"You mean, it's not right for the Qin family to do too much?" Qin Yuanhang was like eating gunpowder, spraying whoever he caught.

"Vice Chairman, that's not what I meant..." The executive waved his hands in fright, for fear of being misunderstood by Qin Yuanhang.

"Chairman, vice-chairman, we can repay him in the same way, claiming that China Film Xingmei has not announced a price cut, then we will only cut the price in this area of ​​Shanghai!" Another executive seemed to be concerned He is very satisfied with his cleverness, "I have calculated that Xingmei in Shanghai is losing nearly 5 million yuan every day, and the eight theaters in Shanghai are similar. Our Qin family has more background than Xingmei in Shanghai, and it will definitely kill him with energy consumption! "

"This is still like a human saying!" Qin Yuanhang said so, but his face was still cold, "But, can you use some brains when you step on the horse? The shareholders of China Film Xingmei have jumped out to stand for us just now, and the magic city The matter of Xingmei has been completely wiped out, and now we are going back and directing the war to China Film Xingmei, isn't that digging a hole for the allies? What will the rest of the allies think of us? What will the public think of us?"

Qin Yuanhang scolded the executive as well.

Afterwards, these so-called elite executives were completely helpless.

That's right, the huge national layout that Qin's speed of light is proud of has become a burden to Qin's at the beginning of this money-burning war!

National price reduction?

The Qin family can't afford to pay, this is simply the rhythm of hurting the enemy one or two, and self-damage eight thousand!

"Second brother." Qin Yuanyang, who is the number one in the Qin family, finally stood up, "This matter is not good for us, it is almost a dead end, and you don't have to embarrass them."

"But, what should we do? The more the official Weibo does not respond, the greater the public's resistance. It is estimated that the next movie will lose more than half of the audience! Flies are also meat, and at least 50% off can be recovered Some money, if no one watches it, won't we lose more? Those producers are going to blow up my phone!" Qin Yuanhang was very upset.

"It's not like we don't have a chance to fight back..." Qin Yuanyang said with a cold smile: "You immediately contact Jin Dongxu, the largest shareholder of China Film Xingmei, and those small shareholders to hold a temporary board of directors and impose sanctions on the magic capital Xingmei !"

"This is a good idea!" Qin Yuanhang clapped his hands, jumped up immediately, and began to contact the major shareholders of China Film Xingmei. After all, Magic City Xingmei is still affiliated with China Film Xingmei in name...

You have Zhang Liangji, I have bridge ladders.

Jiang Dong compared Qin's speed of light to a dead end, and Qin's speed of light also began to fight back.

Conspiracy and conspiracy, officially begin!

Magic City, Aman Yangyun in Dongpu District, Porsche 911, BMW 760 and Mercedes-Benz G63 left the No. 1 ancient house one after another.

After lunch, Ning Siqi drove a Porsche 911, left Aman Yangyun with Kuaidaoyu, and returned to the Aviation Academy.

Zhang Qingshan drove a BMW 760 back to Xingmei Cinemas.

Dao Baqiang drove Jiangdong to Nanxian District in a Mercedes-Benz G63.

Jiang Dong has not signed in today, this kind of opportunity must not be let go, one time sign in 1 billion!

Moreover, yesterday's salary can't meet today's sign-in, so Jiang Dong is going to work first, and then sign-in, and let Dao Scarqiang and Zheng Yi get to know each other by the way.

Sitting in the co-pilot of the Mercedes-Benz G63, Jiang Dong called Xu Yangguang.

【Wanben Station】Official website: www.wanben.org

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