Shenhao Sign-in System: Starting From 9 Yuan and 9 Seconds Kill

Chapter 1021: Jiangdong's Counterattack (Part 2)

"Not merging for the time being, I will merge after I get all the shares of Xingmei." Jiang Dong shrugged and said calmly: "Okay, let's settle the matter you mentioned now... before it is resolved, what do you think? ?”

Jiang Dong threw the question to Zhang Qingshan, isn't it a kind of test?

Zhang Qingshan naturally understands what Jiang Dong means. Since it is a test, there must be something to say, "Mr. Jiang, it can be said that the theater industry and the entertainment industry are attacking us. It can be said to be accidental or inevitable. Behind the scenes If there is no shadow of the Qin family, I definitely don't believe it, and I even suspect that Jin Dongxu of Longjing is also playing a role behind the scenes that we don't know!"

After hearing Zhang Qingshan's words, Jiang Dong couldn't help but nodded.

Seeing Jiang Dong nodding, Zhang Qingshan secretly breathed a sigh of relief, and continued: "Mr. Jiang was with me yesterday, so Mr. Jiang's control of Xingmei, the magic capital, is definitely not a secret to the Qin family or those big consortiums." , Therefore, the Qin family must be the mastermind behind the scenes, and we can make a fuss about the Qin family!"

"Continue." Jiang Dong raised his hand, signaling Zhang Qingshan to continue.

"We can publicly expose Qin's conspiracy and make it clear that we are only targeting Qin!" Zhang Qingshan said confidently.

Jiang Dong: "No more?"

"It's gone!" Zhang Qingshan said blankly.

"That's it?" Jiang Dong couldn't help laughing, "You can be bolder, think bigger, talk bigger, don't care about money."

"I... this..." Zhang Qingshan laughed in embarrassment, "Mr. Jiang, to be honest, I don't know your hole cards. I really can't explain this more. To be straightforward, the pattern is different. , I have been the head of Xingmei in the magic city since the beginning, and I can't see Mr. Jiang so far away!"

Zhang Qingshan gave a little flattery.

"Okay! You've passed!" Jiang Dong took out his phone after finishing speaking, "Go to Weibo and see how I counterattack!"

Zhang Qingshan, Dao Baqiang, and Kuai Daoyu took out their mobile phones, logged in to Weibo, and followed the big V account "Chairman of Dongfang Group".

The login account of Jiangdong Qingche Shulu, this time directly came to a lucky draw of 10,000,000, which instantly boosted the traffic!

Ten million, ten copies, a single bonus of 1 million, this is definitely a record unprecedented since the establishment of Weibo, the traffic of Weibo exploded instantly, and even the server was pumped up...

Weibo headquarters immediately discovered Jiangdong's movements. According to Cao Wei's previous instructions, the staff of Weibo Group immediately pinned Jiangdong's account to the top and deliberately drained it, just like last time...

Inside Cao Wei's office.

"Cao Dong, the Weibo of the chairman of the Eastern Group has drawn a lottery again, directly 10 million, we have made it to the top and drained it according to the chairman's request!" The secretary began to report the latest progress.

"There's another big event!" Cao Wei jumped up from the boss's chair. He heard about the Xingmei Theater in the morning, and he received the wind that Jiang Dong was the big boss behind Xingmei in the magic city. This made Cao Wei very excited, "Jiangdong, Jiangdong, what are you going to do with the city? I think you will mess up the entire Dragon Kingdom!"

Cao Wei is full of expectations for Jiangdong, because the business world of Longguo has been silent for too long, and it has been a long time since such a courageous young man has appeared.

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