Chu Yang was very casual, took off his coat and threw it on the sofa.

"Young master, I'm going to cook, you sit down and rest first!"

While Yan Fei was talking, she also gave Yan Ru a look.

Yan Ru was a little nervous, and almost forgot Yan Fei's instructions before, and only then did she ease her eyes when she saw Yan Fei's eyes at her.

"Young master, I'll make you a cup of tea!"

Yan Ru is wearing a long skirt, which is also very compatible in temperament, and with light makeup, she looks refreshing.

Chu Yang nodded and sat directly on the sofa, looking around with Erlang's legs crossed.

Yan Ru's movements were still very fast, the water had been boiled before, and the tea had been prepared by Yan Fei before.

Yan Fei knew that Chu Yang had the habit of drinking tea, and when she went to the supermarket before, she bought some high-end tea and came back.

Although Chu Yang hasn't come over for the past two days, there are still some things that have to be prepared.

In this regard, Yan Ru is not as careful as Yan Fei.

"Young Master!"

Yan Ru walked over with a teacup, Chu Yang glanced at Yan Ru and motioned for her to put the teacup on the coffee table.

Yan Ru bent down and put down the teacup, and Chu Yang directly pulled Yan Ru into his arms.

Although Yan Ru was also mentally prepared, he was suddenly pulled into his arms by Chu Yang, and his body still trembled involuntarily.

"You're afraid of me?"

Chu Yang whispered in Yan Ru's ear.

"No, no, not afraid..."

Although Yan Ru said that she was not afraid, in fact, her body had betrayed her.


The corners of Chu Yang's mouth turned up slightly, and he smiled, "Young Master, what am I afraid of? I won't eat you?"

The more Chu Yang said this, the more nervous Yan Ru became, and her little face was flushed, which was very cute.

"Young Master, I..."

Yan Ru looked at Chu Yang, her lips moved slightly, and she wanted to say that she was not afraid, but when the words came to her mouth, she didn't know what to say.

"What's going on with your parents now?"

Chu Yang let go of Yan Ru here, took a sip of tea from the teacup, looked at her and asked.

"Mom and Dad are still in the ICU, and their relationship is quite stable..."

Hearing Chu Yang ask about his parents' condition, Yan Ru also relaxed a little.

"Well, stability is fine. "

Chu Yang smiled slightly and said, "Is there anything you two sisters want to do?"


Sitting beside Chu Yang, Yan Ru was also stunned for a moment when he suddenly heard Chu Yang ask.

"It's okay, just talk about ideals and life!"

Chu Yang laughed, took a sip of tea, looked at Yan Ru and said.

"Sister, she wants to be a screenwriter, as for me, I just want to be a foodie, travel the world, and taste all the world's food~~"

Yan Ru, who is relaxed, is also very good, Yan Ru is not very old, a girl in the flower season, likes to travel, and food is also a normal thing.

"Screenwriter, that's pretty good, Yan Fei has an elegant personality, and the screenwriter is quite suitable for her!"

Chu Yang smiled slightly, "You don't have this ideal, gourmet, traveling around the world, it's good~~"

Chu Yang's voice sounded better, and Yan Ru, who was still a little scared, slowly became familiar with Chu Yang.

There was talk and laughter, Yan Ru slowly faded away from her reserve and shyness, and Chu Yang also took Yan Ru in his arms.

Yan Fei was afraid that her sister would say the wrong thing and make Chu Yang unhappy, so she also looked out from the kitchen from time to time when she was cooking.

However, seeing Chu Yang and Yan Ru chatting and laughing, Yan Fei was relieved.

Yan Fei's craftsmanship is still very good, four dishes and one soup, all of which are home-cooked, mainly because Chu Yang came over suddenly, and she didn't do anything to prepare.

"Yes, it looks quite appetizing!"

After all, Chu Yang was born as an ordinary person, and it was only in this week that he began to eat big fish and meat.

Like the four dishes and one soup made by Yan Fei, before putting it, Chu Yang didn't say that it could be eaten often.

On weekdays, I am used to big fish and meat every day, but in fact, I miss this ordinary home-cooked food even more.

Chu Yang sat down directly, and Yan Fei and Yan Ru stood aside and didn't dare to sit down casually.

"Why are you standing, sit down and eat together!"

Chu Yang raised his eyes and looked at Yan Fei and Yan Ru, and said with a smile.


When the Yan Fei sisters heard Chu Yang say this, they dared to sit down.

The two of them sat beside Chu Yang on the left and right, and Chu Yang was also holding chopsticks, "How about I try your craftsmanship!"

Chu Yang sandwiched a sandwich eggplant, which was two eggplant slices, with meat filling in the middle, and the surface of the eggplant was coated with flour and fried in an oil pan.

"Hmm?!Yes, yes, crispy on the outside and tender on the inside, the fragrance of eggplant and the tenderness of the meat filling make it delicious!"

Chu Yang didn't mean to say good things to make Yan Fei happy, he said it from the heart, Yan Fei's cooking skills are really good!

Although it is not as good as a chef like Xiao Jie, Yan Fei's dishes are also integrated with the taste of home.

How to say it, although it is a common meal, but it feels more warm to eat.

"Young master, if you like it, it's fine!"

Yan Fei was relieved when she heard Chu Yang say that it was delicious.

She was also afraid that Chu Yang would not be used to eating, or would not like it.

How to say it, Chu Yang has a special meaning for the two of them, if Chu Yang no longer gives them two living expenses, their parents will definitely not be able to resist for long.

"I really didn't expect you to have such a skill, yes, yes!"

Chu Yang involuntarily hugged Yan Fei's waist as she spoke, Yan Fei's body trembled, but she didn't dare to struggle, looking at Chu Yang and smiling shyly, "Young master, you like it, when you want to eat it, I'll make it for you!"

"Yes, yes, well, this sea bass is also steamed well, it is very tender!"

While eating steamed sea bass, Chu Yang didn't forget to praise Yan Fei's cooking skills.

"Yan Fei, your cooking skills are better than those of ordinary restaurant chefs!"

can get such praise from Chu Yang, to be honest, Yan Fei's cooking skills are indeed quite good.

"The young master praised it falsely, I just like to cook and cook, and I usually study and study more~~"

Yan Fei's face was slightly red, obviously Chu Yang praised her cooking skills and made her quite happy.

"Xiaoru, what about your cooking skills, how does it compare to your sister?"

Chu Yang hugged Yan Ru and asked softly in front of Yan Ru.

"Young master, I... I can't cook food~~"

When Yan Ru heard Chu Yang ask this, she was also a little embarrassed.

However, she didn't lie to Chu Yang and said how about cooking by herself, otherwise, Chu Yang ate the dishes made by Yan Fei today, and next time she will taste the dishes she made, so what should she do?

"Hehe, I know you won't!"

Chu Yang was not surprised, he smiled, and lightly scratched his finger on Yan Ru's nose, "You also have to learn more from your sister!"

"Yes, the young master taught me a lesson, I know!"

Yan Ru pursed her lips and answered softly, still feeling a little aggrieved in her heart.

After eating and drinking, Chu Yang glanced at Yan Ru, "Your sister cooks and cooks, Xiaoru, go and brush the bowl!"


When Yan Ru heard Chu Yang say this, how dare she say no.

While responding, he hurriedly cleaned up the dishes and chopsticks.

Chu Yang stretched his waist, put his hand around Yan Fei's waist very casually, leaned close to Yan Fei's ear and said, "Xiaofei, young master, my neck is a little stiff, you can help me press it!"

Chu Yang gently pinched his neck with his hand, turned his head to look at Yan Ru and said.

"Okay, young master!"

Yan Fei nodded, and said with a blushing face.

Fei Lu reminds you: three things to read - collect and push

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