"It doesn't matter. Anyway, I'm just here to tell you my thoughts. As for how to think and how to act, that's up to you." Lin Su said calmly.

Lin Su is really unqualified as a lobbyist, she just does it at will.

However, only such a lobbyist can have a chance to impress Jiang Dong!

"Then tell me!" Jiang Dong raised his hand, signaling Lin Su to continue.

"Since you already know the grievances between our family and the second bedroom, then you should be able to guess that the entire Lin family is not united." Lin Su talked eloquently, "Grandpa is still alive, so he can suppress everything for the time being. But grandpa's time is running out, and only I know about this matter, grandpa told me personally, grandpa is afraid that after a hundred years, my brother will not be able to suppress the Lin family's jackals, so he wants me to come to you for help."

"I see." Jiang Dong nodded in agreement.

No wonder Lin Zhenhai remained indifferent to Lin Zhong's dismissal last night. It turned out that he was using Jiang Dong's hand to help Lin Yi cut off his biggest competitor.

Once entering a wealthy family, the depths are like the sea, the ancients never bullied Jiangdong!

Even the closest relatives who have a direct blood relationship, there are deceptions, and even... killing people with a knife!

"My grandfather called me to the old house last night, and he told me that if one Lin Zhong falls, there will be a second, third, and even a fourth Lin Zhong who will come out and want to help me In order for my brother to secure that position, he must have strong allies and strengths, including my father who has been developing abroad in recent years, and he is also looking for help for my brother outside!" Lin Su said softly.

It has to be said that Lin Zhenhai, Lin Su and Lin Yi's father Lin Tiannan, including Lin Su himself, are doing their best to help Lin Yi sit in that position.

And Lin Yi is indeed qualified and capable to sit in that position!

"Your story didn't move me." Jiang Dong said honestly.

"I haven't finished yet!" Lin Su glared at Jiang Dong, "I know that you are a cold-blooded capitalist, but Lin Tianyu will never let you go, he will give everything he has, and he will be your enemy for the rest of his life , Never die, we have a common enemy, so more in-depth cooperation is a win-win thing for both of us."

"Lin Tianyu, I didn't take him seriously." Jiang Dong shook his head, and said slightly complaining: "Although I became Lin Zhenhai's knife unconsciously, it doesn't matter, I will uproot Lin Tianyu, As for the in-depth cooperation you mentioned, I'm not interested, because I don't lack anything!"

"In the past, if someone dared to say that he had everything in front of me, I would definitely tear his mouth apart. There must be a limit to bragging, okay?" Lin Subai glanced at Jiang Dong, "But you said this in front of me. Such words, I am powerless to refute..."

"Why?" Jiang Dong asked curiously.

"Because, you had an extra 1 billion in your account at the Nanxian District Branch of Longguo Bank yesterday, and you have an extra 1 billion today. To be honest, even our Lin family can't match this kind of horrible cash flow! " Lin Su said very frankly.

"Hahaha!" Jiang Dong laughed without warning, "I underestimated you, Mrs. Lin, to be so well-informed?"

Jiangdong's second huge sum of 1 billion had just arrived in the account within three hours at most, but Lin Su received the wind before boarding the plane, and Jiangdong had to admire Lin's intelligence network.

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