"There is also the entertainment industry. There have been many directors and actors who have publicly published articles, admitting to us Xingmei, and even the crew who wanted to make us lose money have stopped talking about it. Many theaters have closed down. Let them encounter an unprecedented crisis at the box office, they can't help it!"

"Mr. Jiang, I've never been so happy!"

Excited, Zhang Qingshan drank the coffee in one gulp, almost drinking it as beer.

"This is just the beginning." Jiang Dong smiled lightly, and said calmly: "Remember the directors, crews, and stars who sang against us in the notebook, and in the future, all theaters under our banner will ban them from playing them." videos!"

"What if other theaters play it?" Zhang Qingshan asked again.

"Block together!" Jiang Dong waved his big hand, and said domineeringly: "There is no need to announce this matter for the time being, you just keep it in your heart, if the actors we banned, if other theaters dare to continue to arrange films, they will deal with Qin's." Use tricks to deal with them!"

"I understand!" Zhang Qingshan has grown to the point where his whole body is shaking.

Jiang Dong's simple sentence proves that there will be such a money-burning battle in the future, and Xingmei will sweep the theater industry with an absolutely crushing attitude!

burn money?

It seems that the most important thing in Jiangdong is money, let's burn it together!

"Is there anything else?" Jiang Dong glanced at Zhang Qingshan.

"Mr. Jiang, it's okay, just leave the rest to me." Zhang Qingshan patted his chest and assured him.

He had never felt so confident, as if standing behind him was Jiang Dong, and Zhang Qingshan could knock down all theaters across the country!

"It's okay, I'm leaving." Jiang Dong got up and walked out of the coffee shop, followed by Dao Baqiang and Zhang Qingshan.

In front of the main entrance of Lin's shopping mall, Jiang Dong and Zhang Qingshan separated, but the former one separated from Zhang Qingshan, and the next moment, Jiang Dong saw Lin Yi...

"Brother Jiang, what a coincidence?" Lin Yi walked towards him with his beautiful assistant, and greeted Jiang Dong with a smile.

"Coincidence?" Jiang Dong said with a half-smile: "You must have come to create a chance encounter with me on purpose, right?"

"Brother Jiang, just see through it, don't tell me it's broken!" Lin Yi walked to Jiang Dong with a smile on his face.

"Tell me, what do you want from me?" Jiang Dong said indifferently.

Jiang Dong's attitude was very unfriendly, Lin Yi was fine, he still kept smiling, but the beautiful assistant behind him frowned slightly.

What is Lin Yi's identity?

Who dares not to give some thin noodles?

However, Lin Yi has lost face with Jiang Dong more than once!

"Brother Jiang, do you have time?" Lin Yi was not annoyed, he still smiled and said to Jiang Dong: "The elders of the Lin family invited Brother Jiang to come to Lin's old house for dinner."

"Talk about Lin Zhong?" Jiang Dong raised his eyebrows, and Lin Shi invited him, but he didn't expect that Lin Yi would directly tell him the result of Lin Zhong's punishment.

Jiang Dong was fine, but Dao Baqiang beside him had become panting, as if he had witnessed a miracle with his own eyes...

"Yes!" Lin Yi didn't hide anything, and said straightforwardly: "After all, Lin Zhong is a direct descendant of the Lin family, and I can't be the master, so I have to invite Brother Jiang to come to the Lin family as a guest, and let us, the real power holders of the Lin family, come and talk to each other. Brother Jiang discusses."

"Okay! It's okay anyway!" Jiang Dong waved his hand casually, as if Lin's old mansion, a sacred place in the eyes of others, is not a very awesome place in Jiang Dong's eyes, "You lead the way!"

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