"It's really a steamed bun to eat when you're hungry, and a pillow to eat when you're sleepy!"

The corners of Chu Yang's mouth rose slightly, smiled slightly, and muttered.

Yesterday, Chu Yang was still very short of money, and it was to the point where he wanted to sell the shares of Ma Yaxun Group.

When I woke up today, there was no shortage of money, and I even owned 30% of the shares of Taoxiang.com!

Of course, Chu Yang felt that the biggest gain was still these twenty intermediate biochemical guards!

The strength is a hundred times stronger than the low-level biochemical guards!

With such a biochemical guard by his side to protect himself, he can really run rampant in this world.

However, Chu Yang didn't have any ambitions, he just wanted to live his own small life in peace.

If others don't provoke him, he won't take the initiative to cause trouble.

Just like the Liang family, if he hadn't taken the initiative to provoke Chu Yang, he wouldn't have done anything to the Liang family.

But if you think that Chu Yang doesn't cause trouble because he is afraid of causing trouble, then you are very wrong.

After all, if nothing else, let's just talk about these biochemical guards around Chu Yang, not to mention the domestic family, even if it is the world, there is no family or organization that can compete!

This is only when there are only ten low-level biochemical guards around Chu Yang, like now, there are twenty more middle-level biochemical guards around Chu Yang, and it is unlikely that anyone will do anything to Chu Yang!

"The good times of the day have started again!"

Chu Yang got off the bed lazily, took a bath, and became more energetic.

Humming a small tune, Chu Yang walked out of the bedroom.

Zhao Wan'er saw Chu Yang coming out of the bedroom, and she hurriedly walked up from downstairs.

"Young master, over there at ICBC, President Ye also asked me about the investment in the Australian copper mine project in the morning~~ Young master, there are only 1500 million left in your bank account..."

Of course, Zhao Wan'er didn't doubt that Chu Yang would definitely have a way to solve this 100 billion problem, but Ye Zhixuan couldn't sit still.

The main reason is that Chu Yang's spending money in the past few days is really too big, 2.5 billion private jets, 1 billion stores, and 4 billion to support Qianjue Jewelry!

All kinds of consumption, Chu Yang's account originally had nearly 10 billion deposits, but now it is only 15 billion!

Ye Zhixuan naturally saw it in his eyes, two days ago, he saw that Chu Yang didn't move, and he didn't dare to ask, but this morning he really couldn't help it, so he contacted Zhao Wan'er to ask about the investment in the Australian copper project.

Although Ye Zhixuan asked very tactfully, who is Zhao Wan'er, how could she not hear Ye Zhixuan's voice?

"Well, that should be when I haven't woken up yet, right?"

Chu Yang smiled, glanced at Zhao Wan'er and said.

"Well, at nine o'clock, President Ye called~~"

Zhao Wan'er also nodded and said.

"The matter has been settled!"

Chu Yang waved his hand and smiled, "Make me a cup of Longjing in a while, and let the chef get more seafood to eat at noon!"

"Okay young master!"

Zhao Wan'er responded first, and then she reacted that Chu Yang said just now that the matter had been resolved.

"Young master, is everything settled?"

Zhao Wan'er was also stunned, and subconsciously asked.

"Uh-huh, I got in touch yesterday night, and just now, I should have more than a trillion more cash in my account... I estimate that President Ye will call you in a while!"

Chu Yang shrugged his shoulders and smiled.

But Zhao Wan'er was stunned when she heard Chu Yang say that there were more than a trillion more in the account!

At nine o'clock, there were still 1.5 billion left in the account, and then as soon as the young master woke up, there were more than 1 trillion more in the account?!

That's more than a trillion dollars!!

If Chu Yang said that there were tens of billions or hundreds of billions more in the account, Zhao Wan'er might not be shocked.

After all, Chu Yang also agreed to invest 100 billion yuan in Australian copper mining projects.

However, what Chu Yang said is more than a trillion!

What's that concept?!

More than three times the entire net worth of the richest man in the country!

"Young Master, have you sold the shares of the Ma Yasun Group?"

Zhao Wan'er was a little unbelievable, she knew that Chu Yang owned 20% of the shares of the Ma Yasun Group, and according to the market value of the Ma Yasun Group, 20% of the shares of the Ma Yasun Group were indeed worth more than 1 trillion!

It just so happened that Chu Yang said that he had done it yesterday evening, and now he said that he had more than 1 trillion more in his account, so how could he suddenly have so much cash if he didn't sell the shares of Ma Yasun Group?

"What do you want? Your young master, can I do this kind of thing to kill chickens and take eggs? The shares of the Ma Yasun Group are much better than investing in the Australian copper mine project, right?"

Chu Yang smiled, what he said was to deny what Zhao Wan'er said about selling the shares of Ma Yasun Group to cash out.

"By the way, young master, I suddenly remembered, in addition to owning 20% of the shares of the Ma Yasun Group, I also own 30% of the shares of Taoxiang.com, you can contact them in a while, and just say that all the dividends in the future will be directly transferred to my private account!"

Chu Yang looked at Zhao Wan'er, and said something a little light-hearted, but Zhao Wan'er listened stupidly directly!

"Young master, you said that you suddenly remembered that you were a major shareholder who returned to the network?!Thirty percent of the shares?!How is this... Maybe?!"

Zhao Wan'er's first reaction was impossible, Bi said that she still didn't know much about the Ma Yasun Group, and later after she asked for verification, she was also shocked.

However, Chu Yang said that he was a Taobao owner and still owned 30% of the shares, how could this be possible?!

After all, Taohuo is the largest e-commerce platform in China, and its international popularity is also quite high!

And she still has a certain understanding of the shareholders of Taoxiang.com.

Brother Ma is Ma Jun, the richest man in China, worth about 300 billion.

He can be regarded as a domestic business legend, but even if he is Ma Jun, he only owns 9% of the shares of Taoxiang.com!

As for the one who owns the most shares of Taoxiang.com, it is Sun Yizheng of the island country next door.

Zhao Wan'er has studied the composition of Taoxiang's shareholders, so she also questioned Chu Yang's statement that she owns 30% of Taoxiang's equity.

But as soon as the words came out, Zhao Wan'er knew that she seemed to have said the wrong thing.

Others can question Chu Yang, but as Chu Yang's personal housekeeper, how can she question her boss?

"I'm not mistaken, I should have 30% of the shares! You can check it out, your young master, I have too many assets, and I can't remember many things clearly!"

Chu Yang said with a smile.

Actually, Chu Yang himself was curious about what the situation was.

If you want to talk about the shares of the Ma Yasun Group, it is easy to explain, after all, the shares of the Ma Yasun Group have not been disclosed before.

But like Taohuo, the identities of all shareholders are public.

Suddenly, Chu Yang became the largest shareholder of Taohuo.com, and Chu Yang was actually a little confused.

But this stake is, after all, a reward given by the system, there is no doubt about it.

"Well, okay young master, I'll go now!"

Zhao Wan'er also bent down respectfully at Chu Yang and said.

"Okay, you go get busy, remember to ask the chef to prepare a seafood dinner!"

Chu Yang had already walked into the study and sat calmly on the chair.

As soon as Zhao Wan'er came out here, three servants walked in with pastries, fruits and tea.

The servants were very familiar with putting all the things on Chu Yang's desk, and they didn't dare to disturb Chu Yang to play games, so they put everything away, so they bent over Chu Yang, saluted and exited the study.

Zhao Wan'er first instructed the kitchen to prepare a seafood feast at noon today, and then when she was about to call to inquire about Ye Zhixuan's situation, Ye Zhixuan's phone call came inadvertently.

Ye Zhixuan has also endured it for the past two days and has not dared to disturb Chu Yang, but Chu Yang has no news at all.

said that he was going to invest 100 billion yuan in the Australian copper mine project, but not only did he not raise money, but the money in Chu Yang's own account became less and less.

Ye Zhixuan also saw Chu Yang's recent consumption records, which really startled him.

That's 10 billion in cash!

In a few days, there are only 1.5 billion left!

Early this morning, he couldn't hold back, and then contacted Zhao Wan'er.

However, he didn't say it so directly, he just wanted to ask Chu Yang about the progress of raising money, and by the way, he also reminded Chu Yang not to forget about this matter.

Ye Zhixuan also knew that Zhao Wan'er, the housekeeper beside Chu Yang, was a smart person, and when he said everything to this point, she would naturally understand.

However, after making the call, Ye Zhixuan actually regretted it a little.

Here, he has also been paying attention to the movements of Chu Yang's account.

No, just more than ten minutes ago, Chu Yang's account balance suddenly exploded, and a large amount of money poured in at once!

Ye Zhixuan was also frightened!

More than a trillion dollars of cash poured in!

If it were tens of billions or hundreds of billions, it would be fine, but this is more than a trillion!

When Ye Zhixuan saw the cash deposit in Chu Yang's account, his forehead was also in a cold sweat.

He hurriedly asked someone from the technical department to check if it was a system vulnerability that caused such a large amount of cash to change.

However, the fact is that this trillion-dollar source of funds is completely compliant and legal, and there are traces to follow!

As for the problem that Ye Zhixuan is worried about, it simply does not exist!

However, in this case, Ye Zhixuan was even more panicked!

Trillions in cash deposits!

What kind of financial resources can this be achieved?!

He knew that Chu Yang was not an ordinary person, and he also investigated Chu Yang's family background, but what he could see was actually some very ordinary things.

Chu Yang was completely an ordinary person in one week, but within this week, he went from an ordinary person to a wealthy young master with a net worth of hundreds of millions!

Ye Zhixuan can sit in the position of the president of Haidu Industrial and Commercial Bank, he is not a fool, he naturally understands that Chu Yang's true identity cannot be as simple as it seems on the surface.

He was originally wondering if Chu Yang would come out of those families, but later the white-clothed female guards who appeared next to Chu Yang and now have trillions of cash pouring into his account, and he is even more firm in his conjecture!

"I actually doubted Chu Shao~~ Am I crazy?!"

Ye Zhixuan was also frightened by himself, after all, the phone call he made just now was likely to cause Chu Yang's disgust.

If Chu Yang dislikes him, then his position as the head of the Haidu Industrial and Commercial Bank of China can be regarded as the end of his position!

After all, as long as Chu Yang said a word, he could be blamed by the above, and thus lose everything he had now.

Ye Zhixuan was also panicked here, so he hurriedly called Zhao Wan'er again.

"President Ye, what a coincidence, I just wanted to call you!"

Zhao Wan'er answered the phone and said with a smile.

"That, that, Chu Shao, is he awake?"

Ye Zhixuan also asked with a little lack of confidence, he now thought that if Chu Yang didn't wake up, he would be able to beg Zhao Wan'er not to say what he had just called.

"The young master just woke up, I just told the young master about the Australian copper mine project, and the young master also said that he took care of it yesterday night, and now the young master's account balance is probably more than 1.5 billion, right?!"

Zhao Wan'er is so shrewd, Ye Zhixuan's attitude when he speaks can explain everything.

Sure enough, as soon as Zhao Wan'er said this, Ye Zhixuan was even more panicked, and when he heard Zhao Wan'er's words asking himself, he also chuckled in his heart.

"Chu Shao is really amazing! Chu Shao's account just now deposited more than 1 trillion yuan..."

Ye Zhixuan also hurriedly slapped his beard and said a few good words, and then after saying this, he also asked nervously, "Steward Zhao, Chu Shao, he is not unhappy, right?!"


Zhao Wan'er didn't answer Ye Zhixuan immediately, but laughed.

On the phone, Ye Zhixuan also broke out in a cold sweat in an instant.

"President Ye, our young master has always been true to his word, and everything he promised will naturally be done properly, I don't think President Ye will not know this, right?"

Zhao Wan'er said this, and Ye Zhixuan hurriedly echoed and said, "Yes, yes, Chu Shao is the most trustworthy young master I have ever seen..."

Ye Zhixuan also said a bunch of good things, and Zhao Wan'er also smiled, "Okay, President Ye, our young master is not angry, he is not angry because of such a trivial matter, don't you say?!"

"Yes, yes, yes!"

Ye Zhixuan also nodded in response.

"The young master said, you can just transfer the money over, and I will naturally contact you for the rest of the matter!"

Zhao Wan'er also told Ye Zhixuan something about the Australian copper mine project, and only after a few minutes did she hang up the phone.

Ye Zhixuan was also relieved, and sat on his chair for a long time before he recovered.

To be honest, he felt that he was not as tired as dealing with Zhao Wan'er when dealing with Chu Yang!

After all, he still has some understanding of Chu Yang's temperament.

But what about Zhao Wan'er, first, he didn't know much about it, and second, his intuition told him that Chu Yang's personal butler was much better than Chu Yang!

"This is really not afraid of Hades, afraid of imps!"

Ye Zhixuan also smiled bitterly, and muttered a sentence in his mouth, in his opinion, Zhao Wan'er is really that difficult little ghost!

PS: 4000 words big chapter, ask for customization!

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