens of thousands.

She felt that her worldview had been turned upside down.

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