Shenhao: Only Check In Once A Week

Chapter 57: Goose Factory Pioneer! The village flower is out!

"Without advertising, it would be meaningless for us to make this variety show. Not only would the sponsor's father disagree, but the boss would not agree."

"Yes, besides, it is a normal operation to plant hard and soft ads in variety shows. Once we follow the trend and learn "Xtreme Girl Group", it will definitely cause protests from other big variety shows..."

A group of directors and producers have expressed their opinions, and the noise is not to be discussed.

The director raised the corner of his mouth and hummed: "Enough, don't make any noise."

When the scene calmed down, the director said leisurely, "The boss said, we must win this battle at all costs and consolidate our position in the variety show industry. Do you know what it means at all costs?!"

"First, all soft ads are removed! Only the first ads of exclusive sponsors are left, and the break time ads are reduced from the original six to three!"

"Secondly, we will fully benchmark the Xtreme Girl Group, analyze this team in depth, and then replicate it highly. Let’s put it this way, the Xtreme Girl Group has something, we not only have to have it, but also bigger than theirs! After all, we have a goose factory. The title of the strongest borrowing king on earth!"

"Third, the time must be fast, and it must be released before their third episode is broadcast, and they will be caught off guard!"

"Fourth! Don't think about the funding issue. The boss has already put down his words and invests 200 million dollars per episode! There is no cap! If you don't just spend the money, get it out of me!"


"Two hundred million episodes? Boss, are you serious? How many times has the production cost doubled?"

The directors were stunned.

The director sneered: "I forgot to tell you that the two hundred million is a pure production fee, and the celebrity announcement fee is another expense."


The brains of a group of people were buzzing.

They are all old fried dough sticks in this industry. How do you know that the production cost of a variety show is assumed to be 100 million (one season), of which 80 million is the celebrity announcement fee, and only 20 million will be used in the production of the show. This time they were separated. Calculation, in other words, the boss directly increased the production cost ten times...

"How can you spend 200 million in one episode of a variety show?"

People looked at each other, as if they could not think of a better way other than bombing cars and cruise ships and bombing houses.

"Um... Director, who is our new variety show, who are you going to invite to be the lead?" Someone asked the idea.

Whether a variety show is good-looking, the content is of course important, but the participants are more important!

The reason why the second episode of Xtreme Girl Group has become a hit is that in addition to the wonderful content and comfortable viewing, it is more important that the participation of three top artists, Huang Sanshi, Sun Huanglei, and Zi Qi.

"The boss said, let the'cunhua' carry the banner this time! The limit goddess group that must be fought is falling! Let them never turn over!" The corner of the director's mouth raised.

"Murahua, it's stable this time."

"Sure victory!"


The other side.

Ye Tian didn't know that the Xtreme Women's Group he created had been benchmarked and unilaterally declared war. At this time, he was leading a group of people to celebrate in China World Trade Center, which was very lively.

The director in charge of the Xtreme Girl Group smiled and said: "Mr. Ye, your strategy is useful. We almost broke the record of variety shows and contracted hot searches."

"It's great. The performances of several MCs and flying guests are super exciting. Now their fans have gone from 0 to millions, and the captain Xiaoyao is the first to break through 1.1 million fans!"

"You have a great piano!"


Youqin Xiaoyao hurriedly got up and bowed, her eyes flushed and said, "Thank you.. Thank you! I will definitely keep up and live up to everyone's expectations."

Ye Tian smiled and said: "What to live up to, as long as you are happy. Life is short, just live what you want."

"Brother Ye's state of mind, Qin Yan admires the five-body cast!"

"I'm obsessed with Fat Wei!"

"Come on, let's shout a slogan together!"

Huh huh!

A group of people stood up with their right hands bent at the heart: "I wish to dedicate my heart to Ye Shao!!!"

Xiao Yuyan got up, weak and weak: "Presenting~ Out~ Heart~ Dirty~"

"It's okay, you guys in the second and second late stages, hurry up to eat. Take a good rest today, and discuss which star to invite over as a flying guest tomorrow." Ye Tian couldn't help but laugh.

The happy dinner was over, and everyone left.

At this time, everyone did not smell the danger at all, until the next morning, when Ye Tian woke up to eat breakfast, the number one in the hot search list had been replaced by the "Cun Hua Yang Koi Official Proclamation!" Participate in the new country comprehensive recording! 》

The second most searched list: "Vanguard! The village flower is in danger! Play for the goose factory! 》

The third most searched list: "Koi Going!" Nothing grows! 》

The fifth hot search list: "Super Girl Group! Yang Jinli will play in C position! 》

The sixth hot search: "Can the village flower turn the tide!" 》

Hot search list seventh: "Hardcore Fans Make Village Flower Armor overnight!" 》

The popularity of Xtreme Girls Group went from first to eighth.

The temperature is getting hotter and hotter, but the Xtreme Girl Group is getting colder and colder...

Imperial Bay, B1.

"Fuck! This is a fucking sniper! The shameless goose factory!" The chief director slammed the script on the table angrily. What's up?"

Jiang Shengfeng's face was gloomy, Qin Yan was silent, and Fat Wei rubbed his fat face, "It's going to be bad..."

"elder brother."

"Ye Shao!"

"Mr. Ye!"

Seeing Ye Tian push the door and enter, everyone stood up one after another

Ye Tian waved his hand to motion everyone to sit down, and said with a smile: "What are you doing? Everyone is crying and crying."

Youqin Xiaoyao rubbed her eyes and said, "Brother... we can't beat the village flower."

"Are you confessing before you fight?"

Ye Tian didn't care, smiled and touched Yuqin Xiaoyao's head, "Have I said that you must win?"


People cast their eyes on.

"No one likes to lose, and I don't like it, but winning or losing is not important to the whole life, as long as you are happy to be yourself."

Ye Tian pampered and embraced Xiao Qin Xiaoyao in his arms, "Don't have any pressure, and at the same time joy yourself, bring joy to everyone, this is what an artist has to do."

"Brother..." Youqin Xiaoyao's eyes reddened, and she nodded vigorously, "I see."

Ye Tian smiled and said: "The village flower is indeed our number one enemy. I didn't expect to catch such a big koi as soon as he came up. The goose factory is really powerful."

"Okay, you guys get ready, I won't bother."

Ye Tian smiled and left.


He really doesn't take it seriously, and fun is the kingly way.

"The system is only upgraded for half a month..." Ye Tian squeezed his eyebrows.

When walking back, I ran into Xiao Yuyan, who rubbed his face from Ye Tian to a silver pass, and said with joy, "Brother! Did you look at the bib? The village flower carries the banner and wants to challenge you. Xtreme Girl Group! Can you help me and ask her for an autograph? I am a hardcore villager in Yueya Village!"

Ye Tian glared at her, "I still want it! The shooting location is not in the same place, wait until I have a chance to meet it later!"

Xiao Yuyan grabbed Ye Tian's arm, cheered and said: "Where are you going in the future, where will I go!"

"Don't you need to work?" Ye Tian gave her a blank look.

"I don't need to, my dad has thousands of assets, enough for me to spend a while."

"You prodigal daughter!"

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