"Lying grass! How dare you hate my brother Wang? If my brother Wang hears this, why don't you go all out with you?" Tian Yuhao said gloatingly.

"In a few days, I will also buy a team and compete with him. I must break his undefeated record as a professional player!"

"I can see it, you are really floating!" Tian Yuhao's sense of anticipation was filled by Jiang Dong again.

With a sound of "ding", the elevator has already reached the twenty-sixth floor.

The moment the elevator door opened, a corridor covered with top-quality lambswool carpets and calligraphy and paintings on both sides of the walls came into Jiangdong's sight. There was another person who was ordered to stay at the elevator door to wait for Jiangdong's Tao Yong. ...

"Jiangdong, we meet again." Tao Yong looked at Jiangdong with a half-smile, "Let's go, Jindong and all the shareholders and executives are already waiting for you in the conference room!"

"Why is their elevator faster than ours?" Tian Yuhao asked a very stupid question.

The reason why Tian Yuhao asked this kind of question was because he completely let go of all his burdens today, and really regarded himself as an ordinary melon-eating crowd.

"Young Master Tian!" Tao Yong immediately responded with a low eyebrow and pleasing eyes: "Because your elevator is an ordinary elevator, and the elevator used by Chairman Jin and shareholders is a special elevator, so the speed will definitely be faster!"

"Yes! I ignored this matter!" Tian Yuhao nodded seriously.

Tian Yuhao didn't learn how to float, but he did learn what it means to let himself go completely!

"Then let's go! My time is limited!" Jiang Dong took a deep look at Tao Yong.

"Huh!" Tao Yong snorted coldly, then stepped on the lamb velvet carpet and walked down the corridor towards the depths.

Jiang Dong and Tian Yuhao walked behind Tao Yong, Tian Yuhao deliberately lagged behind Tao Yong a few steps, grabbed Jiang Dong, and asked curiously: "You really want to kill Jin Dongxu with cash, right? Recently, the stock price of the United States has plummeted, and the shares in Jin Dongxu's hands are worth at most one billion yuan!"

"Do you think I will kill Jin Dongxu with such an unexpected method?" Jiang Dong curled his lips in disdain, "Besides, why did I spend so much money to acquire his shares? I bought his shares. Shares, isn’t the money his? My money is not so easy to earn!”

"Come on! I'll go in with you to watch the show!" Jin Dongxu's sense of anticipation was immediately full, and even if he didn't ask more questions, because if there were too many questions, it would be boring.

Soon, Tao Yong brought Jiang Dong and Tian Yuhao to the largest conference room on the 26th floor of China Film Xingmei. Here, it will only be used when the general meeting of shareholders is held. It can be seen that Jin Dongxu is very interested in meeting Jiang Dong this time. , how much attention should be paid!

"Jiang Dong, you are also the second largest shareholder of China Film Xingmei, sit on my left!" Seeing Tao Yong bring Jiang Dong in, Jin Dongxu immediately sneered impatiently, he wanted to regain the face he lost just now .

"Sit here?" Jiang Dong walked to the seat on Jin Dongxu's left, but he didn't sit down directly. Instead, he looked around at the people sitting around the huge oval conference table, and finally his eyes fell on the seat on the left. On Jin Dongxu, who is the main seat at the top of the conference table, "I want to take your seat!"

As soon as Jiang Dong's words came out, everyone in the audience was in an uproar. Even Tian Yuhao, who sat on the sofa in the corner, couldn't help but look at Jiang Dong more.

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