However, before Big Hei could finish his words, Jiang Dong's iron fist had already greeted his face!


Because Jiang Dong's fist was too fast, after intense friction with the air, there was even a sonic boom!

Before the big black guy had time to react, Jiang Dong's iron fist was already on his mouth...


A dull sound suddenly exploded, and together with it, there was the scream of the big black man, and the white teeth flying all over the sky...

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" The scream of the big black man almost resounded throughout the campus.

Being hit in the mouth by Jiang Dong's punch, even if Jiang Dong didn't use his true energy, it wasn't something ordinary people like Hei Dagu could resist.

After this punch, the big black man not only lost 2/3 of his teeth, but also covered his mouth and rolled all over the ground, and his whole body was still convulsed!

Such a scene made everyone dumbfounded, including Ling Xiaoxiao.

On the other hand, Jiang Dong, as if nothing happened, walked to the periphery like a leisurely stroll. In front of a boy who was smaller and more upright, before the boy realized what was going on, Jiang Dong directly snatched the bottle of unopened mineral water in his hand. gone.

"You..." The boy who was robbed of mineral water looked at Jiang Dong in amazement.

I saw that Jiang Dong opened the mineral water and used the water in it to rinse the fist that hit the big man in the face just now. While rinsing, he raised his head and grinned at the boy, "I lend you a bottle of water to wash my hands, and I will pay you back later." .”

"Ah! No need! No need to pay back!" The boy waved his hands again and again, and ran away in a panic, because Jiang Dong looked at him with eyes full of light like a beast, as if he would pounce on him and bite his throat the next moment.

How could a student be able to withstand the pressure that Jiang Dong put on him?

However, the boy's fleeing completely detonated the scene.

Unlike the boy, this group of ignorant college students experienced the horror and murderousness of Jiangdong up close, so this group of people who eat melons began to clamor...

"Lying grass! This guy hit a foreigner!"

"You are finished! No matter which school you are, you will be expelled!"

"You may even be taken to court!"

"Let you pretend to beep! It's nothing to play as a hero to save the beauty? Is it so easy to save?"

"It deserves it!"

The melon eaters once again refreshed Jiangdong's understanding and bottom line of the word "conscience".

"Enough! You cowards!" Ling Xiaoxiao stood up and shouted hoarsely, "You are willing to be a turtle for the rest of your life, so be it, but you are not qualified to prevent a normal person from straightening his back!"

Ling Xiaoxiao's argument seemed so feeble in front of a crowd of melon eaters.

Almost instantly, Ling Xiaoxiao's voice was drowned out by the crowd's mocking voices.

"Forget it, there's no need to argue with them." Jiang Dong patted Ling Xiaoxiao's fragrant shoulders, and handed her the remaining half bottle of mineral water, "Do you want to wash the wound? To avoid infection!"

"Thank you..." Ling Xiaoxiao took the mineral water from Jiangdong with tears in her beautiful eyes, and the expression on her pretty face was even more erratic, crying and laughing from time to time.

However, it wasn't until this time that Jiang Dong suddenly discovered that Ling Xiaoxiao's appearance was definitely buried by messy clothes, hair, and those injuries. If she groomed herself and matched her healing smile, The appearance value is definitely more than 90 points!

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