After Jiang Dong heard what Jin Dongxu said, he immediately sneered, "I thought you were a character at first, at least when everyone attacked me, you were able to restrain yourself and didn't jump out to add insult to injury, but now it seems , I think highly of you."

"It doesn't matter whether you look high or not, because I don't care what you think of me." Jin Dongxu was very stubborn. He was scolded by Jiang Dong inexplicably before, and he was looking for a chance to scold him back, "It's you, Jiang Dong , I think you should worry about your situation!"

Jiang Dong: "I don't need you to worry about my situation. To paraphrase your words, it's you, Mr. Jin. You'd better worry about your own situation."

"Me? What do I have to worry about?" Jin Dongxu sneered disdainfully, "It's completely meaningless to say this now, Mr. Jiang, our online meeting will be held in ten minutes, I just want to inform you. "

"Hehe!" Jiang Dong sneered disdainfully, "Get out, I'm not free!"

After all, Jiang Dong hung up the phone directly, and added Jin Dongxu's mobile phone number to the blacklist...

Far away in Longjing, the office of the chairman of Xingmei Group.

Jin Dongxu, with a serious face and a mustache, stared blankly at the mobile phone in his hand. When he called again, he found that the other party had already dragged him into the blacklist.

"Steamer!" Jin Dongxu roared extremely furiously, slammed his phone to the ground, and roared furiously: "What? How dare you scold me? Hang up on me? And block me? I, Jin Dong Xu must make you look good!"

After Jin Dongxu yelled, he stomped on the shattered fruit 12 mobile phone on the ground a few times, as if the mobile phone was Jiangdong.

After venting, Jin Dongxu escaped from another mobile phone and dialed it to Qin Yuanyang.

The phone was connected, and Qin Yuanyang's calm voice came to Jin Dongxu's ears through the mobile phone, "Chairman Jin Dongxu, do you have any good news for me?"

"I'm sorry, Chairman Qin, Jiang Dong refused to attend our extraordinary shareholders' meeting." Jin Dongxu's attitude was very humble, in stark contrast to Jiang Dong's previous attitude towards Maimang.

"What? Your board of directors can't control him?" Qin Yuanyang said quite unexpectedly.

The board of directors of a listed company is the supreme existence. How could the board of directors not control Jiangdong?

On the contrary, Jiang Dong directly refused to participate in the temporary board of directors?

What a novelty!

"Chairman Qin, the internal situation of China Film Star Beauty is quite special. The board of directors actually exists in name only, and everyone is fighting on their own..." Jin Dongxu smiled embarrassedly, "I apologize for not being able to help Chairman Qin. "

"..." Qin Yuanyang on the other end of the phone thought for a long time before uttering this sentence with extreme restraint, "I really underestimated the 'unity' of you China Film Star Beauty!"

Qin Yuanyang's words are obviously satirizing Jin Dongxu and the entire China Film Star Beauty!

However, Jin Dongxu didn't even refute it, and even had to pull his face to apologize, "Chairman Qin, don't worry, I will unite with the shareholders and do my best to restrain Jiangdong..."

Before Jin Dongxu finished speaking, Qin Yuanyang interrupted impatiently, "Okay, when you can really tell me the good news, stop talking nonsense!"

After finishing speaking, Qin Yuanyang didn't give Jin Dongxu a chance to speak at all, and hung up the phone straightforwardly.

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