Is it helping Jiang Dong suppress Lin Tianyu, or helping Lin Zhongping?

Everyone look at me, I look at you, for a while, no one wants to be this early bird!

For a moment, the hall fell into dead silence.

Lin Zhenhai still didn't open his eyes, but Lin Yi smiled helplessly.

"Brother Jiang, you are the party involved in this matter, why don't you express your opinion first?" Lin Yi could only put the burden of being the first to speak on Jiang Dong as the party involved, "Do you want Lin Yi How about Zhong, can we write it off at this time? Of course, don’t say anything about killing Lin Zhong, now it is a society ruled by law, killing people is not allowed!"

In the second half of the sentence, Lin Yi said it in a joking tone, but invisibly, he also drew a bottom line for Jiang Dong, that is, Lin Zhong can't die!

"Kill him?" Jiang Dong immediately sneered, "To be honest, I really wanted to kill him before."

Every time Jiang Dong said this, everyone in the audience gasped!

In the old house of the Lin family, in the core area of ​​the Lin family, in front of all those in power in the Lin family, they actually said that they wanted to kill Lin Zhong?

Can people really be so arrogant?

Completely treat Lin as a decoration!

Lin Yi still knew Jiangdong's temper very well, so his ability to accept it was stronger than others. When others were still immersed in the shock, Lin Yi had already opened his mouth and caught the loopholes in Jiangdong's dialect.

"Brother Jiang, what you said was before, what about now?" Lin Yi looked at Jiang Dong with a smile, and he felt that things had turned for the better.

"Now?" Jiang Dong raised Erlang's legs carelessly, leaned his body on the back of the Taishi chair, and said calmly: "I have changed my mind now, I don't want to kill him. Playing on my girlfriend, then, it's not too much for me to hit him, right?"

In an instant, the audience was silent!

Everyone looked at Jiang Dong with unbelievable eyes, including Lin Zhong, Dao Scarqiang, Lin Yi, Lin Tianyu and others.

Even Lin Zhenhai opened his eyes subconsciously, frowned slightly, and stared at Jiang Dong in puzzlement, as if he wanted to see Jiang Dong through...

"I'm done." Jiang Dong shrugged, and handed over the field control task to Lin Yi.

"Uh..." Lin Yi was a little dazed, but he quickly got into the mood, looked around, and asked everyone: "Shareholders, seniors, what do you think?"

"I don't think there's anything wrong with it! Isn't it just a fight?"

"I agree too!"

"The Dongfang Group's reputation in Shanghai has reached unprecedented heights, and Xingmei has suppressed Qin's Lightspeed Cinemas in this money-burning battle. We are still allies with this kid from Jiangdong. I think, That relationship should not be undermined."

Everyone expressed their opinions one after another, and all of them supported Jiang Dong's so-called "beat up" proposal.

Only Lin Tianyu stared at Jiang Dong with a cold face, as if he wanted to see through Jiang Dong's heart and figure out what trick he was trying to pull up.

But the reality slapped Lin Tianyu mercilessly, Jiang Dong's deep pupils did not show any flaws at all, Lin Tianyu returned without success.

"I object!" Lin Tianyu had no choice but to stand up and speak out, because he was his only son, and knowing that he was wrong, he would stand firmly by Lin Zhong's side.

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