Even Li Linhai can't handle Jiangdong. It doesn't make any sense for Zuo's father to stay here. What he has to do now is to get on line with Qin's immediately, contact the boss who usually has a good relationship, and prepare to form an alliance to defeat Jiangdong's family in one fell swoop. A comet that turned out to be born!

After Zuo's father left, Li Linhai stopped talking nonsense, set up Li Han and went out.

The most important thing now is to treat Li Han. Although Li Linhai has nothing to do with Jiangdong for the time being, it doesn't mean that there is still nothing to do in the future. Jiangdong has made too many enemies, which Li Linhai can make full use of!

In a blink of an eye, the Zuo and Li families left.

The atmosphere in the private room returned to calm again.

The difference is that compared to before, Zhang Qingshan and Ning Siqi looked at Jiangdong with more enthusiasm!

"The food is cold, let's change to another table." Jiang Dong glanced at the delicious food on the round table that had barely moved, and decisively rang the summons bell.

Not long after, the door of the private room was pushed open, but Jiang Dong didn't wait for the waiter, but instead waited for Lin Yi with a gloomy face.

As soon as Lin Yi entered the door, he clasped his hands towards Jiang Dong without saying a word, then picked up the mineral water on the table, and sprinkled it directly on Lin Zhong's face.

"Ah! Don't hit me! I'm a direct descendant of the Lin family!" Lin Zhongmeng woke up with a start, and yelled like crazy.

However, when Lin Zhong saw clearly that the person standing in front of him was Lin Yi, he immediately turned into an eggplant beaten by Shuang, squatting in the corner of the wall tremblingly, not even daring to lift his head.

Don't look at Lin Zhong being arrogant and domineering, but Lin Yi is definitely a nightmare in his heart!

And now, there is another person in Lin Zhong's nightmare, Jiang Dong!

"Cousin..." Lin Zhong was like a prisoner, and whispered tremblingly, "I apologized and admitted my mistake. I even knelt down to Young Master Jiang. This matter..."

"Go back to the old house of the Lin family, please forgive me, grandpa!" Lin Yi growled, his voice was full of anger and unwillingness.

"Hey! Good! I'll get out now!" Lin Zhong ran out of the private room as if he had been amnesty, as if he didn't want to stay for a second.

After Lin Zhong left, Lin Yi's beautiful secretary appeared from the door and closed the door. Of course, she didn't come in.

The atmosphere returned to quiet again.

However, the silence at this time was somewhat dull, as if something big was about to happen.

"Brother Jiang." Lin Yi breathed a sigh of relief, the state of rage had disappeared from him, replaced by a warm smile, "I apologize for what happened today, but don't worry, Brother Lin, Lin Zhong will return There will definitely be no good fruit to eat in the old house, and our Lin family will definitely give Brother Jiang an explanation!"

Anyone with a discerning eye can see that Lin Yi told Lin Zhong to leave in advance to save his life!

Lin Yi couldn't understand Jiang Dong's methods very well. If Lin Zhong was allowed to stay here, Jiang Dong would really dare to kill him!

In other words, so far, Lin Yi has not found anything that Jiang Dong dare not do!

"Account to me? You let your cousin go, how will your Lin family explain to me?" Jiang Dong said these words calmly.

But Zhang Qingshan on the side was taken aback.

Lin Yi and Zhang Qingshan had seen each other on TV, but he was a ceiling-level figure that he couldn't usually touch!

But now, Jiang Dong doesn't give Lin Yi face at all, and even beat Lin Yi openly, which makes Zhang Qingshan's admiration and admiration for Jiang Dong come to a whole new level!

It is no exaggeration to say that Zhang Qingshan is Jiangdong's most fanatical believer now!

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