"Call me if it's convenient." Jiang Dong sent such a message in the group, and then Tao Yong's call came after him.

"Mr. Jiang! Jin Dongxu is attending a reception held by a business partner, and he probably intends to be unfavorable to Mr. Jiang!" Tao Yong's breathing was a little short. Obviously, he was also shocked by Jiang Dong's bargaining chip.

According to the development of this situation, if Tao Yong settles Jin Dongxu's matter, wouldn't he be the head of Longjing Xingmei?

Longjing Xingmei, in a sense, belongs to a unique position, because Longjing is a unique city in the Dragon Kingdom!

"He's not good for me? He's too young!" Jiang Dong sneered disdainfully: "He hasn't learned how to put down his hypocritical identity to engage in the most primitive hand-to-hand combat with his opponent!"

"Hey! What Mr. Jiang said is true!" Tao Yong laughed treacherously.

"Is there any clue to what I asked you to check?" Jiang Dong asked indifferently.

"Mr. Huijiang, you already have an idea!" Tao Yong smiled sadly, "I know that I'm not particularly right, but in this world, as long as you have money, there is nothing you can't do! "

"Then get ready. Tomorrow, I will give Jin Dongxu a big gift!" Jiang Dong sneered.

"A self-righteous person like Jin Dongxu, he thought he had fooled everyone, and now he is discussing with his allies how to deal with Mr. Yinjiang!" Tao Yong spat in disdain, "Mr. Lianjiang made a move!" Even if he can’t take it down, how dare he become an enemy of Mr. Jiang? Tomorrow I must ask Jin Dongxu, where did he get his courage!”

"Okay! You don't have to flatter me anymore. If you can successfully get the shares in Jin Dongxu's hands, you will be the head of Xingmei Longjing! Go and prepare! Also, send me what I want!" After Jiang Dong finished speaking, he hung up the phone directly.

Kim Dong Wook?

He is a piece of wool!

He's just a self-righteous reptile, even those from the Qin family beat him a few streets!

After finishing the call with Tao Yong, Jiang Dong called Zhang Qingshan again and asked about the situation in Shanghai.

Zhang Qingshan’s answer was that everything in Shanghai is stable. At present, there are only two theaters in operation in Shanghai. One is Qin’s Lightspeed Cinema, which offers a 30% discount on tickets, and the other is Xingmei, which is very popular in Shanghai. .

The Qin family obviously couldn't stand it anymore and didn't dare to lower the price at all. The two brothers Qin Yuanyang and Qin Yuanhang called Zhang Qingshan in turn, and even the relevant departments of the Chinese culture and media in the Modu government sent invitations to Zhang Qingshan for a meeting.

It's just that Zhang Qingshan pushed all the troubles to Jiangdong, who is far away in Longjing.

I have to say that Zhang Qingshan is considered smart this time, at least he is not rigid.

"Good job, this group of people probably wouldn't dare to call me." Jiang Dong smiled calmly, "Remember, don't worry about how much you will lose, I don't feel sorry for you, you are afraid of wool, and Qin's hard steel In the end, it's over, the steel is so strong that they can't resist and can't afford to pay, so we just took over their theaters, and this war is won!"

"Understood!" Zhang Qingshan roared excitedly.

In just a few days, the once unattainable bigwigs of the theaters were rubbed against the ground, and they all came to Zhang Qingshan as if they were begging their grandpa to sue their grandma. This greatly satisfied Zhang Qingshan's vanity, and even more so. It is to make him full of motivation and enthusiasm!

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