Jiang Dong tilted his head, staring at Dao Scarqiang.

Seen by Jiang Dong's eyes, he felt a little nervous, Dao Baqiang asked guiltily: "Brother Dong, what do you see me doing?"

"I can't see it, you kid is quite cynical?" Jiang Dong couldn't help laughing.

"It's not cynical, I'm just lamenting that the world is getting worse." Scar said with a curled lip.

"The social environment is like this, we can't change anything, because I can't kill everyone." Jiang Dong shook his head, "You wait for me outside, with your face, it doesn't look like you It's a student."

After finishing speaking, Jiang Dong walked straight into Longguo Aviation University.

Jiang Dong had a plan in mind, but he didn't think about the details.

For things like Ning Siqi, the simplest and most direct way is to buy them with money. As the saying goes, money can make a ghost go away, but for this kind of money to buy, you must not just use money directly, but need to be flexible. Jiang Dong has already thought about it.

However, Jiang Dong is now facing a problem, how to meet the principal, and after meeting the principal, how to convince the principal that he is rich!

This is Longjing, not the city of magic. Jiangdong is not familiar with the place. It is not an easy matter to meet the principal of Longguo Aviation University. If you take a step back, even if Jiangdong sees it, people will not believe that Jiangdong is a god. Hao!

For example, you meet a stranger on the road, and he tells you that he is a hidden rich man without any cash on him, and that he wants to take you to fly, would you believe it?

Certainly not!

He even regarded that person as a psychopath!


direct transfer?

If you were the arrogance of Longguo Aviation Academy, would you let someone who didn't believe it at all transfer money to you?

It's just superfluous!

What's more, who knows if it's a competitor's trap!

"Yes!" Jiang Dong thought of a good way and dialed Sun Dazhi's phone number.

As the saying goes, wearing a dragon robe does not look like a prince, let alone an emperor, but if there is a eunuch standing next to him, let alone a prince, even if he looks like an emperor, no one will refute what!

This is the status quo in today's society. You should first respect the clothes and then the people. As long as your appearance is bright enough, you will be a successful person. No one will care whether you bought this suit with a lot of money...

"Mr. Jiang, what's your order?" Sun Dazhi answered Jiang Dong's call almost immediately.

"President Sun, do you have any familiar colleagues in Longjing?" Jiang Dong asked straight to the point.

"There must be! I often go to Longjing headquarters for meetings!" Sun Dazhi immediately cheered up. Jiang Dong is looking for him to do something. This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, and Sun Dazhi will never let it go, "Mr. Jiang, If you have anything to do, just order it!"

"I'm at Longguo Aeronautical University in Yangchao District. You can contact someone with a higher position to come and do me a favor. I'll deposit another billion in your friend's bank tomorrow!"

"Wow..." Sun Dazhi couldn't help but swear, which was caused by being too shocked. When Sun Dazhi came back to his senses, he quickly apologized to Jiang Dong, "Mr. Jiang, I am not scolding you, I It's just too shocking..."

Yesterday I deposited 1 billion for the Wucheng branch, and today I deposited another 1 billion for the Nanxian branch. If things are done well, I will deposit another 1 billion for the person Sun Dazhi recruited tomorrow...

Sun Dazhi had a subversive understanding of the terrifying cash flow controlled by Jiangdong, and he finally realized how stupid it was to apply for an interest-free loan to Jiangdong in the first place!

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