
! Deathly quiet!

When Xiao Yu's words came out, the whole scene fell silent in an instant.

What did they hear

? Xiao Yu was actually asking, can he touch

it? What is the situation?

Isn't this car Xiao Yu's?

For a while, everyone, including Qin Chuan, was stunned.

They never dreamed that things would turn out like this.

"Shaw... Xiao Shao, isn't this car yours?" Qin Chuan was the first to come back to his senses, he looked at Xiao Yu with a dull gaze, his eyes were full of surprise.

"Of course not. Xiao Yu shook his head and said, "If this car is mine, do you think I will throw it in the Grand Brand Plaza?"


Hearing Xiao Yu's words, Qin Chuan's body involuntarily took two steps back.

Yes, everyone knows that Xiao Yu loves cars, how could he put his car in the square like this.

This car is not Xiao Yu's, so it is difficult for his owner...

The thought of what he had just done made his face instantly red, as if it were on fire.

"I... I..."

Qin Chuan's mouth was wide open, he wanted to say something, but he couldn't say anything when the words came to his mouth.

On the other side, Xiao Yu didn't care about Qin Chuan at all.

At this moment, all he had in his eyes was this world-out-of-print Ferrari 166MMBarchetta!

"Friend, can I touch it?" Xiao Yu asked again.

"Of course. Su Lang smiled slightly and made a gesture of please.

Xiao Yu stretched out his right hand and slowly approached the quaint body of the Ferrari 166MMBarchetta, and under the gaze of everyone, Xiao Yu's face was attached to the body.

"Huh, huh..."

The whole scene was silent, only Xiao Yu's heavy breathing.

In Xiao Yu's world, nothing else matters, the car is his life!

and even more important than a woman to some extent.

One minute, two minutes, three minutes...

It took several minutes for Xiao Yu's trembling body to calm down again.


" Xiao Yu breathed a long sigh of relief, stared at Su Lang with his eyes, and said, "From today on, you will be my brother." He

didn't say this out of the blue.

Rather, it is the result of careful consideration.

The Ferrari 166MMBarchetta is no ordinary supercar.

Only 25 of these cars were sold back then, and now each one is a precious "antique relic", and these luxury cars are all in the hands of some of the world's giants.

Although Xiao Yu is a rich second generation, he is not stupid.

Since he was a child, he has understood that there are mountains outside the mountains, and there are people outside the people.

Someone who can own a Ferrari 166MMBarchetta, his identity could not be simple.

Being a brother with him, not only does he not lose money, but he may also make a lot of money!

Su Lang: "..."

There is an extra brother for no reason, and the corners of Su Lang's mouth can't help twitching.

However, he did not refuse.

He could see that Xiao Yu was quite awesome in Beishan, and it seemed good to have such a "brother".

"Borrowed, borrowed..."

Just as Su Lang was about to agree, a familiar voice came into Su Lang's ears.

Hearing the sound, I saw Liu Chen, the general manager of the "awesome leasing company", squeezing in.

He first glanced at the Ferrari around him excitedly, and then looked at Su Lang: "Mr. Su, these cars are listed as rental vehicles of our company?"

Su Lang nodded.

The car is awesome, but if it can't be monetized, it's meaningless...

"Understood!" Liu Chen nodded, took out his mobile phone and started taking pictures.


Liu Chen's words, Xiao Yu was stunned on the spot.

What did he hear?

Su Lang actually planned to rent out these cars.

He's crazy, isn't he!

"Brother, you're my brother, brother, you're crazy, you're going to rent out these cars?" Xiao Yu roared madly.

If someone else has a luxury car, they must not be well maintained, for fear of bumping into it a little.

But what about Su Lang's place?

He doesn't seem to have this consciousness at all.

He wanted to rent them all.

If it is a mass-produced model, then it will be forgotten, but many of these ten cars are limited edition models.

For example, Ferrari Enzo, for example, Ferrari 166MMBarchetta....

Are these cars going to be rented out too?"

Su Lang shrugged his shoulders and said with a faint smile: "Well, one person can only drive one, I have Pagani is enough, why don't you rent out the others and keep them?"

"Gollum~" Xiao Yu swallowed his saliva and said, "Brother, that Pagani is also yours

?" "Well, what's the problem?" "

No problem, no problem at all, from today onwards you are my brother, I am your brother!" Xiao Yu said.

A Ferrari 166MMBarchetta was enough to surprise him, but now there was a Pagani Huayr

! Who can own two of the world's top luxury cars

! Either a foreign super-rich or a powerful person from a top wealthy family in Yanjing!

A brother becomes a younger brother!

Su Lang has no reason to refuse.

"Hmm~" Su Lang responded lightly.

Xiao Yu was suddenly overjoyed: "Brother, where did you get such an awesome car?How much did

it cost?" "Awesome?" Facing the praise of the rich second generation, Su Lang smiled faintly and said: "It's okay, it's not too awesome, as for how much money was spent?" "It didn't

cost anything, it was all given by others." A

simple sentence from someone else

exploded in Xiao Yu's mind like thunder.

Whether it is the Pagani Huayr or the Ferrari 166MMBarchetta, they are the world's top luxury cars, each with a value of more than half a billion.

Who can give away

such a luxury car? And who can be given such a luxury car?

At this moment, Su Lang's status became more and more lofty in Xiao Yu's heart.

"Brother, can I rent these cars to me?" Xiao Yu's heart was hot, and he looked at Su Lang with burning eyes.

Rent, in fact, it's not that you can't rent...

"Mr. Liu?" Su Lang looked at Liu Chen.

Liu Chen was sweating profusely: "Mr. Su, because I came in too much hurry, I didn't bring the lease contract with me, if Xiao Shao wants to rent a car, he has to go to the company with us to go through the procedures." "

Xiao Shao?"

"Then do it! I don't have anything to do anyway." Without any hesitation, Xiao Yu nodded immediately.

Whatever it is, these ten Ferraris.

Or for Su Lang's identity, he has to go this time.

"That's okay..." Su Lang nodded, and then looked at Qin Chuan with a smile on his face: "I just said that this car is mine, right?" Qin

Chuan's body shook suddenly, and he almost didn't fall to the ground.

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