"Like you guys." Jiang Dong gave a thumbs up sincerely.

"By the way, young man, what's your name? Age? Native place?" The old inspector picked up a pen and paper, and it seemed that he planned to take notes directly in the car.

This matter is already obvious at a glance. It is actually superfluous to bring Jiangdong and Ling Xiaoxiao back to the patrolling department. If you can make the best record in the car, you will save Jiangdong from going to the patrolling department.

One thing to say, these two police officers are not only upright, but also very humane.

"My name is Jiangdong..." Jiangdong made a simple record according to the requirements of the police.

Jiang Dong recounted his personal information, of course the part that can be said, including the incident of the beating by foreigners, and recounted it from the perspective of the person involved. Dao Scarqiang went back to the hotel first to wait for him.

After Jiangdong finished recording the statement, the police car just returned to the Yangchao District Patrol Division.

"Okay, young man, you can go." The old patrol patted Jiang Dong's shoulder vigorously, and said earnestly: "Don't affect your integrity because of certain things, you have to firmly believe that good people in the world Far more than bad guys!"

"Thank you." Jiang Dong nodded slightly. He really admired these two people. Jiang Dong even felt that the insurance business of Dongfang Group was his most successful business so far!

When Jiang Dong got off the patrol car, he found a tall and delicate figure standing by the side of the road. It was a girl about the same age as Jiang Dong. Her figure was absolutely explosive, and her appearance was almost the same as Ning Siqi's. The most important thing was What's more, why does Jiang Dong look familiar to this girl?

Clothes, and injuries on his face, a name suddenly flashed in Jiang Dong's mind, Ling Xiaoxiao!

"Hi!" Ling Xiaoxiao walked straight to Jiangdong, and greeted Jiangdong generously, "Don't you know me?"

"Uh...you are Ling Xiaoxiao?" Jiang Dong looked at Ling Xiaoxiao who was smiling, and said hesitantly.

"Yes! Of course it's me! I thought you forgot about me!" Ling Xiaoxiao put her hands behind her back, tilted her head, and looked at Jiangdong charmingly.

"When I saw you just now, your hair was quite messy. I didn't see your appearance very clearly, so I didn't recognize it for a while." Jiang Dong explained.

To be honest, Ling Xiaoxiao's appearance really surprised Jiang Dong. He couldn't think of it to be higher than his initial expectation. He completely caught up with Ning Siqi, and his figure was not bad at all. Everyone has to be distracted.

"Have you finished recording your statement, too? I just finished too!" Ling Xiaoxiao seemed to relax, "I would like to thank you formally, thank you for saving me today and solving so many troubles, I think Can you have a meal, please?"

Ling Xiaoxiao is not only a stubborn type, but also an action type. Unlike Ning Siqi's silly Baitian, she is very assertive, and she is definitely the kind of girl who can say whatever she thinks, without being hypocritical at all.

Compared with Ning Siqi, Ling Xiaoxiao is a different type!

"Since you have said so, how can I refuse?" Jiang Dong shrugged and smiled calmly.

Not taking the initiative, not refusing, Jiang Dong has always followed through very well.



Stop making trouble, when you have the Shenhao system, you will have a different feeling when you face this time.

Similarly, if you were young and capable and did not feel inferior, and girls like Ling Xiaoxiao and Yitong offered to come to your door, would you refuse?

It is estimated that the speed of rushing to the bed is faster than that of a Bugatti Veyron!

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