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Chapter 1074 Conscience Hasn't Been Eaten By Dogs Yet

After being called out by Jiang Dong, the girl's emotions gradually stabilized. She knew that she met a good man today.

On the other side, the big black man was also intimidated by Jiang Dong's aura, especially Jiang Dong's eyes, it was like a bloodthirsty beast that might rush up and bite the big black man to death at any time.

In an instant, the big black man panicked.

But when the big black man saw Jiang Dong's slightly thin figure, the expression of disdain climbed up his cheek again, and it was more intense than before!

"What do you want? What can you do to me?" The big black man pointed at Jiang Dong arrogantly, and began to yell wildly, "I'm a foreigner, if you offend me, I'll kill you!"

The big man Hei's voice fell to the ground, and the crowd watching the fun all around took a few steps back in unison, as if he was afraid that the big man Hei would implicate his anger on them.

And that girl, who had just stabilized her emotions, collapsed again, and tears flowed down like a kite with a broken string.

"Lying grass! I have seen arrogant people before, but I have never seen you so arrogant!" Jiang Dong laughed angrily. Usually this sentence is described by others, but he was forced to give it to this black man when he went today. Brother, it can be seen that Jiang Dong is indeed very angry.

"Now you have seen it!" The big black man still has a thorough understanding of Longguo dialect, and he even knows how to talk to Jiangdong.

Jiang Dong ignored the big man, stretched out his hand to help the girl who was slumped on the ground, and comforted him softly: "It's okay, I'll take care of this matter!"

However, as soon as Jiang Dong finished speaking, contemptuous and mocking voices erupted from all around.


"Big words!"

"Are you in control? What are you in charge of? He is a foreigner!"

"Is it crazy to want a hero to save the beauty?"

"What ignorance and stupidity!"

The cynicism around is like the waves of the ocean, one wave is higher than the other.

When this group of people faced the big black man, none of them dared to fart, just like quails.

But facing Jiang Dong, who is also a native of Longguo, they turned into trolls one after another, showing all kinds of contempt.

It is simply a large-scale double-standard scene!

Worshiping foreigners, there must be a limit, okay?

Really sad...sad!

"You guys..." Jiang Dong raised his hand aggressively and pointed at a certain type of students around him, "It's really a bunch of dogs."

"Lying on the grass!"

"You still dare to curse?"

"Believe it or not, I beat you up?"

The surrounding students immediately burst into violent shouts, as if they would rush up to beat Jiangdong in the next moment.

"Hehe!" Jiang Dong sneered, pointing at the big black guy, "When this idiot beat up a girl just now, why didn't you guys stand up and uphold justice? Or do you think that I, as a native of Longguo, are more bullied?" Some?"


"Stop talking nonsense!"

"I think you owe it to me!"

The surrounding discussions began to weaken, and many people bowed their heads in shame. Only a very small number of people were still biting the bullet and fighting with Jiang Dong.

It can be seen that the vast majority of people know how to write the word "shame".

This shows that this group of so-called college students has not completely lost their personality and conscience, and their conscience has not been eaten by dogs.

Jiang Dong didn't bother to talk to the group of idiots, his eyes were fixed on the big black man, and his tone suddenly became cold, "Do you think you can do whatever you want?"

"Otherwise?" The big black man was completely unaware of the imminent danger, and he still pretended to beep with Jiang Dong in a high-spirited way.

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