Shenhao Sign-in System: Starting From 9 Yuan and 9 Seconds Kill

Chapter 1059 Brother Dong, are you going to abandon me?

It's not without reason that Xu Yangguang is so stalking.

Shanghai Xingmei and Dongfang Group are really popular in the business circle of Shanghai recently. Xu Yangguang knows that these two industries belong to Jiangdong, so he naturally wants to chase after Jiangdong. Maybe he can find new business opportunities for their family. Woolen cloth!

Facing Xu Yangguang's stalking, Jiang Dong ignored him, and hid in the bed and sent Ning Siqi Weixin, "I'm going to Longjing tomorrow, and I'll bring you a gift when I come back."

"Are you busy with work? Or is it for me?" Ning Siqi replied in seconds. Needless to say, she must be standing by the phone and waiting for Jiang Dong to give her prestige. Because she was afraid of disturbing Jiang Dong, Ning Siqi almost Don't take the initiative to give Jiangdong prestige.

Jiang Dong: "There are two reasons. I don't know the exact date of my return. I will surprise you when the time comes!"

"Then I'll wait for your surprise." At the end of the text message, there was a "kiss" expression.

"Don't worry, I'll take care of you when I come back."

"Old man, go to sleep, we have to leave for Longjing tomorrow!"

"Then I'm going to sleep." After the sweet prestige with Ning Siqi ended, Jiang Dong fell asleep within a short time.

There was nothing to say all night, and early the next morning, because there was a class at 8:00 in the morning, the people in the dormitory got up very early, and Jiang Dong was also woken up by the way.

However, this is exactly what Jiang Dong wanted, and he could go to Datang Hot Pot Restaurant to work earlier.

After all, he didn't know how long he would stay in Longjing this time. If he came back late and missed the check-in for a day, it would be one billion yuan!

No way, who made Longjing not have a branch of Datang Hot Pot Restaurant?

Going to Longjing to find a part-time job, not to mention whether Jiangdong has that time, just talking about work, it is not so easy to find!

After washing up, the four of Jiang Dong left the dormitory.

He Lin and Lu Zhuang went directly to the classroom, but it was Xu Yangguang who didn't seem to be going to class at all, but stood beside Jiang Dong and giggled.

"Why are you smirking here?" Jiang Dong gave Xu Yangguang a cold look, and took the initiative to distance himself from Xu Yangguang in order not to be mistaken for a neuropathy.

"Hey!" Xu Yangguang said with a naughty smile: "Brother Dong, let me wait for Mengmeng, the two of us will go to the hospital to get a certificate, and we are going to go to Longjinglang with you!"

"Go on your own!" Jiang Dong repeatedly waved his hands to reject Xu Yangguang. If Xu Yangguang followed him along the way, he had a hunch that he would be annoyed to death.

Xu Yangguang is a person who bears the honor and disgrace of his family. His future path must be to avenge his master. Now that he is hugging Jiangdong's thigh, he must look for opportunities to expand the family business. Maybe he won't bother Jiangdong?

"Brother Dong, are you going to abandon me? Xu Yangguang's eyes widened, showing a pitiful look.

"Lying grass!" Jiang Dong couldn't help cursing, "I know your family is the Kaixuan Group in Nanxian District, and I also know that you have a feud with the Xu family, one of the six major families in Shanghai, I will definitely help you if I have the chance , leave me alone, okay?"

"Lin Su has such a big mouth!" Xu Yangguang muttered unhappily, and then said pitifully to Jiang Dong: "Brother Dong, don't worry, I will never bother you..."

Before Xu Yangguang could finish speaking, Jiang Dong turned around and left.

"Brother Dong! Where are you going?" Xu Yangguang shouted towards Jiang Dong's back.

"Go to the airport!" Jiang Dong reported false news to Xu Yangguang directly, and ran away in a hurry.

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