Shenhao Sign-in System: Starting From 9 Yuan and 9 Seconds Kill

Chapter 1015 Crazy Money Burning Battle (Part 1)

"Don't say anything. After eating, you work overtime, choose a person in charge for the other seven theaters, and then make a plan overnight. It's best to smash down advertisements and so on, so that everyone in the circle of demons will know that the stars will be in charge. It’s 50% off at the Academy of Fine Arts, it’s okay to send it away, I want to see the first movie tomorrow, and grab the front page headlines of every news page in Shanghai!” Jiang Dong seemed to be talking about something as simple as eating and drinking, "Let me transfer some money to you first..."

There was a little more than 200 million in Jiangdong's bank card, and he transferred 200 million of lost funds to Zhang Qingshan...

What is rich and powerful?

This is the real rich and powerful!

"I'll make arrangements now!" Zhang Qingshan was so excited, he didn't eat any food, and got up to leave.

Just transfer 200 million yuan casually, in cash, or keep the loss-making funds, how many big bosses can there be?

Moreover, according to Jiang Dong's intentions, additional funds will continue to be added in the future...

Zhang Qingshan felt that his future was full of sunshine and hope!

Afterwards, Zhang Qingshan stumbled to pay the bill, and ran away after paying the bill, without saying hello to Jiang Dong at all.

"Are you full?" Jiang Dong looked at Ning Siqi with a smile.

"Of course I'm full, I've eaten so much!" Ning Siqi gave Jiang Dong a blank look, "You have to figure out one thing, I'm not a pig!"

"The amount of food is not much different from that of pigs. The key is that you really can't get fat. Your figure has always been so good." After Jiang Dong finished the first half of the sentence, Ning Siqi's eyes immediately became unfriendly, but when Jiang Dong finished the second half of the sentence Only then did Ning Siqi smile with satisfaction.

"Let's go too!" Jiang Dong took Ning Siqi's soft and boneless little hand and walked along the river to the parking lot.

There is one thing to say, the night view of Shanghai is really beautiful, especially the night view by the river, which is the best among them.

Ning Siqi almost couldn't bear to blink and looked at everything here, and couldn't help but muttered to herself: "The river view in the capital city is really nice!"

Jiang Dong: "Why don't I give you a river view apartment?"

"No!" Ning Siqi smiled mischievously, "Didn't you say that? I'm going to Longjing soon, why are you still buying an apartment in Shanghai?"

"That's right!" Jiang Dong smiled confidently, even though he hadn't started this matter at all, he was still confident.

Longjing, Jiangdong will go there in the near future, after all, Jin Dongxu, the largest shareholder of Xingmei, is in Longjing.

If he wants to complete the two tasks released by the system, Longjing is definitely the hurdle that Jiangdong can't get around!

Actually, Jiang Dong was really looking forward to the trip to Longjing, and the Shen family...

In the middle of the night, Jiang Dong and Ning Siqi returned to the No. 1 ancient house of Aman Yangyun.

The energetic Jiang Dong wanted to fight for three hundred rounds, but he didn't want to. Dao Baqiang and his wife Kuai Daoyu had been waiting in front of the gate of the No. 1 ancient house very early.

Seeing Jiang Dong's return, Dao Scarqiang and his wife naturally greeted them.

Jiang Dong let the two into the old house, and began to look at Kuaidaoyu.

Although life has smoothed out Kuai Daoyu's edges and corners, and even her eyes have softened a lot, but the domineering arrogance in her body makes Jiang Dong's eyes shine.

"Mr. Jiang." Kuai Daoyu couldn't hide his excitement, and said to Jiang Dong straight to the point: "I have heard everything from Aqiang. I will definitely be competent and complete the task perfectly!"

"I'm still very confident about the character of your husband and wife, but I need you to prove your ability." Jiang Dong sat on the grand master's chair, holding the sharp knife jade with a smile, "Now, hit me with all your strength."

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