"Scumbag, our car is here. Do you have a car to pick you up? If there is no car, I can give you a ride!" Lin Su pointed to the two Range Rover and began to tease Jiang Dong.

"Don't bother you." Jiang Dong launched a sharp counterattack, "You are such a rich lady, why didn't you bring your car here?"

"Are you a fool? Longjing restricts the use of foreign cars, and without a Longjing household registration, you can't get a license if you buy a car!" Lin Su couldn't help laughing, this was Lin Su's countless quarrels with Jiang Dong , prevails for the first time.

"..." Jiang Dong was very upset, because he really didn't know this rule. By the way, Jiang Dong thought of the Porsche 911 he bought for Ning Siqi in Shanghai. It seems that he can't drive to Longjing?

"Ignorance is terrible! Play by yourself!" Lin Su smiled like a flower and got into a Range Rover.

"Will you come at night?" Yi Tong asked in a low voice with a blushing face as she passed by Jiang Dong.

"Yes." Jiang Dong smiled and responded seriously.

Yi Tong didn't say anything, and got into the Range Rover with Lin Su.

"Brother Dong, see you tonight!" Xu Yangguang said goodbye to Jiang Dong, "I'll contact my dad to raise money!"

"Squad leader, see you tonight." Xu Mengmeng also greeted Jiang Dong, and then got into another Range Rover with Xu Yangguang.

In a blink of an eye, both cars drove away, leaving only Jiang Dong and Dao Baqiang standing where they were.

"Brother Dong, our car is here." Dao Scar set up an arbor with his hands and looked at a BMW 760 that was slowly approaching.

The BMW 760 stopped firmly in front of Jiang Dong and Dao Baqiang, and an old acquaintance stepped down from the co-pilot's seat, and it was Tao Yong!

"Ouch! Mr. Jiang! Not seeing each other every day is like three autumns!" Tao Yong was dressed in a neat suit and was full of vigor, but his words were a little weird.

"Manager Tao, was fired by me and came to Longjing to make a living?" Jiang Dong sneered.

"That's what I said, I'm Mr. Jin's person, how can I make a living?" Tao Yong countered, not to be outdone, "I went to Xingmei, the magic city, just as an undercover agent! I heard that you are in the magic city. Xingmei is losing money in millions every day, so I feel relieved!"

"You don't need to worry about this." After Jiang Dong finished speaking, he walked slowly towards a taxi, without any intention of taking that BMW 760.

"Mr. Jiang, I heard that you are coming to Longjing, and I asked Mr. Jin for instructions to pick you up at the airport. You won't be so shameless, right?" Tao Yong shouted with a smile.

"Go back and tell your Mr. Jin, I'll go back and find him soon." Jiang Dong had already opened the door of the taxi, and smiled meaningfully at Tao Yong.

"Since Mr. Jiang doesn't give face, forget it." Tao Yong said triumphantly: "I forgot to tell you, I have eyeliner in the devil, I know your every move, don't try to play tricks!"

After saying this, Tao Yong also gave Jiang Dong a meaningful look, sat back in the BMW 760, and the car drove away. It seemed that he didn't come to pick up Jiang Dong at all, but simply wanted to come over to demonstrate That's all.

There is one thing to say, Tao Yong and Jiang Dong's acting skills are both online, it is completely a film king level show, the driver of the BMW 760 he watched firmly believed in Tao Yong's loyalty, and the scar was frowning...

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