Shenhao Sign-in System: Starting From 9 Yuan and 9 Seconds Kill

Chapter 1103 Head-on confrontation, devouring Xingmei (Part 2)

"Don't yell here, put your things down and leave!" Tian Yuhao sneered, the manager shuddered, and hurriedly ordered Tian Yuhao's crab yolk and egg porridge, Xiaolongbao and Longjing's most distinctive After the soybean juice was placed on the table, she left the room in a panic.

"Your Tiandi Group's management system is pretty good, you got to know me so soon?" Jiang Dong asked curiously.

"This is for sure. If there are loopholes in the internal management of a large consortium, it can only be said that it is not far from defeat!" Tian Yuhao said quite proudly: "As early as you transferred me 100 million funds , your photos and information have been passed to every management, high-level and middle-level leaders, so I can proudly tell you that in Tiandi Group, Tongtian members do not need a membership card, as long as they sign up Put your name on it, that is the most effective membership card!"

"Six six six..." Jiang Dong couldn't help but made a "six" gesture towards Tian Yuhao, shaking it in front of his eyes, "After I go back, I plan to manage my property in the same way."

"Are you interested in hiring the professional team of our Tiandi Group? We can provide customized packaging, maintenance and improvement for your various industries in all aspects!" Tian Yuhao immediately promoted the family business.

"Your family, even take this job?" Jiang Dong asked curiously.

"What's the matter? Our family is in the service industry!" Tian Yuhao said disapprovingly: "In fact, everything is the same. As long as you master this field thoroughly, you can grasp the essence and master the essence. If you have thoroughly mastered this field, such as the service industry in Longguo, I dare say that our family can be ranked in the top three!"

"Then you're low-key enough!" Jiang Dong teased, "Based on the title of the top three in the Dragon Kingdom, at least half of the six major families in the Demon Capital will be suppressed by your Tian family!"

"If you want to say that, there's nothing wrong with it." Tian Yuhao smiled embarrassingly, "I found that I learned from you badly, as if the whole person became floating."

"Floating? Do you want to go with me to the headquarters of China Film Star Beauty and see how I am floating?" Jiang Dong raised the corners of his mouth and laughed sinisterly.

"I wish for it!" Tian Yuhao will definitely not let go of this opportunity to get closer to Jiang Dong. The most important thing is that he really wants to see how Jiang Dong kills Jin Dongxu!

In Longjing, Jin Dongxu is not really a person. People worth more than one billion are everywhere in Shanghai, and the same is true in Longjing!

The reason why Jin Dongxu has his own small circle and supporters is entirely because of his status as the number one shareholder of China Film Star Beauty, plus the blessing of being the head of the film!

However, it is also doomed that Jin Dongxu is not an ordinary person!

The breakfast for the two of them was finished within five minutes. Afterwards, the two well-dressed young gods got into the Porsche 9.18 and headed straight to the China Film Xingmei headquarters in Yangchao District!

It took more than two hours to drive, but Tian Yuhao shortened it to less than two hours. This journey is like the real version of speed and passion!

Fortunately, this one is luxurious enough, no matter if it is a taxi or a private car, all of them give way, otherwise, even if Tian Yuhao goes crazy again, facing the traffic that Longjing dominates the whole country, he will have to stop!

At 10:30 in the morning, the Porsche 9.18 stopped in front of the main entrance of China Film Xingmei headquarters building. Jiang Dong and Tian Yuhao got off the luxury car gracefully.

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